Wrinkle gelatin


mask film

After reading our article, most likely, you rush to the nearest grocery store to replenish stocks of gelatin. This product, known to every hostess, contains collagen in its composition, which returns the elasticity of the skin. Gelatin anti-wrinkle masks have a softening, smoothing, tightening effect, eliminate age pigmentation, freckles and make facial contours expressive. We will tell you how to use anti-wrinkle gelatin and share the best mask based recipes for different skin types.

Rules for using gelatin wrinkle masks

Before using anti-wrinkle gelatin, read the rules, compliance with which will allow you to get a visible result as soon as possible:

  • For the preparation of any mask of gelatin against wrinkles, the product must be diluted with water. In no case should you use boiling water for this, otherwise the product will lose its miraculous properties.
  • When you open a bag of gelatin, make sure that you have a high-quality product: it should not have any pronounced color or smell.
  • It must be diluted in the correct proportions: for one spoonful of the dry component, you need to take 6 liquids of the same volume by the spoon. By the way, it is possible to dilute gelatin not only with water, but also with milk and decoction of herbs, based on the selected recipe.
  • It takes about half an hour for the product to swell, but this is not the end of the preparation. After that, it should be heated for about 3-4 minutes on low heat until the consistency of the mixture is completely homogeneous.
  • Any mask of gelatin against wrinkles is applied to the prepared face. The skin is recommended to thoroughly steam, for example, using a steam sauna or the old-fashioned way, tilting your face over a container of boiling water. This stage should not be neglected, because it will increase the effectiveness of gelatin masks at times.
  • Since any mask that includes gelatin is considered heavy, applying it to the skin around the eyes is not recommended.
  • To remove the remnants of the mask from the skin, you must use ordinary warm water, the optimum temperature is 25-27 degrees.

correct preparation of the product

Cooking gelatin masks at home

Every woman who decides to start "gelatin therapy" should understand that you should not expect instant results. Gelatin is not Botox and after the first application of the effect "wow"most likely will not. However, gelatin for the face from wrinkles with regular use will give your skin youth and beauty without salon procedures and expensive preparations. The main thing is to pick up "your" recipe. The main criterion for selection is the skin type of a woman.

Our skin quickly gets used to the products that we put on it. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to periodically change the usual recipes and components.

Anti-wrinkle masks with gelatin for dry skin

If your skin is prone to dryness and flaking, early signs of aging may appear on it rather early due to a lack of moisture. The following recipes will help save the situation.

Creamy gelatin recipe

This mask of gelatin for wrinkles has not only numerous positive feedback from women, but also a very simple preparation scheme:

  1. According to the rules described above, we dilute 3 teaspoons of gelatin with 100 ml of water.
  2. When the diluted mixture has cooled, add a tablespoon of sour cream with a slide and a couple of drops of vitamin E.
  3. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  4. Then the mixture is applied to the skin. By the way, you can put it on the neck and décolleté.
  5. The exposure time was half an hour.
  6. After this time, remove the mask as a film, rinse off the rest with warm water.

blend components

Gelatin honey recipe

The following mask for dry skin is prepared according to this step by step instructions:

  1. First of all we breed gelatin. You will need 2 small spoons of the dry ingredient and 12 small spoons of water.
  2. In a cushy gelatin mixture add 3 full tablespoons of glycerin, which must be purchased in advance at the pharmacy.
  3. There we send 3 small spoons of liquid honey.
  4. We drip a couple of drops of vitamin E and mix the ingredients thoroughly until smooth.
  5. Apply the prepared anti-aging mixture for 20 minutes, and then, as in the previous recipe, remove the film and wash with water.

jar of honey

Gelatin wrinkle masks for oily skin

One of the most common problems for women with oily skin is black spots. The following recipes will not only smooth out wrinkles, but also eliminate comedones.

Gelatin recipe

For the preparation of this tool you need the usual activated carbon. The instruction in stages looks like this:

  1. Take a teaspoon of gelatin and 2 tablets of coal, pre-crushed into powder.
  2. Add 3 tablespoons of warm milk and leave the mixture for about 25 minutes.
  3. Stir the mass increased in volume and apply on the prepared skin. As we have already noted, the face should be steamed before each mask.
  4. The mixture should be on the face for a quarter of an hour, then remove the frozen film and wash the face with water.

Activated carbon

Gelatin Flour Recipe

The following recipe, in addition to flour and the traditional component gelatin, includes a fermented milk ingredient. It can be either yogurt or kefir, and yogurt without filler. The scheme of preparation and application of the mask is as follows:

  1. Take 2 small spoons of gelatin and soak them in 12 spoons of warm water of the same volume.
  2. After about half an hour, when the mass swells, add 2 small spoons of wheat flour and 2 large spoons of a fermented milk product to it.
  3. All mix and apply to the skin.
  4. Keep about 20 minutes, then wash off.

Gelatin wrinkle masks for normal skin

As a rule, women with normal skin type are extremely rare. If you do not pay proper attention to the face care, normal skin can easily turn into both dry and oily skin. The following recipe, the main component of which is gelatin will allow you to maintain "reference" skin condition and wipe away signs of aging.

Cucumber-gelatin recipe

Cucumber due to its chemical composition, namely the high content of vitamin C, P, A, B vitamins and iodine perfectly tones the skin. In a duet with gelatin, an effective tool is obtained, which is very easy to prepare with your own hands:

  1. Soak a teaspoon of gelatin with 6 teaspoons of warm water.
  2. Grate a half of an average cucumber on a fine grater, and chop it better in a blender.
  3. Mix the ingredients and mix.
  4. Keep on the face means you can up to half an hour.

cucumber puree

If you know of other effective ways to apply wrinkle gelatin, share your recipes under the article.

Video: How to make a wrinkle mask with gelatin