Thermage of the face - beauty and youth without surgery

No matter how hard people resist, time takes its toll. Looking in the mirror, it is already with regret that you can find new wrinkles on your face. What to do? Give in to time? Or go for an expensive operation under a surgical knife? Fortunately, medicine and technology are moving forward, and there is no need to choose between the two extremes today. Thermage of the face will be an excellent solution for those who wish to restore the skin of their former youth, without resorting to plastic surgery!
What is facial thermage?
The term thermage is formed from two English words “therm” - “therm, temperature” and “age” - “age”. Already from the name it becomes clear that the procedure Thermage is a struggle with age through thermal exposure. With the help of a special apparatus, the face is exposed to radio-frequency pulses, heating the upper layers of the dermis.
This technology is an improved version of diathermy. The difference is that outdated technology had a thermal effect on too deep levels of body tissues, which subsequently harmed the skin. Modern thermage does not penetrate so deeply, affecting only those layers of the dermis to be sufficient for rejuvenation, and at the same time safe for health.

Indications and contraindications to the use of thermage
If you notice one or more of the following skin problems in yourself, then the procedure is a thermal procedure for you:
- Loss of skin elasticity;
- Sagging and flabbiness of the skin;
- Changing face contours;
- The manifestation of the first signs of aging;
- The presence of a second chin;
- Sagging of the upper and lower eyelids;
- Wrinkles around the eyes.
The procedure Thermage effectively combats all these problems, returning the skin of the face freshness, youth and elasticity.

Contraindications for thermage face:
- Pregnancy;
- Chronic skin diseases;
- The presence of wounds in the treatment area;
- Connective tissue diseases;
- Diabetes;
- The presence in the body of pacemakers.

Advantages of thermage
Compared with other methods of returning the skin of youth, this procedure has its advantages:
- The procedure does not just mask skin defects - under the influence of high-frequency energy, collagen is updated at a deep level;
- Quick results: visible rejuvenation of the skin occurs after the first procedure;
- Painless procedure;
- Lack of a rehabilitation period: unlike surgical operations with a long-term recovery, the face thermage does not leave behind any painful sensations and saves you from the rehabilitation phase;
- Lasting effect: the results of applying thermage can be maintained for periods of up to 5 years;
- The cost of thermage corresponds to its quality;
- Ideal for those who have a psychological fear of surgery;
- With the help of a special device, face thermage can be done at home, if you carefully follow the step by step instructions.
Disadvantages of thermage

But, as in almost any cosmetological procedure, there are also disadvantages:
- It has a number of contraindications, therefore, is not suitable for everyone;
- There is a risk (albeit low) of edema, skin irritation, burns;
- Although the price corresponds to quality, it is still quite high, starting from about 80,000 rubles;
- Thermage of a person at home is possible, but still, because of possible risks, it is not recommended to make it to yourself if you have no experience;
- The result is not forever.
The procedure Thermage in the beauty salon

So how does this magical procedure go?
- Before you decide to carry out this lifting, you should undergo at least a minimal medical examination by a dermatologist. After collecting data on the condition of your skin and overall health, he will give you written permission to conduct the thermage.
- After that, you choose a fairly well-known and reliable beauty salon and sign up for the procedure.
- Going into a special room, you will see a comfortable chair and a Thermage device, for example, Thermacool, next to it. A beautician will use a special washable marker to mark the sectors on your face that will be oriented during the procedure for geometric accuracy.
- First, the doctor 1-2 times conducts manipulation over the entire face, giving a general rejuvenating effect. After this, a more specific study of the problem areas takes place: the areas around the eyes, mouth and facial contours. After this, the most important stage is penetration of the tension vectors, which is the main lifting effect.

The procedure of thermage lasts from 20 to 90 minutes, depending on the condition of the skin, the tasks and the amount of work.
Thermage of the face at home
In 2013, Swiss specialists developed and released a special Thermage Mini device for lifting at home. A phased scheme is attached to the device, in accordance with which you can perform the thermage of the face yourself. But remember that there are risks and contraindications, therefore, without special knowledge in this area it is not recommended to carry out the procedure.

Being beautiful is easy, you just need to want it. Many who have made thermage of the face were satisfied with the effect of rejuvenating the skin and left only positive feedback. It becomes softer, more elastic, wrinkles, bags under the eyes, flabbiness disappear. Be sure to look at the photos before and after those who used the thermage procedure.
If you had a bad experience in this area, then share it in the comments after the article. Be forever young and beautiful, you will succeed!