Strawberry for face


strawberry for face

The strawberry is large, juicy berries ripening on summer beds. The scientific name of the garden crop is garden strawberries, and it can be used not only as a sweet dietary dessert, but also as a natural anti-aging agent. Today we will analyze the usefulness of strawberries for the face and how women will be able to use this fragrant miracle growing in the garden to preserve and enhance their own beauty.

Use strawberry for face

The use of strawberries for the face is determined by the characteristics of the chemical composition of this fragrant berries. Any of the components, after penetrating the cells, does some work there, and as a result, the complex effect transforms a woman of any age.

  • Sucromatizing integuments, after applying a long-lasting sensation of freshness.
  • Water - takes about 90% of the total mass of the berries. Masks with strawberries for dry skin soften flaky spots, moisturize dry areas, help get rid of the feeling of tightness.
  • Nitrogenous substances - they treat microdamages of the dermis, they will perfectly help in eliminating wounds from acne or acne. Reduce the area and the degree of irritation of the areas.
  • Organic acids clean the pores clogged with debris (peeling), rejuvenate, have a lifting effect (tighten the spreading contour) and level the texture.

strawberry use

  • Tannins are ideal for problem skin, smooth uneven, have anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, strawberry masks are used when you need to quickly and effectively cope with rashes.
  • Pectic substances allow the covers to resist aggressive environment. If you make it a rule to regularly apply a mask of this berry, the risk of sunburn in the sun is reduced significantly.
  • Cellulose is the roughest part of the berry. The fibers cleanse the pores, smooth the face and make the skin elastic and resilient.
  • Ash is only 0.8% of the total mass, but in the composition of the masks and this amount will be sufficient to provide a therapeutic effect. Heals cracks and wounds quickly.
  • Ascorbic acid is a natural antioxidant that slows down the aging process on the face and décolleté area, prevents the appearance of new wrinkles, rejuvenates and tightens the face.

rejuvenation and beauty

This is not a complete list, what is useful for the skin strawberries. This very amazing berry has many vitamins and minerals:

  • A- heals;
  • B9- reflects ultraviolet;
  • H-tones;
  • potassium moisturizes;
  • Calcium - activates blood circulation processes.

It turns out that strawberries for leather are a real fount of beauty components. Facial care products made from strawberries will help you achieve unfading youth and freshness.

Indications for the use of strawberry masks

Masks from summer berries are unusual in that they have an immediate effect on the face. You will begin to feel the first effect after their first application. However, uncontrolled and frequent use can cause allergies. Use the berry only for the following indications:

  • nutrition after seasonal avitaminosis;
  • tightening and rejuvenation of flabbiness;
  • moisturizing dry skin, elimination of pigmentation;
  • Sun protection;
  • strawberry mask for oily skin tightens pores, gives the face a pleasant matte texture;
  • as a peeling for mild cleaning;
  • nutrient for normal skin;
  • for clarification of small and average pigmentary spots;
  • restores the natural shade of the face;
  • against external inflammatory processes.

Summer mood

It turns out that the mask for the skin of strawberries is ideal for both young girls, to get rid of acne, and for women of Balzac age to slow down the aging process.

Contraindications for use

Uncontrolled, self-confident treatment even with such a seemingly harmless berry can turn into disastrous consequences.

Important! A huge number of people suffer from individual intolerance strawberries. Allergy is manifested not only by the urticaria, but also by nausea, anaphylactic shock, edema, vomiting, cutting in the abdomen. When applied externally guaranteed swelling and rash all over the body. In the worst case, allergies can result in a chemical burn.

Be prepared to give up the berry means, when:

  • individual intolerance;
  • close location of capillaries;
  • serious injuries or ulcers on the face.

The use of strawberry masks at home

A sweet and aromatic berry begins to appear in the beds in the middle of June, therefore it will be most useful during this period of time, since it is natural ripening. Grown in greenhouse conditions and bought in winter, the berry loses most of the nutrients.

Important! For maximum benefit, try to use only natural berries from the garden.

Remember a few important points.

  • Each strawberry should be thoroughly washed and cleaned of stalks.
  • For peeling, knead the berries with a fork so that the pieces remain, for the masks, beat in the blender bowl.
  • Honey, if it is part of the product, it is better to warm it in a water bath.

with honey

Important! Be sure to check how your skin will react to the composition prepared at home: put a small amount on your wrist, and after 10 minutes, rinse thoroughly. Carefully follow, with even slight redness and itching, it is better to refuse further use.

  • Before use, thoroughly steam the pores so that they fully absorb all the active ingredients. Do this with a steam bath, adding medicinal herbs to it.
  • It is not necessary to scrub the face before application, as the berry has a peeling effect.
  • Apply the composition along the massage lines, in the process you can gently massage the skin.
  • No need to leave funds for long. 10-15 minutes will be quite enough. For oily skin, you can extend the period of exposure to 20 minutes.
  • The frequency of "delicious" dessert for the skin depends on its type. For a problem one, twice a week, and for a normal one session is enough for the same period of time.

tasty and healthy

The best recipes for strawberry masks

Adding to the composition of certain ingredients, you either strengthen the properties of strawberries, or weaken them. Your attention is the best in effect and simple in the method of preparation of the mask.

  • Anti-aging mask. Mash a couple of berries, mix with a teaspoon of any anti-aging cream and a teaspoon of honey.


  • Whitening mask. Grind 4 berries in a blender and apply on face.
  • From peeling. 2 table. l Strawberry juice + raw yolk + teaspoon of olive oil + a handful of oatmeal.

with oatmeal

  • For dry skin. Mix a couple of strawberries and mix with a tablespoon of whole cottage cheese.

with cottage cheese

  • For food. Mix a couple tablespoons of the juice with one raw yolk.
  • From fat content. Chop a couple of strawberries and combine with 50 ml of Kombucha. Leave on for 3 hours, then peretite and apply on face.
  • For the cleaning. Mix a tablespoon of juice with a pinch of white clay.
  • Against inflammations. Mix two tablespoons of strawberry puree with a tablespoon of aloe juice.
  • Peeling Couple a couple of strawberries with 50 ml of kefir and throw a pinch of salt.

with kefir for peeling

  • To narrow pores. Combine 2 large strawberries with 1 raw protein and a tablespoon of potato flour.

Interesting! From the lack of sleep, strain the juice from the strawberries, put it on a napkin and lay a compress for 10 minutes on the face.

strawberry freshness

Sweet, incredibly tasty strawberries will be useful to your body not only from the inside. Ladies who care about beauty and youth, with the use of berries acquire youth and freshness. Be sure to use the gifts of Mother Nature, and recharge your skin with energy for the whole year.

Video: Face whitening strawberry mask with honey and lemon