Soups diet - rapid weight loss


Jay lo and pumpkin soup

A variety of diets is huge, it is sometimes very difficult to choose the one that suits you. But if you are guided by the greatest safety for health and lack of hunger, then a diet on soups is what you need.

Soup diet - what is it?

The basis of such a power system is soups. A soup diet is a low-calorie, carbohydrate-free diet. Soups - vegetable, without potatoes, or light chicken with vegetables. One serving contains about 150 kcal. The diet is very simple - during the day you can eat soups, as soon as there is a feeling of hunger and supplement the diet with some other foods.

girl is cooking

You can stick to a diet from 7 to 14 days, as the soup for weight loss contains few essential nutrients. After, you need to develop principles of a balanced diet and stick to them constantly. Diet - stress for the body. Therefore, before her appointment herself should go to the doctor, make sure that you do not have chronic diseases.

The basic rules of the soup diet

If you decide on such a power system, then you need to remember these rules:

  • A vegetable soup diet suggests light vegetable soup in water or tertiary chicken breast broth.
  • No instant soups, ready-made dressings.
  • It is necessary to monitor the total daily calorie. Lack of calories should be no more than 300 kcal from the norm, and the norm is 1200 kcal.
  • At the time of such weight loss completely eliminate alcohol, fast food, fried, fatty and flour, carbonated and sweet drinks. A diet for weight loss and these products are incompatible.
  • Gradual withdrawal from the diet in a week or two, with a subsequent transition to proper nutrition.

slimming products

Options for soup diets

Recipes soup diet and the ingredients for them are varied. Basically, these are vegetable soups or very light chicken broths, again with vegetables. Popular soups such as onion, cabbage, Bonn, vegetable classic, mushroom. By the time the soup diet is compiled for 7 days, or, maximum for two weeks. In addition to classic soups, for a variety of the same ingredients, you can cook mashed soups, just chopping everything in a blender.

Onion soup

You can successfully lose weight on the onion soup. To make it you will need:

  • 6 bulbs;
  • Cabbage 1/3 head;
  • Sweet pepper 2 pieces;
  • Celery bunch;
  • 2 tomatoes.

onion chowder

Cut all the vegetables into strips and boil them in salted and flavored water or in uncooked chicken breast broth until soft.

Cabbage Soup

Diet on cabbage soup is very common, and the recipe is simple. For the soup you will need:

  • Head of cabbage;
  • 1 onion;
  • 5 carrots;
  • 5 - 6 tomatoes, mashed;
  • Celery root;
  • 100 g of green beans;
  • Parsley;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • Spice.

cabbage soup for slimness

All vegetables cut, mix with tomato puree or tomato juice, cooked at home, boil until soft vegetables, season with fragrant spices, salt to taste.

Vegetable soup

The recipes for a vegetable mix for weight loss are variable.

  1. You can use any vegetables you like, as well as greens and mushrooms.
  2. All ingredients need to grind, boil in water or broth with spices until soft.
  3. Last but not least, 2 minutes before being ready to add chopped fresh greens.

vegetable soup

Bonn Soup

Weight loss on the Bonn soup is very popular. It is useful and nutritious, and thanks to a set of spices it is tasty and fragrant. Here is a brief instruction on how to prepare it according to a common recipe:

  • Onion;
  • Celery root;
  • Several large carrots;
  • Parsley root;
  • Cauliflower;
  • Leek;
  • A few cloves of garlic to taste;
  • Spices - salt, pepper, tarragon, basil, sweet peas, bay leaf.

lose weight with Bonn soup

The proportions of vegetables in the soup are determined according to your taste.

  1. Everything is crushed and boiled until cooked.
  2. Then everything is ground in a puree by a blender, brought to the desired consistency with the remnants of broth (it must first be drained into a separate container).
  3. Decorated with greenery.

Supplementary Products Allowed with Soup Diet

For the receipt of essential vitamins, macro-and micronutrients in the body, you can and should eat some foods. When eating on the basis of the soup is especially important. Additional products should be introduced step by step, starting from the first day and alternating them on different days.

  • Fruits are low in sugar (grapes, bananas, watermelons are forbidden).
  • Fresh or canned vegetables.
  • Lean meat and poultry, boiled or steamed.
  • In the morning, every few days you can eat a small portion of potatoes - baked or steamed, but not mashed.
  • Dairy and dairy products of low fat content.
  • Vegetable oils, unrefined, first spin, as a dressing for raw vegetables.
  • Low-fat white fish and seafood.

weight loss

Expected results of the soup diet

Typically, a week of such food takes up to 6 kg, and sometimes more, overweight. But the results are individual for each person, because everyone has a different rate of metabolic processes. In addition to weight loss, the effect of cleansing the body of toxins and toxins is achieved, which has a positive effect on the state of digestion, skin, hair and nails. But this is subject to sufficient intake of vitamins and microelements with other products.

Reviews of people who have tried the diet on themselves

Reviews of people who decided on this system of losing weight are different, it was difficult for someone to comply with the power supply system, and someone, on the contrary, found it convenient and not too painful.

Julia, 36 years old

I did not want to go on a diet, constantly starve, but I heard from a friend that on a soup diet, the feeling of hunger does not hurt much, and you can eat soup many times a day. I couldn’t withstand more than a week, however, because of the monotonous menu, such food bothers, but for 7 days the result is good for me - minus 4 kilograms. Then I exclude harmful products, I will try to maintain weight.

Vika, 28 years old

The diet was not very difficult, there are more stringent. Soups can be cooked different, eat them as you like. Plus, you can add fruits, vegetables, meat. It is difficult only without your favorite sweets. Observed such a regime for 10 days, the result is good - for a trip to the sea dropped 6 kg.

Marina 19

The diet was interesting and at first it seemed easy to me, the difficulties started on the 4th day, when the soups were fed up. Even quite tasty and diverse Bonn soup become boring. But I survived for 9 days and I do not regret, I began to leave the excess weight quickly, until he returns even after stopping the diet, although I don’t limit myself in anything, I try not to overeat and do not eat much flour and confectionery.

slim girl on scales

To achieve a result, but at the same time not to harm the health, you need to approach every diet food wisely. Cook a variety of soups, eat fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meat, listen to your body. After a short-term diet, eat properly and exercise. The efforts will certainly come true, and you will get a beautiful figure and well-being!

Video: all about fat burning soup