Snail massage


girl keeps Achatina

One of the most unusual procedures for skin care face massage can be called snails. This service appeared only a few years ago, but women quickly appreciated it and many even brought Achatina the snail as a pet to use the service. "masseuses" at home. The mucus of these mollusks has a high regenerating effect, and therefore, the Achatina snail massage will give your skin youth and elasticity. Let's find out more about this unusual new beauty industry.

The secret of the effectiveness of massage Achatina

Facial massage with snails can be called an exotic procedure, which far from every woman would dare. But those who allowed Achatina to crawl on their own remain enthusiastic about the procedure. Achatina are large mollusks that are not found in our area, but are successfully divorced at home. The secret of snail therapy is in the unique slime of mollusks, which they leave on the skin. This mucus contains allantoin, collagen, elastin and glycolic acid, which provide tissue regeneration. Interestingly, thanks to this mucus, the Achatina can restore their damaged shell in a matter of days, its regenerating properties are so high. The extract from the mucus of mollusks has long been used in the manufacture of cosmetics, and today you have the opportunity to get a portion of youth thanks to such an unusual massage.

Achatina on hand

Advantages and disadvantages of Achatin massage

The Achatina snail massage is an effective way to rejuvenate the skin, the result of which you will notice after the first session. The procedure has the following advantages:

  • Achatina mucus contains lectins, which have an antibacterial effect.
  • The secret of mollusks perfectly moisturizes the skin, makes it taut and velvety.
  • Akhatinami snail massage is an effective peeling, moving along your skin, they eliminate black dots, clean and tighten pores.
  • Akhatinov mucus has a positive effect on the work of the sebaceous glands on the face, you will notice that the skin after the procedure will become less oily.
  • Massage with snails can be carried out not only on the face, but also on any other part of the body. They effectively fight stretch marks, tighten the skin in the decollete area.
  • Another advantage of the procedure is that it can be performed at home. Achatina not choosy to the conditions of detention and nutrition.

The disadvantages of such an unusual body care can be attributed to the fact that not everyone can even take in the hands of a giant mollusk, not just what to offer him to crawl on his face. But if you are comfortable with clams, you will definitely need to try out the untitled therapy personally.

Achatina in hand

How is ulitkoterapiya in the cabin and at home

Both at home and in the cabin, the procedure is carried out according to the standard scheme:

  1. Pre-skin should be thoroughly cleaned. It is recommended to use a scrub.
  2. "Masseuse" also need a little preparation for work: it needs to be washed under cool running water from pollution.
  3. Some recommend lubricating the face with milk or cream "sweetened" this work snails.
  4. After that, one or several individuals run on their faces, and their work lasts about 20 minutes.
  5. At the end of the massage "masseuses" go to the house, and you must still lie down with mucus on the face for 15 minutes. You can slightly massage the skin, rubbing the secret of mollusks for greater efficiency.
  6. Then rinse the miraculous mucus with water.

You will immediately notice the incredible difference between the condition of your skin before and after the procedure. You can repeat the session quite often, up to 5 times a week.

girl with snails

Feelings during the Achatin massage

One of the most pressing issues: "Is this massage pleasant?" The sensations during snail therapy are pleasant, you will feel a slight vibration when Achatina moves. There will be no discomfort or pain. There are reviews online that "masseuse" can leave a burn if it stays still for a long time. That is why it is recommended "motivate" her to the movement, brushing her face with milk. But the feeling after ulitkoterapii you like even more: your face will breathe health and beauty.

snail on the body

Ulitkoterapiya in the spa

Facial massage with snails today can offer many spas. You can perform the procedure only on the face or neck, and you can let the snails crawl all over your body. On average, the cost of an hour procedure is 600 rubles. During this time, the mollusks will have time to massage your entire body. If you wish to "masseuse" worked only on the face, the price of the procedure will be about 400 rubles.

salon snail therapy

Home spa with snails Achatins

Today, women boldly give birth to these unusual pets, because Akhatins do not require special attention and care for them is quite simple:

  • A mollusk can live in an aquarium that needs to be filled with primer. Periodically the snail will burrow into the ground, such conditions are more comfortable for it.
  • You can feed your pet cucumbers, lettuce, cabbage and other vegetables.
  • It is important not to forget to arrange daily water procedures for your pet.

You can buy Achatina in almost any pet store, the cost of a pet is about 100 rubles. Grow up "masseuses" pretty quickly, in caring housewives, some individuals grow to giants weighing half a kilo.

Achatina pets
Such an unusual way of body care may seem wild, but numerous positive reviews in the network pushes thousands of women to experiment every day. If you do not feel discomfort at the sight of Akhatinov, why not try this novelty personally ?!

Video: Ulitkoterapiya and its features