Sexy makeup


girl with smoky eyes

What is makeup? First of all, it is a mask, an opportunity to try on any image or style. In addition, this is a great chance to diversify everyday life and to please your loved one. Sexy makeup can be a great surprise, especially if you combine it with beautiful lace lingerie. However, the evening dress will look good with the image of the fatal seductress. In any case, the knowledge of how to do sexy make up with your hands at home does not hurt any woman.

Despite the fact that men do not hide their enthusiasm for female beauty, women themselves are not always able to adequately assess both their external data and their attractiveness. Attempts to independently make sexy makeup can be an excellent opportunity to explore the strengths of their appearance and learn to emphasize them. This material will consider several options for a seductive makeup with detailed instructions. In the above list, there is sure to be such an option of makeup that will make you irresistible.

Sexual makeup options with step-by-step instructions for creating

Smoky eyes with smoky eyes

Make-up in the style of Smokey Ice rightfully bears the title of the sexiest makeup, because it allows you to create an intriguing, bold and extremely effective image. A misty halo around the eyes makes a woman playful and mysterious. No man is able to overcome the desire to learn more about such a person. Smokey Ace's sexy makeup can be made with shades of any color, depending on personal preferences and the appearance of a woman. The execution technique remains unchanged.

smoky eyes black

  1. Well disguise dark circles, as well as any uneven skin and redness around the eyes, using a reflective concealer.
  2. Black pencil to highlight the line of growth of eyelashes on the mobile eyelid, the resulting line carefully shaded.
  3. To emphasize the line on the lower eyelid, using black kaial - specially designed pencil.
  4. Apply a little bright shadows on the inner corner of the eye and under the outer edge of the eyebrow, for example, light beige or milky color.
  5. The entire area of ​​the upper eyelid, with the exception of the previously highlighted areas, paint with shades of medium color, for example, dark gray.
  6. Apply on the moving part of the century the shadows of the darkest shade, for example, black.
  7. Gently shade all the contours with a special brush. In the smoky ice makeup, you should not leave any visible boundaries.
  8. Paint the eyelashes with mascara to increase the volume.
  9. To get the sexiest makeup, you can use false eyelashes.

make up hayden panneteri

Like a doll

pink make up

Most men prefer fragile and defenseless women. Feel nice and touching, as well as to awaken in the surrounding men the desire to care for and please, you can try on puppet makeup. Its main feature is that only gentle and warm shades are used to create it. Preference is given to light pink, lilac, turquoise, pale blue and salmon. The color of lipstick - caramel or pink.

  1. Carefully retouch all skin irregularities, disguise bruises under the eyes. The skin of the pupa must be absolutely flawless.
  2. Gently apply a small amount of eye shadow.
  3. Sexual eye makeup in doll style implies long and thick eyelashes. You can use special mascara or false eyelashes.
  4. Apply blush on cheekbones, taking into account the features of the shape of the face. This cosmetic should be applied without stint. Your goal is to make your cheeks ruddy like bulk apples.
  5. Apply lipstick or lip gloss to lips.

erotic barbie make up

Makeup under the doll most organically looks on the fair-haired young ladies. The form of clothing should correspond to the chosen image.

Like monroe

For many years, Marilyn Monroe has been a recognized sex symbol and fantasy of many men. In addition, its appearance has become a classic and reference. At the same time, the make-up used by the star was so simple that it would not be difficult to repeat it at home.

sexy image of merelin monroe

  1. Apply to the upper eyelids shade of light shades - white, beige or silver.
  2. Draw thin arrows and raised tips using liquid eyeliner.
  3. Make a lip contour the same color as the lipstick. The color of the lips should be bright and saturated, for example, scarlet, cherry or red.

So that your partner does not have to be bored, you can periodically arrange for him interesting evenings with role-playing games. For example, it is possible for a short period to reincarnate as a geisha or just an obedient oriental woman. Surely, such a venture would be to his liking.


Becoming a geisha just for one evening, you will long be grateful from your man. True, in order to make a sexy evening make-up in the Japanese style, you have to work hard.

Modern geisha

  1. To level the skin, using liquid cream powder lighter than your natural tone, color.
  2. Apply to the eyelids pink, coral or red shadows. In rare cases, geisha use lilac and green.
  3. Apply a liquid tone to the lips, leaving only the area in the center unpainted. Apply bright red lipstick to this place.

sexy geisha

Oriental beauty

Why not arrange a favorite evening in the Oriental style: hookah, dim light, belly dancing ... And, of course, you can’t do without make-up when performing this idea. Oriental makeup is primarily a sexy eye makeup.

  1. Align and powder the skin.
  2. Apply to the eyelids very bright shadows - blue, turquoise, blue, coral, fuchsia.
  3. Draw on the upper eyelid a thick and long arrow with a tip curved upward.
  4. Cover lips with lipstick natural shade or gloss.

attractive oriental make up

As shown by the examples, in sexual vizazhe there is nothing complicated. However, it will not play as it should, if you do not feel truly beautiful and desirable.

Video: sexual make-up technique