Moisturizing face masks - the best recipes

Moisturizing face masks is what is needed for all skin types, only not everyone knows why it is necessary to provide skin hydration and how to do it correctly. Most women are little aware of this issue, so all face care comes down to the daily use of moisturizer, but, of course, this is not enough for the skin of the face, which is constantly exposed to the environment. But homemade moisturizing facial masks provide assistance in providing cells with life-giving moisture. It is very important that they are not difficult to cook yourself at home.
What are the benefits of moisturizing face masks?
When used properly, the person is saturated with moisture in the quantity that he needs. Many young ladies ask themselves: does skin cells need so much water? Of course, this is simply necessary, since water is the first oxygen source, which is so important for the complete work and respiration of cells.
Water is able to expel all harmful substances, pollution and toxins from the cells. She also warns against premature aging, provides attractiveness, helps to improve the complexion, prevent dryness and peeling.

Home moisturizing face masks play an important role in the vital activity of skin cells. The main thing to choose the most effective recipes, where step by step everything is painted. This will help to make the procedure itself.
Who needs a moisturizing face?
Of course, any type of skin needs moisture all the time and it is very important to provide it, but in some cases it becomes just mandatory. Homemade moisturizing face masks, cooked with your own hands, are advised to use in the following cases:
- there is a predisposition to dryness;
- there is a problem of peeling, aggravated during the cold season;
- skin suffering from beriberi;
- tightness of the skin;
- There is a need for constant use of foundation or powder.
If there is at least one of these problems, a moisturizing face mask can get rid of it in a short time and will give a long-term effect.

Next will be presented recipes from which you can learn how to quickly and easily make nourishing moisturizing facial masks. Each recipe is painted in stages, which is very convenient for self-preparation. Each recipe has its own pattern of use, and also has detailed instructions for self-application.
How to independently prepare a mask for moisturizing the skin?
Currently, there are many recipes with which you can moisturize the skin and solve many other skin problems. Therefore, choosing a nourishing moisturizing face mask, you need to use only those that are ideally suited to your own skin type.
Several cooking recipes
We present to your attention a few simple and effective recipes for homemade masks to moisturize the face.
Carrot mask

- A small carrot must be grated.
- Pour into her egg yolk, and then mix it all well.
- This mixture can be kept on the face for half an hour. Can be applied several times a week.
This moisturizing mask will give the face a noble color.
Tomato composition

- One tomato is frayed with a sieve before mashing.
- In the resulting mass add a small spoonful of starch to get a thick mixture, which can be thickly applied to the skin of the face.
- Also, this moisturizing skin mask requires the addition of a couple drops of olive oil.
- Apply the composition for 20 minutes.
Per week can be used once. It is useful for all skin types.
Herbal Moisturizing Blend

Herbs are a good ingredient that can be used in the preparation of moisturizing facial masks.
- It is necessary to take the flowers of such herbs as: St. John's wort, yarrow, chamomile and hop cones.
- All this should be mixed and pour boiling water.
- After cooling the infusion, you need to drive a couple of yolks into it, add a small spoonful of honey and one big spoonful of fresh lemon juice.
- On her face you need to hold for half an hour.
Such a moisturizing mixture for the face at home will help to moisturize the skin well. It should be used once a week.
Cucumber mix

Since the cucumber has a large amount of moisture, with its use you can make an excellent moisturizing and whitening mask. For this you need:
- Grate a small cucumber on a grater and get juice from this slurry, squeezing it through gauze.
- This cucumber liquid is mixed with the same amount of cream and 20 drops of rose water.
- Washed off the face after 20 minutes.
This moisturizing mask for dry skin really gives the skin maximum benefit.
Curd mass to saturate the skin with moisture

- Fat cottage cheese mixed with equal amounts of carrot juice, milk and olive oil.
- The resulting mixture is ground over a saucer and applied to the face for 25 minutes.
- After the product has been washed off, the face should be rubbed with frozen grass or frozen berries.
Honey composition for moisturizing face

Honey is considered to be quite effective for moisturizing the face, which nature itself has given people, so it is used with pleasure when preparing face masks. One of these recipes suggests:
- mixing honey and olive, or vegetable oil in equal proportions (one tablespoon).
- After that one yolk is added.
- The whole mixture is ground, slightly warmed up and divided into several equal parts. First, apply the first part of the mixture, and after 10 minutes the second.
- Keeps another 10 minutes and washed off.