Mink eyelash extensions technology in detail


luxurious fluffy cilia

If you decide to build eyelashes, you will definitely have to make a choice in favor of one of the materials that are usually used by master-leshmeykery. Today you can offer eyelash extensions with silk or mink, silicone or sable, and even a pony. All these materials differ in thickness, curl, length and gloss. But today we will look at the mink eyelash extension, which has become so popular recently. We will talk about its advantages and disadvantages and about the safety of building up mink cilia in the article.

Features mink cilia

If you thought that the wizard would use real fur of the fur animal, you were mistaken. Burrowing eyelashes is a synthetic material, but in its color and moderate luster it is similar to the dense wool of the beast of the same name. Natural materials of the master use in exceptional, rare cases, as they can cause the strongest allergies. Mink eyelashes for building a little susceptible to the effects of water, and therefore care for them easier.

The benefits of mink material

hair growth set

If you can not decide what material to choose for building, learn about the advantages of mink cilia:

  • This material allows you to give the look expressiveness and achieve the most natural effect.
  • Mink lashes are heavier than silk, but lighter than sable.
  • With the mink, you can achieve different effects of the curl: placing the hairs only on the outer corners of the eyes, you will get a playful look, and choosing the same length as your real cilia, you will get a spectacular volume.
  • Mink hairs are very difficult to distinguish from real ones even when gazing at close range.
  • This material can be wetted with water, it is resistant to high temperatures - you can even visit the sauna.
  • Relatively affordable cost makes this type of building popular with girls. Estimated price of 2000 rubles.

evening make-up

Disadvantages mink to build

  • Mink eyelash extension is not suitable for all girls. It can be recommended only to those beauties whose natural eyelashes are healthy and strong.
  • Compared with other materials, mink fibers are thicker, which means they are not so comfortable to wear.
  • As with any other material, you should not use fatty creams and oil-based mascara with mink.

Mink extensions

Mink fibers can be increased in two ways:

  • Lacquer extensions. This technology allows you to achieve the most natural effect, the master will glue an artificial hair to each of your eyelashes. Curl created by this technology will please you for about a month.
  • Bundle eyelash extensions. This view is suitable for special occasions. For long socks, it is better to choose the technology by the bed. Falling out, the beam will leave a “lumen” on the cilia, which looks very non-aesthetic.

hair fastening procedure

How to choose mink cilia

If you have already decided that the material for your future curl will be exactly mink, it remains only to decide which eyelashes to choose:

  • Thickness. Fibers can be from 0.07 to 0.25 mm thick. The thinner the hairs, the more natural the effect will be, but, accordingly, the price of such an extension is more expensive. With maximum thickness, you can achieve a “puppet effect” and a more expressive eye.
  • Length. The optimal length for a natural effect is 10 mm. If you want to surprise everyone with an incredible length, you can choose the largest size - 14 mm. The master can alternate short cilia (from 8 mm) and longer to get a smooth transition or, for example, a “fox effect”.
  • The degree of curl curl. There are several types of fiber bending, they are denoted by Latin: A, B, C, D, U, L and others. With their help, leshmeyker can correct the shape of the eyes and achieve the desired effect: a slight bend "AT" help create a languid look while bending "U" with a pronounced curl will make your eyes naughty.

Safety of mink fibers for the eyes

spectacular look after building

If the master leshmaker correctly performs all the instructions for the manipulation, mink eyelash extension can be considered a safe procedure. But still it often happens that girls are unhappy with the result. And only in rare cases, it depends on the material. Most often, the beauty of the negative experience is due to the choice of an inexperienced master and non-compliance with the technology of the procedure.

Also negative reviews are often left by girls who decide to do the procedure with their own hands at home. Building mink eyelashes is a rather complicated manipulation that requires certain skills. You should not conduct it to yourself, even if you have repeatedly seen how the professionals do it and know the scheme step by step.

If the negative impression of the build-up is related to the material, it is usually an allergic reaction to the glue or to the fibers themselves. If you are prone to allergic reactions, it is better to first conduct a test sample. The master will increase several cilia in the corners of your eyes. If there is no discomfort, you can safely create a curl completely.

The health of your eyes depends not only on how well the master observes the technology, but also on whether he adheres to sanitary standards: after each client, the leshmaker must sterilize the instrument and wash hands.

beautiful evening makeup

Mink curl correction

Our cilia have a certain lifespan, it is 25-30 days. “Having outlived” its intended time, the hair falls out. If you choose the eyelash extensions, the eyelash will fall out, taking with it the artificial fiber glued onto it, and a new one will grow in its place. Correction involves sticking new cilia on new cilia. To curl looked beautiful, the correction should be carried out every 3 weeks.

Having examined the photo of extended cilia, you can determine what bend and length you would like to get, what effect to achieve. Mink will make your eyes expressive, you can forget about carcasses and curling irons for a month. If in doubt, compare with silk eyelash extensions. Perhaps you will like this material more.

Video: master class on eyelash extensions