Mesoscooter - benefits and safety


facial mezoroller

The use of the mezoroller at home has become relatively recent. Simultaneously with the popularization of mesotherapy in beauty salons and clinics, as well as based on the ancient Chinese experience of acupuncture, our contemporaries boldly try this novelty — the home mezoroller. What constitutes this device, how to carry out the procedure step by step and at the same time not to harm oneself — that is what this article is about.

What is a facial mezoroller ?!

  • The device, which is intended for use in the home, is a plastic drum with needles attached to it. The facial mezoroller has a long curved handle that allows you to roll a spiny drum at the right angle.
  • As a rule, the device can be bought in a special case of a rigid form, in which it is convenient to dry and keep it from dust. In the kit there is always an instruction, after studying which, you can safely try to independently deal with the problems of the skin of the face.
  • Mesoscaler for the face - a tool for acupuncture, it affects the skin through mass acupuncture. Sterile spikes with gold plating or from medical steel enter the surface of the epidermis, leaving even punctures - microtraumas. Due to the perfect shape and sharpness of the needles, healing quickly takes place, no traces remain.
  • In the process of regeneration, the skin is renewed, it becomes smoother, the production of its own collagen is stimulated; it is responsible for the youth of the skin cells.
  • In addition, it is good to use ready-made whey for a mezoroller — nourishing and stimulating cocktails, which are applied on the face immediately before using the roller, and then reapplied after the procedure.

needle roller

Why invented mezoroller for hair?

It is believed that the mezoroller for hair is almost as effective as mesotherapy for hair-injection of beneficial substances into the scalp. It helps with alopecia (alopecia), hair loss, or if the hair is in poor condition.

  • A hair mezoroller can also help thicken hair, stop hair loss and improve appearance.
  • In addition to the active substances contained in serums, acupressure with needles helps hair growth - it activates processes in the hair follicles, is able to “wake up” dormant follicles and give rise to the development of new hairs.
  • Enhancing blood circulation and stimulating the regeneration of the scalp contribute to improving the quality of existing strands.
  • It is believed that in combating thinning hair, the device is quite effective in both men and women.

luxurious hair with dermaroller

Multifunctional mesoscaler for the body

You will be surprised how many burning issues and problems the mesoscooter is able to solve for the body. From the device used for the scalp, it can differ only in longer needles. But the range of its application is very wide:

  • Combating hyperpigmentation - reviews of the mezoroller indicate a significant lightening of age spots and leveling of skin tone after several courses of application;
  • Cellulite in the early stages can be defeated by mezoroller therapy. Due to increased blood circulation and activation of collagen production, the “orange peel” will become not so noticeable and will not increase in the future (subject to continued treatment);
  • After childbirth, severe weight loss on the skin of the thighs, abdomen and on the sides stretch marks (striae) are formed. They are also able to fight mesoscooter for the body. Photos uploaded by lovers of home procedures, reinforce reviews of the mezoroller as a useful device to combat stretch marks and loose skin. If you look at photos of problem areas before and after, then in a few minutes after the procedure the stretch marks become more noticeable - they are more prominent, they turn red, and the skin around them. After the swelling goes away, time and again the striae turn pale and contract.

Of course, we are not talking about getting rid of skin irregularities (especially old and neglected ones). In such cases, you can not do without chemical peeling, laser correction and surgery. However, the alignment of texture and tone with due diligence will certainly occur.

treatment of body parts with a dermaroller

Miracle movie: instructions for use

Let's take a closer look at how to use the mezoroller. First of all, you need to comply with security measures:

  1. Before starting, you should gradually disinfect the surface and the roller itself. To do this, the instrument must be lowered into a disinfecting solution for a few minutes (medical alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine). The health of your skin depends on how well the device is decontaminated;
  2. If the patient has a low pain threshold, a local anesthetic should be used (for example, lidocaine). Be sure to use an anesthetic spray if the roller needles are longer than 0.5mm or the area is sensitive;
  3. A cosmetic is applied to the surface to enhance the effect of the massage — a serum or a nourishing cocktail;
  4. The skin is divided into separate zones, and in several different directions the roller rolls over it without pressure. You need at least 10 movements for each section. In order to correctly set the direction, a diagram with drawings is attached to each dermaroller;
  5. After rolling, we again apply the agent (nutritional, vitamin or stimulating growth) on the same area, letting it soak.

property description

It is important to bear in mind that the face after the mezoroller is very sensitive, and you cannot injure it with unnecessary touches and exposure to the sun. You should not immediately visit the sauna or the beach in order to avoid excessive sweating: it can contribute to infection.

An important safety rule is that the dermaroller can be reused no earlier than 4-6 weeks after the previous procedure. This time should be enough for the skin to heal, and the microranks are delayed. It is also prohibited to make peels and wraps, use oils or decorative cosmetics before the healing of wounds, otherwise infection may occur and the need for serious treatment under the guidance of a doctor.

Effective mezoroller serums

In pharmacies, you can find ready-made therapeutic and cosmetic products that are suitable for applications using a mezoroller:

  • Serum meso-effect Laura from Evalar. Actually, this is a kit: a Laura mezoroller with titanium laser sharpening needles and a light serum without fragrance. This product is declared by the manufacturer as an intensively rejuvenating, containing peptides and a vitamin complex. Evalar promises a powerful anti-aging effect, the company has established itself as a manufacturer of high-quality medicinal product. Retail price of about 1 thousand rubles;
  • ETRE-BELLE serum with liposomes. The solution moisturizes the skin, regulates the sebaceous glands. You can buy a bottle of funds for 1800 rubles. It will be enough for about 10 applications;
  • Mesoderm Cocktail with elastin, DMAE - a cocktail made in Spain in ampoules, visibly tightens the skin. Contains elastin and DMAE, stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid and natural collagen. The cost of this whey for a mezoroller is more than 3 thousand rubles. for 10 ampoules

Lora from Evalar, Etre-belle and Mesoderm cocktail

How to choose a mezoroller ?!

For a start it is worth determining whether there are any contraindications for such a purchase. These include:

  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • Any inflammation on the skin of the face and body;
  • Neoplasms, moles, warts;
  • Eczema or psoriasis;
  • Acute herpes.

Just want to warn against buying rollers from Chinese sites. In addition to the amazing cheapness, they have no advantages, but there are a lot of disadvantages:

  • Bent, uncalibrated, even broken needles;
  • Unknown material - a budget version of the needles for the mezoroller - medical steel, but, according to the testimony of those who bought this product from China, this is not at all it;
  • Fragile, poorly fixed needles can break right during the procedure, which is very dangerous.

needle length selection

In order not to risk health, it will be optimal to choose the mezoroller offline, and not order through the network. It’s safer to buy a mezoroller in a pharmacy — it’s better to go along with the serum and disinfectant right away.

Always carry out sanitation of the instrument and the skin step by step, not sparing on it the time. Remember that the scooter is an individual tool, it can not be transferred and shared with other people, allowed to play with it to pets.

If you use the device intensively for about six months or drop it at least once from a height, then it is desirable to replace it with a new one. If anxious symptoms appear - rash, severe swelling, pain, use of the device should be stopped and, if possible, consult a doctor.

Video: How to remove wrinkles with a mesoscaler - the work of a doctor