Medical bracelet byanshi- true or nonsense


bianchi bracelet

Health, longevity and prosperity - isn't it a fairy tale in the modern crazy pace of life? And getting them without medicines, operations and following a healthy lifestyle is generally the ultimate dream of almost any person. So, why be surprised if advertising is replete with ads on how to fulfill the aspirations of so many people. Bracelet bianchi - just wear, and from health problems and not a trace! Well, let's see what skeletons in the closet are stored at the next miraculous unit.

What is a banshee bracelet?

Bjanshi is a semi-precious stone, the so-called black jade. Legend has it that about 60 million years ago a meteorite fell in Tibet. As a result of the collision of this meteorite with the earth, there was a merger of interstellar plasma and rocks. It is this amazing combination supposedly endowed "banshee" incredible properties. And after many years, this jewel was used in ancient China. Thus was born the medical bracelet of bianchi, which, according to advertising, is able to cure and prevent diseases, in fact, of the whole organism. It is enough to put this device on hand, wear it for a while, and all the ailments will evaporate. Convenient, isn't it?

black jade stones

Properties bianchi bracelet

So, as mentioned above, advertising states that a black jade bianchi bracelet can have a positive effect on the whole body, eliminating almost any health problem. Here is a specific list of those properties attributed to this miracle of traditional medicine:

  • general rejuvenation of the body;
  • help with weight loss;
  • elimination of intestinal diseases;
  • blood circulation improvement;
  • increased immunity;
  • relieving stress and fatigue;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • reduction of various types of pain (head, muscle, spinal, etc.);
  • removal of toxins, heavy metals and other poisons from the body;
  • improvement of hair, skin, nails;
  • treatment of respiratory organs.

Yes, any doctor with forty years of experience will envy such a set. Having something in the world that can solve so many human health problems seems like a fairy tale. But marketers will not lie, will they? They guarantee that a jade bianchi bracelet will make you forget about ailments and trips to the hospital.

bracelets on hand

How to use a bianchi stone bracelet?

Instructions on how to use a banshee bracelet are minimized. Indeed, one of the main advantages of this device is that they, allegedly, can be treated on their own at home, without resorting to the help of doctors.

In order to benefit from the medical bracelet of the bianchi, you only need to wear it on your hand and wear it every day. If you believe reviews from the official websites of manufacturers, the effect is visible in a week. It is also said that in some cases it is possible to attach a bianchi bracelet to the sore spot. Then the result will be even earlier. That's all, no step-by-step diagrams and step-by-step instructions for this magic device. Also, there are no contraindications to use. Well, just perfect. Treat yourself with pleasure.


Reviews of the bracelet bianchi

Of course, to learn more about the product, you should read the opinions of those who have already purchased it. But the jade bianchi bracelet in this regard is not so simple. Finding real reviews about it on the Internet is a big deal. Official websites of manufacturers provide only positive feedback. As if by magic, both men and women as one say that in the shortest possible time they lost weight, got better sleep, had headaches, and so on.

On any site where it is proposed to buy a bianchi bracelet from black jade, there is not even a hint of negative feedback. Of course, no word other than “divorce” comes to mind in this case.

jewelry on hand

To find real reviews and find out the real opinions of people, you need to look at the forums. And there, which did not become surprising, negative reviews prevail. Buyers say that the jade bianchi bracelet, like any other jewelry made of precious stones, is a beautiful decoration. But here cherished dreams to heal with its help all their illnesses collapsed. According to the majority of members of the forum, there is absolutely no effect other than an aesthetic one, a bracelet made of a bianchi stone does not carry in itself.

It also does not make sense to look for medical reviews. They are not positive, but not negative. Doctors do not comment on the bianchi bracelet at all. How can a doctor review jewelry?

Thus, all reviews about the bracelet of the bianchi are reduced to the fact that it should be taken as an ornament, but not as a medicine.

How to order a bianchi bracelet, its price

You can buy a banshee bracelet in online stores from the so-called official sites, which certainly guarantee that all diseases will be carried away by black jade. And here we must pay tribute to manufacturers - the price remains acceptable. By attributing magical properties to this ornament, they heat up the interest of consumers, but do not increase the cost due to this. This bracelet is worth about 3000 rubles.

Banshee bracelet

You can also buy a jade bianchi bracelet in jewelry stores, like all other jewels. The price will be about the same as on the sites. But the advantage of purchasing this jewelry in the store, and not on the Internet, is that you can be sure of the authenticity of the stone. With a remote order, you can never be sure to the end that you will not receive tinted glass.

So, you can make sure that the bracelet bianchi will not be the most useless of your purchase. But still it will serve you solely as an elegant and attractive decoration, it’s better not to think about its therapeutic properties. If you already used this device and want to share your impressions, then leave your feedback in the comments below.

Video: Marketers online store about bracelet Bianchi