Maya plisetskaya diet


slim figure

Maya Plisetskaya was for many a benchmark of grace and grace. Her thin waist and beautiful figure were envied by many women and wanted to know the secret of the legendary ballerina. To the journalists' questions, Maya categorically and sharply answered that in order to maintain the figure, one simply needed: "Do not eat!". This phrase was not just a winged, but almost no motto for women struggling with extra pounds. The ballerina herself never told directly what diet she was on, nevertheless, there is the rather popular Maya Plisetskaya diet, which allows you to lose up to 10 kg in 14 days. Rumor has it that her diet was invented by one journalist, and already losing weight themselves supplemented it. Anyway, the results of the Maya Plisetskaya diet are shocking and we are in a hurry to share with you this method of weight loss, its principles and menu.

The essence of the Maya Plisetskaya diet

The diet of the ballet dancer Maya Plisetskaya confirms the perception of the diet of ballet dancers that many people have developed, namely that they are fed by prohibitions alone. The menu is very scarce and the permitted products are much smaller than those forbidden. Maya Plisetskaya Diet "Do not eat" contrary to all principles of proper nutrition.

The essence of the method of weight loss in the almost complete rejection of animal protein, only a couple of times a week is allowed to enter into the diet lean white fish. That is, eggs, any meat, cheese, kefir, milk and cottage cheese should not be included in the diet. So that the body does not experience a lack of protein, the menu includes vegetable protein foods, such as lentils, beans, spinach and asparagus. Excluded all fat, fried, sweet, any spices and salt. It is forbidden to drink coffee and cocoa.

prohibited products

The technique is designed for 14 days, repeating such fasting is safe no more than once every 3-4 months.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Maya Plisetskaya diet

The advantage of this technique is one - the diet of the ballerina Maya Plisetskaya will help to part from 7-10 kg in 14 days. There are a lot of disadvantages of the technique, they include:

  • The diet has a limited diet. Weight loss is tolerated by Maya Plisetskaya, many reviews indicate a deterioration of health in losing weight.
  • There is a high risk of failure. Since there are a lot of prohibitions in the diet, most women do not maintain the entire period of weight loss.
  • During the period of losing weight, serious exercise is excluded, as the diet is poor in protein. In order not to lose the existing muscle mass, only light loads are allowed, for example, yoga, exercise.
  • When returning to the usual diet, the weight can return as quickly as it left.

girl on scales

Before choosing this system for weight loss, weigh all the minuses and pros. You may like the less aggressive Bonnie soup or the Malysheva method, rather effective in relation to the body, because women usually take care of their own health when choosing a dietary diet, whereas for a ballerina a career is more important.

Maya Plisetskaya diet menu

The menu for the day includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. All dishes are either cooked or steamed. If you feel hungry during the day, green vegetables and unsweetened fruit such as cucumbers, lettuce, oranges or grapefruits are allowed as a snack.

What products can enter the menu

The list of approved products is as follows:

  • All types and varieties of cabbage: Brussels, Savoy, kohlrabi, white, cauliflower or broccoli.
  • Any salad: cress, lettuce, romaine, spinach.
  • Any white low-fat fish: haddock, hake, cod, navaga.
  • Slow digestible carbohydrates: barley, lentil, oatmeal or brown rice.
  • Per day is allowed 1 large spoonful of vegetable oil.

permitted products

As a dressing for vegetable salads, you can use lemon juice.

Sample menu for the day

Of the above products, you can make your own daily menu. We offer you a rough version:

  • Breakfast can consist of oatmeal in water without sugar and butter.
  • For lunch you can cook soup of zucchini, cauliflower and add a little lentils to it.
  • For dinner, make a light salad of lettuce, iceberg and cucumber, adding olive oil and boiling some beans.

healthy food

Remember that such a diet can adversely affect health if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. To reduce the negative impact of the diet on the body, it is recommended to drink vitamins.

Video: About the Maya Plisetskaya diet