Massage gouache - master the massaging scrubber


massage gouache

Gouache massage is one of the most ancient types of Chinese massage. Of all the currently existing massage techniques, this is probably the closest to the people. The literal translation of this truly unique action - "scrape away all bad".

Features of massage gouache


"Sha" - This is a negative component, which, according to ancient Chinese teaching, leaves the patient's body after a session. This energy comes out, manifesting itself on the surface of the skin in the form of spots of different color intensity. Depending on the color saturation, the degree of need for treatment is assessed.

"Gua" - scrape, scrape. This massage technique implies the availability of additional tools used in the process. This tool is a gouache scraper (for this reason, gouache is also referred to as a scrub massage). In Chinese exercises, it is considered that the best jade scraper. This mineral, according to legends, better than the others copes with the task of outputting negative energy. But, along with it, massage plates from such materials as are successfully applied:

  • bones of large animals;
  • horny-cloven;
  • copper;
  • onyx;
  • cornelian;
  • turtle shell;
  • agate.

gouache scrapers

In order to avoid negative consequences, this procedure should not be carried out independently at home. Despite the huge number of photos and videos of manuals and instructions, it is better to trust the hands of a specialist.

There are three methods of conducting this Chinese massage. They differ in the degree of intensity and speed of execution.

  • Ce - gua (high speed, intensive carrying).
  • Bu - gua (low speed and least intensity).
  • Ping-bu ping-se (average degree of exposure).

Technique for performing massage gouache on different parts of the body

a set of oils and scrapers

It should be mentioned that Chinese massage gouache scraper is of three types:

  1. It is held exclusively for cosmetic purposes.
  2. Conducted with the aim of preventing ailments.
  3. Conducted as a diagnosis and immediate treatment.

Face and neck

Facial massaging proceeds with less intensity, while the gouache scraper has a smaller size. It is carried out both on the prepared skin (processed by special oils or creams), and on unprepared. It should be noted that before you do a face and neck massage to yourself, it is desirable to undergo training. This will allow you to achieve the desired results.

massaging procedure

The indications for this procedure in such sensitive areas are:

  • dry and problem skin;
  • the presence of acne and acne on the face;
  • dull shade of face;
  • migraine and headaches;
  • mimic wrinkles.
  1. The first thing that needs to be done is to visually divide the forehead in half and make 10 movements with a gouache scraper from the center to the temples.
  2. The same number of scraping movements is carried out from the sinuses to the temples. For convenience and speed of the session, as a rule, two massage plates are used simultaneously.
  3. 20 - 25 movements from the corners of the lips and chin to the bottom of the temples.
  4. The procedure of movement from the tip of the nose to the upper lip and from the lower lip to the chin is completed with the least intensity.

After holding on the face, massage with a scraper is continued on the neck. It is performed more intensively, but only in three directions.

  1. 30-35 scraping movements from chin to collarbone.
  2. 10 - 15 movements in the cervical vertebrae (without affecting the thoracic region).
  3. 25-30 movements from the hairline (back) to the shoulders.

The earlobes and the wings of the nose should not be trusted by non-professional massage therapists, since, according to Chinese teachings, there are very important energy points.

Back massaging

The massage of the gouache of the back and the body will be problematic, to put it mildly. But the process must be familiar to you, even in the case of recourse to a qualified master. Chinese massage of gouache on the body requires preparation of the skin with a special oil.

massaging your back with scrapers

  1. Preparatory stroking movements for warming.
  2. Starting from the 7th cervical vertebra to the coccyx, we make 10-15 repetitions with jerky scrapping movements.
  3. Retreat from the spine 2 - 3 centimeters and parallel to him to carry out similar movements on the right and left.
  4. 30-35 times from the shoulder blades to the armpits.
  5. Hand to determine the intercostal spaces and from the spine to the stomach to carry out 6-7 movements.
  6. We complete the movements of lower intensity from the middle of the back to the sides.

Depending on the reaction of the skin (or the amount of exiting sha, according to Chinese terminology), you can use a soothing lotion or cream.

Effect of the gouache procedure

Improving lymph flow and blood circulation, reducing swelling and relieving muscle spasms, beneficial effects on the central nervous system and improving skin color and condition are a small part of what happens to the body after a massage.

perfect skin condition

It is considered optimal to conduct a course of gouache annually from 10 procedures. Each subsequent session is carried out after the complete disappearance "Sha spots"As a rule, it is from 3 to 5 days.

After a massage session, you should wear warm clothes made from natural fabrics and avoid drafts. Do not take a shower and bath for 5-6 hours after the massage. It is also necessary not to limit the consumption of fluids, as the body continues its cleansing and it is required to remove the decomposition products of negative energy from the body.

Contraindications to massage gouache

On the Russian market of cosmetic and massage services, this procedure came out not so long ago, but still managed to get its fans. After reading or hearing positive reviews, do not rush to try it on yourself.

Chinese massage gouache, although it is the lad of traditional medicine, but was used only strictly according to indications. Along with this has a number of contraindications. You need to familiarize yourself with these points in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. Conducting a session of ancient Chinese massage of gouache will be impossible if you have:

  • wounds, large abrasions and cuts are present on the skin;
  • there are infectious diseases;
  • there is a tendency to allergic reactions when exposed to the skin;
  • hypertension and / or arrhythmia;
  • insufficient platelet count in the blood (thrombocytopenia);
  • pregnancy at any time and menstruation is also a reason to refuse this massage.

In modern Asian countries, this ritual is performed almost everywhere for preventive purposes and to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The result is not long in coming; the life expectancy of the inhabitants of this part of the world is much higher than that of the Europeans. Relative simplicity in execution allows us to learn from the experience of Chinese masters and achieve tangible results on its territory.

Video: Chinese massage Guasha face- learning technique