Lose weight in israeli

I want to lose weight almost everyone and always. Fantasy is agitated with reed models, in stores more and more often you can find size 40-42. However, losing weight alone does not work for everyone at all: diets seem complicated, lengthy and expensive, and few people can satisfy the results. Against the background of general disappointment, the Kim Protasov diet stands out, which is often remembered not only by people who lose weight, but also by those who have already passed this way. Along with several other common diets, skipping helps to gradually achieve the desired weight and keep it. It is even recommended to be held once a year for prophylaxis.
Protasov Diet "was born" in 1999: an article appeared in the Israeli newspaper “Do not make food a cult”. They talked about how to lose weight quickly, safely and guaranteed the author promised a significant weight loss at home, which attracted the first to the curious, and then it went.
The advantages of losing weight by Protasov
Diet Kim Protasov lasts 10 weeks. The first 5 weeks there is a change in diet, the formation of other principles of eating behavior. The next 5 weeks are fixatives: they help to maintain the result and not gain weight back. Description of Kim Protasov's diet usually start with the following advantages:
- This is a light diet that does not limit you in the amount of products. You can eat at any time: late in the evening or even at night, before bedtime. It is almost impossible to eat at such a diet: cooked salads are low in calories and do not make the stomach heavier.
- Weight loss is slow, but true: kilograms are gone forever and no longer return, unless, of course, not to pounce on harmful and fatty foods after the last day of the diet.
- You have to use a huge amount of raw vegetables: they have few calories, but many vitamins, trace elements, minerals and fiber. You will be able to try out new recipes for salads, as well as to adjust the work of the intestines, normalize the metabolism, improve the condition of the skin and hair, and simply saturate the body with vitamins.
- A sufficient amount of dairy products meets the body's need for calcium, protein comes from eggs and cheese, not allowing the muscles to "leave." Protasov's diet is not one hundred percent balanced, but does not harm the complete absence of proteins or carbohydrates.
- Kim Protasov's diet menu allows you to stick to it at any time of the year - you only need to choose seasonal foods.
- Necessary products are available, they are easy to get, and cooking time does not exceed the usual. Cooking dumplings or chopping a few vegetables for a salad - both take less than ten minutes.
- Kim Protasov's diet is suitable for almost everyone: if you are allergic or you simply do not like cabbage or celery, you can easily replace them with other products without compromising the menu.

disadvantages "Protasovki"
Like any diet, the Protasov diet menu has some drawbacks.
- In spite of the fact that it is possible to adhere to such food at any season, this system is best of all transferred in the summer. The abundance of fresh fruit and the lack of hot dishes are unlikely to please in the winter in the cold.
- Some may think that food is extremely monotonous. Before you start it, it is recommended to find unusual recipes for salads that you can cook yourself to diversify your diet.
- The difficulty in finding a cheese is 5% fat: it is possible that in the original Kim Protasov meant curd, but you still need to use cheese. In the store you can find: Valio Polar cheese, Home carat cheese, Philadelphia cheese (soft), Green cheese, Chechil snail cheese. All of these types are cheeses and contain no more than five percent fat.

Contraindications to the diet of Kim Protasov
Protasov diet is contraindicated for some people. These include:
- Pregnant and nursing mothers - you must strictly follow the instructions of the doctor and not try to lose weight by yourself, especially in the first days after childbirth;
- Allergy sufferers and people with individual intolerance to certain fruits and vegetables - if necessary, unsafe vegetables can be excluded;
- People who have serious illnesses, such as hypertension, heart failure, vascular pathology, or kidney problems - before going on a diet, they should consult a doctor and ask in detail about the effects on the body;
- People suffering from allergies to milk and dairy products - it is better for them to choose a different diet, since the description of the Kim Protasov diet includes milk as almost the only source of protein;
- People with gastritis with high acidity.
Menu for 10 weeks from Kim Protasov
The real reviews of the Protasov diet can not help but amaze: the weight loss reaches ten to fifteen kilograms, which do not come back if you exit the diet correctly. Many use it not for weight loss, but to cleanse the body and restore health in the fall or spring. The instruction says that you can stick to this menu no more than once a year.

Power circuit on "protasovke" quite simple and practically unlimited. You can create a menu for the week yourself, taking into account all the features of the body:
- The first week of the Protasov diet immediately rebuilds the diet. On it you can eat only raw vegetables and cheese with a five percent fat content, in any quantities. If you cannot afford to eat cheese every day, then replace it sometimes with cottage cheese and other low-fat dairy products. Vegetables should not be thermally processed, and refueling is not allowed. Additionally, you should eat one boiled egg and three green apples a day. The first is a source of protein, the second - the necessary carbohydrates. The first week is extremely important, as it lays the foundation for all the following days.
- As well as 1 week of the Protasov diet, the second consists of raw vegetables, cheese, apples and eggs, you can add 5% natural yogurt. Reviews of Protasov's diet note that in the first two weeks you can lose up to five kilograms, even if you do not play sports and do not limit yourself.
- The third week begins with meat: for seven days, it is allowed to consume up to three hundred grams of meat, poultry, fish or seafood, steamed, baked or boiled. It is better to refrain from frying, as this will bring excess fat. At the same time, to compensate for the fat, you need to slightly reduce the use of cheese: a day you put no more than thirty-five grams of fat. With meat, you should also eat vegetables.
- The menu for week number four and five is the same as on the third: vegetables, three apples, one egg, some cheese and up to three hundred grams of meat. These days will be fixing, they will allow the body to get used to and not pounce on food after the end of this food system. These days it is necessary to gradually add vegetable oil to the menu as a dressing, but not more than three tablespoons. You should also strictly observe the amount of fat, replacing animals with plants and vice versa.

In order not to lose the achieved results, it is necessary to schedule the following weeks in advance and in detail.
- Weight loss continues on the sixth week: the menu should appear boiled porridge, buckwheat or oatmeal, but not more than three tablespoons. It is a source of complex carbohydrates and is optimal for breakfast.
- In the seventh week it is necessary to add fruits to the diet, it is advisable to start with plums and avocados.
- Eighth week brings dried fruits, from which you can cook compote. They contain a lot of fast carbohydrates and sugar, therefore it is better to add them step by step for a little bit.
- On the ninth week, boiled and steamed vegetables appear: they can be used for salads or side dishes. At the same time decreases the use of cheese.
- In the tenth and final week light soups are added to the menu, it’s best to start with the broths.
At this diet is completed, and you can be proud of your willpower and renewed body. In order to prevent the return of kilograms, it is better to refrain from a quick introduction to the diet of flour products, sweets and rice. However, reviews report that the body itself does not require any of the above: the restructuring is complete, and it is ready to eat only healthy and proper dishes.

Briefly about the main thing
The Protasov diet for every day helps not only to change the shape, having achieved the ideal, but also to reconsider their attitude to nutrition. After going through the diet to start eating properly is much easier: the body has time to clean, and you will no longer be pulled for sweets and fatty.