Liquid diet

Liquid diet has a lot of popularity among girls lately. The popularity is explained by the fact that liquid nutrition not only quickly removes the hated kilograms, but also rebuilds the body to a completely new power system. In this article you will learn about the menu of the liquid diet and all the nuances of this type of food.
The essence of liquid nutrition
Let's take a look at what liquid nutrition is and how it helps in losing weight. The essence of the liquid diet is that most of the food you eat is in a liquid and mushy state.

- The first thing worth noting is that the liquid diet leads, the young ladies sitting on it to fairly good results. By choosing this type of food for a week, you can lose as much as five kilograms, but if you continue the marathon for up to 14 days, it will take you about 8 kilograms of excess weight. Many doctors claim that liquid nutrition is a good technique in the fight against obesity.
- Liquid diet is an excellent tool to reduce the size of your stomach. You all know that a rich meal increases the volume of the stomach by 2, or even 3 times, and this increases the feeling of appetite. You can eat, but do not get enough, but at this time there is a set of excess weight. A liquid diet can reduce a distended stomach and bring you back to small portions of food, eliminating overeating.
- If you have doubts that nutrition will help, then we will prove the opposite. You only drink fluids, your stomach shrinks, only the liver and kidneys work. In addition, ground products will not allow you to feel hungry, as the energy value of some ordinary products is similar to the energy value that you get from liquid food. For example: a small bun and 200 ml of orange juice with pulp are almost equal in calories.
- The second name of the liquid diet is a cleansing diet. During the maintenance of such a food system, all slags and toxins come out of your body, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is also normalized.
- Liquid nutrition maintains an ideal water balance in the body, because many other types of diets lead to dehydration. As a result, girls overcome fatigue, weakness and bad mood.
Foods and dishes that can be consumed
Let's go through the list of permissible foods and dishes allowed during this diet. Knowing the correct list, you will avoid mistakes and achieve positive results.
- Liquid porridge or muesli. Best of all, if it is oatmeal.
- Vegetables. Enter in your diet liquid mashed carrots, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, broccoli and do not forget about the greens. A good addition to the vegetable menu will be vegetable juices - cucumber, celery, pumpkin, tomato and others.
- Milk products. These include milk, kefir, ryazhenka, yoghurt, fermented milk sourdough, whey. Percentage of fat content, choose yourself, based on your own preferences. As snacks, you can use cottage cheese and hard cheese.
- Fruits. With the introduction of the diet of fruits do not need to hurry, enter them slowly. It is best to start with bananas or any berries.
- Water. Be sure to drink plenty of water, plain pure water, without sugar, salt, gases, and so on.
- Meat or vegetable broths. Which to choose, choose yourself.

Varieties of liquid diets
Liquid diet for weight loss has several subspecies, the differences between them are in the menu.
Fractional menu
In the fractional menu, you can use absolutely all permitted foods and dishes without mixing them together. For example: in the morning, porridge, in the afternoon, dairy products, snack, fruit, dinner, vegetables. There are no strict rules for the use of products. If you start your day with fruit, and not with cereal, nothing bad will happen. Control your menu based on your preferences and vitality.
Dairy menu
The dairy menu is based on the use of only dairy products and milk. A keen example of this type of food will be kefir diet. You can eat as many dairy products as you like, but it's better to start the day with yogurt, and there should be only natural, white yogurt, without sugar, "fruit pieces" etc. This applies to all dairy products, not just yogurt. As a daytime snack you can afford some low-fat cheese and cottage cheese. In the evening, go to kefir.

Soup menu
Soup menu slightly diversifies your diet. Since you will not be fed with one water broth, you can add some potatoes and other nice vegetables to it. Salt and seasoning soup is better not to season. At the end of cooking, chop the dish with a blender. Thus, you will eat thin soups-mashed potatoes.
Fruit menu
Fruit menu involves the use of smoothies, mashed fresh fruit and fruit juices. With fruits such as bananas and grapes, you need to be more careful, as they have a high calorie content. It is better to use them at breakfast or to use as lunch snack in small portions. Juices are allowed to drink only freshly squeezed. Packaged drink can not be due to the high sugar content.

Vegetable menu
Vegetable menu is a puree, smoothies and juices. Potatoes in this diet should be used with caution and in small doses. Eat more tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, boiled pumpkin. Salt, spices and other seasonings should not be used. The only thing you can add is vegetable oil. All food must be fresh or freshly grated.
Porridge menu
The menu of porridges allows the use of any cereal, the only condition is that when cooking and eating porridge you need to use a large amount of liquid, because the diet is liquid. Do not use salt and sugar. Muesli will be a good addition to this diet. They need to be chosen so that they are not contained on fruits, not nuts and not seeds, but only cereals. For the preparation of cereal, you can use boiling water or milk. The composition must be crushed with a blender.
No matter what type of menu you choose this liquid diet for weight loss will be very tight. It is better not to adhere to these diets for more than seven days, since this type of food is not very balanced, but if you choose the scheme for 14 days and especially stick to the table with fruits, vegetables or broths, then this diet can be called fasting.
Contraindications for liquid diets

- Such diets are strictly prohibited to people with kidney disease, as the diet contains a lot of fluid.
- It is not recommended to sit on such diets for pregnant women and adolescents, since nutrition is not balanced.
- People with a cold or other similar infectious diseases should abandon this diet due to a weakened body.
When cooking soups, cereals, vegetable or fruit purees and juices, it’s not worth remembering your favorite recipes from everyday life. The table should be strictly dietary, because you are struggling with excess weight. The results of such a diet table can please you by reducing body fat in areas such as the stomach, thighs and buttocks.
Reviews of liquid diet
Anastasia: I sit on this diet for the second day. From the results of the first day - 700 grams. I decided to relieve the stomach, because I had eaten a lot lately.
Anna: How I gave birth to the second baby, 6 kilograms of weight left hanging. My weight is 67 kg, height is 170 cm. The first day on the diet was not so critical, I didn’t feel much hunger, but I wanted to run up to the refrigerator and take something to eat. But it sometimes. The first day of the liquid diet took 800 grams, in the second 400, in the third 400. In three days, 1.2 kg.
Arina: I didn’t lose a lot on this diet. I remember that on the last day, 0 grams. For all the time, only 2 kg, but I did the exercises. A little bit removed the sides, and feel better now. I sat on a fractional diet, perhaps on some other liquid diet, I would lose more.