Lip surgery

Lip surgery is a fairly common procedure not only among Hollywood actors, but also among people with average incomes. Every woman dreams of sensual plump lips. By nature, not everyone is endowed with such beauty. In this case, plastic surgeons come to the rescue of women. Cheiloplasty will allow the lips to give the desired size and get rid of possible deformations.

Indications for the procedure
Cheiloplasty of lips has two directions: reconstructive and aesthetic. With it, you can increase or decrease sponges, as well as get rid of acquired or congenital scars, scars and other defects. The operation can be considered if you have:

- congenital cleft lip and cleft palate;
- heavily exposed gums;
- the presence of formations of benign nature, papillomas, fibroids, cysts;
- changed the shape of the mouth due to injury;
- thin mouth;
- saggy lower lip;
- blurred and fuzzy contour;
- asymmetry of the mouth;
- other defects.

Types of cheiloplasty
Cheiloplasty is of several types. The choice of the procedure you need depends on the intended effect and on the problem that you have. There are such types of plastic:
- Lip contouring, which includes a number of methods to eliminate or correct wrinkles around the mouth. The appearance of periotic wrinkles indicates a violation of the skin, which can lead to a decrease in the reddish rim at the mouth. The procedure was performed by such stars as Donatella Versace, Masha Malinovskaya and Angelina Jolie.

- Shortening cheiloplasty This type of plastic is indicated when the upper or lower lips are too long. During the operation, an ellipsoidal skin fragment is removed. After that, the lips become symmetrical.

- V-Y plastic. Used when you want to increase the volume of the mouth and to give the mouth an additional volume. In fact, the mucous membrane of the sponges moves forward with the help of V-shaped cutters. At the end of the procedure, the cuts will turn into a Y-shaped seam. Over time, the traces of the plastic will not remain.

- "Paris". Photos before and after cheiloplasty of this type differ markedly for the better. This method is based on V-Y plastic, but it is more adapted to the individual characteristics of each patient.

- Cheiloplasty bulhorn. This is the plastic of the upper lip, if it is plump and longer than the bottom. This type of surgery is most often performed in conjunction with rhinoplasty and a mid-face lift. The procedure is indicated mainly for women after 35 years. It is at this age that the top "sponge" increases, and it is not possible to correct the situation by other, sparing methods. Photos before and after plastic surgery are striking with obvious improvements in the patient's skin condition.

Contraindications for cheiloplasty
Do not forget that after the plastic lips, the patient's body is under severe stress. There are a number of contraindications in which it is better to refrain from the procedure:
- epileptic disease;
- oncological diseases;
- skin diseases;
- blood coagulation;
- herpes or redness in the mouth;
- infectious diseases;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding of the child.

What tests should be performed before plastic surgery?
Before directly carrying out operations it is necessary to provide a number of analyzes. Required:
- urinalysis and blood count, coagulogram (blood clotting study);
- blood chemistry;
- blood test for HIV, infectious hepatitis, syphilis;
- ECG and fluorography;
- research on blood type and Rh factor (in case of emergency blood transfusion).

Cheiloplasty is performed according to the following scheme:
- Conducted tests for allergic reactions to the use of drugs.
- The doctor introduces the patient local anesthesia. If desired, the patient can use intravenous anesthesia, but it is more harmful to the body.
- The doctor makes incisions along the contour of the smile, and then removes excess tissue.
- After this, the edges of the fabric are sewn with a specialized suture, which disappears within a couple of days after the operation.
- The procedure lasts 1-2 hours, after its completion ice is applied to the lips. This reduces swelling and reduces discomfort.
- The patient returns to normal life within one day.

The operation requires an additional period of recovery or rehabilitation in the amount of 2 weeks.
Possible postoperative complications
The patient should independently monitor the condition of the mouth after the procedure. The rehabilitation period depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. On average, it can be 1-2 weeks. During this period, you need to minimize physical exertion and systematically apply ice to the damaged areas. Possible complications:
- The manifestation of asymmetry of the upper and lower parts of the mouth. This is especially possible if the plastic upper lip.
- Infection infections.
- Rejection of the introduced foreign material.
- Damage to the nerve endings if the operation is performed unsuccessfully.
- Bleeding or tissue necrosis.

The patient should carefully monitor the postoperative condition. In case of detection of abnormalities, you should immediately consult a doctor and do not self-medicate. If you do not seek professional help in time and let everything go to chance, necrosis and scarring of tissues can develop within 15 days.
Pediatric cheiloplasty in congenital abnormalities
In some cases, birth defects on children's faces prevent them from developing properly and impede socialization.
- “Cleft lip” (cheilosis) is a defect that appears at birth, formed by non-cohesive tissues of the nasal cavity and upper jaw and cleft of the upper lip. Such a pathology not only disfigures the child from an aesthetic point of view, but also interferes with eating normally, speech and communication with peers is difficult.

- “Wolf's mouth” - the unshaped sky, with the capture of the upper lip and jaw. This deviation has the same problems as the “cleft lip”. In addition, with this pathology, cases of infectious and respiratory diseases are becoming more frequent.

As the photo shows before and after the plastic of the lips of children, the procedure deprives the child of mental and physical suffering in the future. According to experts, children undergo cheiloplasty at the age of 6 months.
Specialist reviews of the procedure
Reviews of doctors are quite diverse. It all depends on why the patient turns for help. After all, very often an increase and a change in the volume of the mouth becomes an obsessive idea, developing into a manic dependence.

Nikiforov Ivan Sergeevich (plastic surgeon): “The contour correction of the lips is a great opportunity to correct congenital pathologies and eliminate the acquired defects on the lips. Unlike hyaluronic acid injections, the effect of cheiloplasty remains with you for life. With the help of new techniques, you can refresh your face by lifting the lowered corners of your mouth and make your mouth symmetrical. Do not forget that after the plastic body functions and changes. Be prepared for the fact that time can partially offset the effect. "

Elena Vasilyevna Smirnova (surgeon): “You need to clearly understand why you need to perform a lip surgery. Do not ask for help in clinics with a dubious reputation. Low cost can cost you health, and sometimes even life. ”

The cost of plastics in different cities
The price of the procedure depends on the clinic and qualification level of specialists.
- Moscow. The cost of cheiloplasty varies in the price range from 16 500 to 60 000 rubles. Averaged operation will cost 40 000 rubles.
- St. Petersburg. Issue price 16 500- 23 500 only for the services of a specialist. Additional cost of drugs, stay in the clinic and additional costs are negotiated individually.
- Nizhny Novgorod. The cost of the session ranges from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles.

Patients Reviews for Cheiloplasty
Olga (39 years old): “I came to the plastic surgery clinic when I was tired of fighting with numerous wrinkles around my mouth. Literally huge web they covered the entire surface of the lips. From this, any lipstick spread, and I looked old and scruffy. The procedure was successful. Now I am pleased with the result and try to follow the result. ”

Svetlana (28 years old): “I had to turn to a surgeon for help after I injured my lip after a fall. I was very afraid, but the operation was quick and painless. I am pleased with the result. ”

If you really need surgery to correct the lips, then contact a qualified technician and follow all these recommendations. Do not confuse real needs with artificial standards of beauty. Looking at your reflection in the mirror you should remember the expression “the best is the enemy of the good”.