Kapsik's ointment for cellulite - miracles happen


Kapsikam against cellulite

Cellulite or the so-called "orange peel" often ruins the life of even young girls who are not overweight. In the struggle for a smooth and beautiful skin, dozens of methods are offered: wraps, massages, scrubs, creams, lotions and much more. One of the most popular and affordable anti-cellulite remedies is Kapsikam ointment, which is used at home. Real reviews about the drug positively assess its action as a safe and inexpensive means of cellulite and even excess weight: the price of one tube starts from 100-150 rubles.

The composition and scope of anti-cellulite ointment Kapsikam

It is necessary to immediately clarify that the tool Kapiskam is not intended only for the struggle for beauty. This is a pharmacological drug of external action, for the purchase of which a prescription is not required. The ointment has a local irritant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. She is suitable for dealing with:

  • Radiculitis;
  • Arthritis;
  • Myalgia or muscle pain;
  • Joint pain;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Bruises.

It has found its use in athletes as a warming agent before exercise. The latter was the reason why many girls decided to try Kapsikam ointment from cellulite: warming the skin, it contributes to a more active regeneration of skin cells and activation of metabolic processes. The skin is renewed, and the unpleasant "orange peel" gradually disappears.

plastered thigh

Ointment Kapsikam against cellulite contains:

  • Dimethyl sulfoxide helps to increase the efficiency of penetration of other active elements into the tissue;
  • Benzyl nicotinate - increases local blood circulation;
  • Nonivamide or vanillinone;
  • Turpentine;
  • Type A emulsifier;
  • Cetyl stearyl alcohol;
  • Camphor;
  • Cetyl stearyl sulfate;
  • Purified water.

Despite the serious composition, the use of ointment does not cause any serious side effects. Before you begin to apply step-by-step ointment Kapsikam from cellulite, it is recommended to ensure that there are no allergic reactions and intolerance of individual components. To do this, the drug is applied to the skin on the elbow or the crook of the palm. If during the day at the site does not appear itchy or redness, capsicum can be safely applied.

The action of anti-cellulite ointment Kapsikam

Real reviews are able to greatly surprise even a woman tempted in the struggle for beauty. The fact is that Kapsikam ointment against cellulite is not a cosmetic, but a drug with a rather strong effect. Warming up a certain area, the cream contributes to:

  • Activation of skin regeneration, acceleration of its renewal;
  • Strengthening metabolic processes;
  • Enhanced nutrition with vitamins and oxygen.

Simply put, the cellulite cream Kapsikam helps in a short time to gradually “change” the top layer of the skin, which is already covered with tubercles. Instead, it will be young, clean and smooth skin. In some cases, weight loss and volume loss are noted, this is especially noticeable in the photo before and after the use of this drug. All this is due to the strong warming of the body.

creaming buttocks

The use of Kapsikam against cellulite

It is strictly forbidden to use cellulite cream in its pure form, otherwise you may get burned. This is warned and instructions for use, which is attached to the drug, and any recipe for beauty. Many girls prefer to add capsicum to regular creams and wraps to enhance the effect, but there are also separate recipes that you can do to yourself.

Kapsikam and baby cellulite cream

Most often you can find wraps with Kapsikam from cellulite. Instructions for use the following:

  1. You need to mix the ointment with any other cosmetic for weight loss or baby cream, you can also use vegetable oils, coffee, medicinal mud. The proportions are selected independently: if the effect is too weak, the percentage of capsicum cream should be increased;
  2. To take a shower, how to rub problem areas with a stiff brush or scrub, you can hold a small massage;
  3. Apply the mixture to the skin, gently rubbing it;
  4. Wrap the body with a film in several layers and wrap yourself in a warm blanket.

application of the cream and wrapping cling film

Kapsikam and caffeine against cellulite

Anti-cellulite wrap with cream Kapsikam and caffeine gathered a lot of positive reviews on the Internet:

  1. To a small spoonful of any anti-cellulite cream, add 4 ampoules of caffeine (sold at the pharmacy, worth a penny) and half a spoonful of Kapsikam (if it burns much, add less ointment in the future);
  2. All this is applied to the skin with a thin layer and wrap with a cling film;
  3. Put on more clothes on top and wrap up a rug;
  4. In this position, you need to sit for 2-3 hours, so turn on your favorite series and "burn" Slowly The course consists of 10 days - every day!

The warming effect will be strengthened several times, and the film will create a sauna effect, allowing you to cleanse the skin. The exposure time in each case is different and depends on the body, the recommended exposure time to start is 20 minutes. The mixture should be warm, but not burn. At the slightest signs of severe burning, you need to quickly remove the ointment. The scheme of removal of a wrapping with capsicam from cellulite is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad with vegetable oil and carefully wipe off all residues until burning sensation disappears. Instead of oil, you can use anti-burn wipes or novocaine solution (0.5%);
  2. Apply to the skin softening cream: for children or any other organic origin.

Rinse ointment with warm water is prohibited: it will increase the burning sensation and lead to unpleasant consequences.

wrap effect with capsicam

Instructions cosmetologists says that the use of ointment Kapsikam best daily for 10-15 days. If necessary, the course can be repeated in a few months. In addition to wraps, a mixture of capsicum and simple cream, which can be bought at any inexpensive store, can be used as a massage tool.

Contraindications to the use of Kapsikam from cellulite

There are a number of contraindications to the use of Kapsikam:

  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Allergy to the composition of the ointment;
  • Skin lesions at the site of application: fresh scars, inflammations, rashes of a different nature;
  • Excessively dry or sensitive skin.

Before the first use, it is strongly recommended to test for the absence of allergies and look at the skin reaction. If there is a strong redness or rash, no need to risk.

Short conclusion

Despite the low cost, Kapsikam cellulite ointment is an excellent tool that can help many. Its total price, taking into account the purchase of cream or other cosmetics for "dilutions" Kapsikama, not much hit the pocket, but will bring a lot of effect, even in neglected cases. Thanks to the active components that warm the skin and tissues, an excellent result with regular use is guaranteed. And do not forget to take a photo to compare the result after the last application.

skin distribution

Reviews on the use of Kapsikam anti-cellulite ointment

Marina: The caffeine-free recipe is something incredible. I could not stand it for three hours, I probably need less ointment, but still the effect impressed me immediately after the first use. Try it, it works!

Irina: I go to the gym 3 times a week and keep a light diet and additionally do a wrap with Kapsikam. It is most difficult to endure the first hour of burning, then the body gets used to this temperature. But the effect is worth such sacrifices.

Lyudmila: Cool, went to the pharmacy, bought Kapsiki for 162 rubles, the usual children's cream for 30 rubles, for 25 caffeine. I put oil on my husband, shook it with a cling film, wrapped it up and lay there for a bastard. It burns very much, but the skin is really smoothed!

Nina: I used and did not help me. The fact is that the skin swells from the burn and is smoothed out by swelling. And it seems that cellulite has disappeared!

If you have already used Kapsik's ointment in the fight against cellulite, then leave your feedback about the effect and the effect obtained from this anti-cellulite remedy after the article.

Video: Hot wrap with Kapsikam ointment for cellulite