Japanese diet


Asian weight loss system

Those who are determined to find a slim figure, fit the popular Japanese diet. Reviews of thinner confirm the fact that the diet in Japanese is able to move the weight off the ground faster than other weight loss systems. But be prepared for the fact that to sit on it is very difficult. To go all the way to a slim figure to the end you need to be different shutter speed and really want change. If you thought that the Japanese diet for weight loss implies the introduction of national dishes in the form of rolls and sushi into the diet, you are mistaken. To eat it is necessary far not the most tasty, but useful products. Let's take a closer look at this nutritional system for weight loss.

The basis of the Japanese diet

The essence of the Japanese diet lies in the transition to protein food and reducing carbohydrate and fat intake to a minimum. Japanese diet for weight loss "in numbers" looks like this:

  • The results of the Japanese diet - minus 7-8 kg. The main thing is to comply with a specific menu developed by Japanese nutritionists.
  • A diet without harm to health can be a maximum of 2 weeks.
  • You can repeat it no more than once every 2 years, otherwise a malfunction in the metabolism may occur.
  • Japanese diet can last 7, 13 or 14 days. Depending on how many pounds you want to lose weight on the Japanese diet, you can independently determine for yourself its duration.

Features of the diet on the "Japanese"

The Japanese diet menu is rather monotonous. You will eat only those products that are registered by the authors of this system, without deviations from the portions and excluding substitute products. The main features of the diet are as follows:

  • Japanese salt-free diet implies a complete rejection of salt, sugar and other spices. It is allowed to add lemon juice to vegetable salad.
  • During the day you should drink 1.5 - 2 liters of ordinary water. It is recommended to drink the first glass in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Strictly prohibited pastries and alcohol.
  • Every morning you will start with a cup of natural coffee. If you do not drink unsweetened coffee, you can add a teaspoon of honey to it.
  • Vegetables included in the menu, you can use in any portions.
  • It is necessary to eat clearly according to the scheme developed by nutritionists. Do not change the order of days and products in places.
  • It is recommended to drink complex vitamins so that weight loss does not affect the condition of your skin, nails and hair.

complete rejection of sweet

The strictness of compliance with the menu compiled by nutritionists is the key to successful weight loss at home. Next you will find the menu of the Japanese diet for 7 days. If you decide to lose weight the maximum allowable 14 days, just start to observe the seven-day menu from the very beginning and the second week of weight loss.

Japanese diet for 7 days

Popular Japanese diet for 7 days boasts high efficiency. A week of strict diet should be enough to put a figure in order, if you are relatively thin. In the diet of losing weight will be present simple foods, they are all low-calorie, which confirms the table of calorie foods. With the strictest observance of the menu, your body in 2-3 days adapts to new conditions, and you will not walk with hungry eyes.

The 7-day Japanese diet starts with a cup of coffee every morning. Antioxidants in this drink help fight free radicals in the cells, which means they keep you young. In addition, scientists have proven that caffeine stimulates efficient fat burning during physical exertion. Well and, of course, a cup of coffee is cheerfulness for the whole day.

small portions of food

The menu of the Japanese diet for 7 days

Every morning begins with a cup of coffee and, in fact, this is the whole breakfast. Dinner and lunch will be different.


  • Drink black coffee for breakfast.
  • Lunch meal: boiled chicken eggs - 2 pieces, cabbage salad, a glass of tomato juice (or 1 tomato).
  • For dinner: a piece of fish (200 g) boiled or steamed.


  • For breakfast: add a crouton to the cup of coffee.
  • For lunch: a piece of fish (200g) boiled or slightly fried, cabbage salad.
  • For dinner: low-fat kefir - 1 cup, a piece of boiled veal (200g), cooked without salt and other spices.


  • For breakfast: a traditional cup of coffee with 1 pastry.
  • For lunch: medium-sized zucchini (can be steamed or fried).
  • Evening meal: a piece of boiled beef (200g), 2 boiled chicken eggs, cabbage salad.


  • Morning meal: black coffee and a small rusk.
  • For lunch: raw chicken egg, salad of 3 boiled carrots, dressing, vegetable oil, a slice of hard cheese.
  • Evening snack: apples - 2 pieces.


  • For breakfast: coffee and carrots fresh, grated, with lemon juice.
  • For lunch: half a kilogram of boiled fish, steam or slightly fried, a glass of tomato juice.
  • Evening meals: apples - 2 pieces.


  • For breakfast: black unsweetened coffee.
  • For lunch: half a kilogram of chicken meat boiled or stewed, cabbage salad.
  • For dinner: boiled eggs - 2 pieces, raw carrot.


  • For breakfast, drink coffee (or a cup of green tea).
  • For lunch: a piece of beef (200g) boiled, an apple.
  • For dinner: choose yourself any of the above options, except dinner Wednesday.

Japanese diet for 13 days

Although the Japanese diet for 13 days is considered low-calorie and low-carb, the diet is chosen so that your body will have enough nutrients, including plant fiber. The Japanese diet for 13 days is quite convenient because you do not have to wrestle with your daily diet. This has already been done by Japanese nutritionists for you, all you have to do is to strictly observe all of its postulates and the result will not keep you waiting for a long time.

girl eating salad

Japanese diet menu for 13 days

Observe the seven-day menu, and then repeat the first 6 days again. Thus, the menu of the Japanese diet for 13 days will not differ from the week. All products in the diet are simple and affordable, and the most expensive product is fish. Do not forget about the water balance: you will need to drink at least one and a half liters of pure water per day. This will help eliminate toxins from you. Drinking a glass of water half an hour before meals, you dull the feeling of hunger, and therefore, eat less.

Japanese diet for 14 days

If you want to achieve maximum results, the Japanese diet for 14 days will help you lose up to 10 kg of excess weight, which, according to reviews, will not return as quickly as it left. But keep in mind that the Japanese diet for 14 days is not for everyone. Due to the daily use of natural coffee, this system of weight loss is not suitable for people with cardiovascular problems. Observe this method of nutrition for weight loss for more than 2 weeks is strictly prohibited. Continuing to lose weight with this system can lead to serious health complications.

Menu of the Japanese diet for 14 days

Eat according to the method developed by the authors for a diet of 7 days, and then repeat it again from the first day. The menu of the Japanese diet for 14 days will not please everyone, moreover, for 2 weeks of the cabbage and fish menu you will not be able to look at these products for a long time in the future. But the results of the Japanese diet are worth it!

We leave from the "Japanese" correctly

A sharp and incorrect exit from this system of food can negate all your efforts, and this is confirmed by the feedback from women who, after going through the entire 2-week journey, returned to their previous weight. So be prepared for the fact that you need a diet after the Japanese diet. Step by step enter the familiar products, following these instructions:

  • step by step add one new product per day, starting with cereals, vegetables and fruits;
  • It is possible to introduce fried, smoked and fat only 2 weeks after the completion of weight loss.

Japanese women never overeat, trying to fill the stomach at only 0.8. Observing this system of weight loss, your stomach noticeably shrink in size, which means you can not eat too much without subsequent discomfort. The main mistake of women after the completion of weight loss is the desire to "come off in full", lashing out on food. Remember, with what efforts you have achieved your results and control your appetite in the future.

Food after the "Japanese"

large jeans

Japanese salt-free diet allows you to go on a more proper diet, which will be a minimum of salt, because after a long consumption of fresh food, you will be surprised how many spices were added to food before. Having brought the figure in order and coming out of the diet without returning the dropped kilograms, it remains only to maintain the result with your own hands in the future.

After the "Japanese" is recommended to adhere to a balanced diet. To do this, you can calculate the calorie intake of food. In the calculations you will help table calorie foods. Eat small meals, but often. Do not forget about complex carbohydrates and water balance.

The recipe for the Japanese diet is simple: tune in to the result and follow all the recommendations. And let the reviews become thinner for you, which demonstrate the effectiveness of this technique.

Video: Japanese diet for weight loss- 13 days