Instant reed tan vs. competitors


dark-skinned beauty

Tanned body is very aesthetic. Besides the fact that chocolate skin tone will make you sexy and attractive, tan will visually make you slimmer. Today it is not necessary to lie in the sun for hours on end, because there is an excellent alternative, an instant tan. The procedure has continuous benefits, which can not be said about the traditional sunbathing and tanning beds. We will tell you all about this new product from the preparatory stage of the procedure to the time that the instant tan stays on the skin.

The essence of the procedure of instant tanning

In America, instant tanning has been popular for quite a long time, but it came to us just recently. The procedure involves special equipment for instant tanning, by means of which the smallest droplets of lotion are sprayed onto the skin. The active component of the lotion is dihydroxyacetone. The substance is extracted from sugar cane, because this service is also called cane tan. Also reed tan is known as bronzing. In order to understand why a service is so good, we suggest you compare it with existing alternatives.

Instant tan vs sun

Sunbathing in the sun or visiting a tanning bed, your skin is affected by ultraviolet rays. Scientists have done a lot of research to establish the connection between sunbathing and the occurrence of skin cancer, but to talk about the dangers of the sun’s rays it’s not even necessary to delve into medicine. Surely, you at least once burned in the sun and know what kind of torment, not to mention not aesthetics, can cause such burns. The sun's rays will give you a longer lasting result for free, but an instant tan will make you a chocolate bar in a matter of minutes, while in the sun you will have to lie down for several days.


Reed tan vs tanning bed

The solarium and instant tanning have one thing in common, both salon treatments. But few people know about the dangers of tanning beds: it promotes dehydration and, as a result, skin aging, worsens the condition of your hair, and can lead to skin pigmentation. Among other things, to get chocolate skin color, you will need to visit the tanning salon several times. The solarium has many contraindications, which include gynecological diseases, pregnancy, lactation, heart disease, antibiotics, hormonal drugs. Reed tan has no contraindications, unless you have an individual intolerance to the components of the lotion.

girl in the solarium

Instant tan vs tanning

By their principle of action, lotions for instant tan are similar to tanning. But you can hardly do just the same lightly tanning. Even if you use the most expensive product, advertising which promises a perfect application and even shade, you are unlikely to avoid stains and color transitions. Special equipment for instant tan allows uniform spraying of lotion on the skin surface. But compared to self-tanning, reed is more expensive and you cannot do it yourself at home, although many craftsmen work at home.

tan skin with tanning lotion

The benefits of bronzing

Summing up, it is worth noting the benefits that you get by deciding to buy an instant tan:

  • An innovative method suitable for all skin types.
  • This is a real find for white-skinned girls who are not very fond of the sun.
  • In a matter of minutes, you will get a uniform dark complexion, which cannot be boasted by any of the alternative methods described above.
  • Tanning lotion, which is used in the procedure, consists of 70% of natural ingredients that favorably affect the health of your skin.

The disadvantage of the procedure is that the lotion can stain clothes and bedding during the first week.

Getting to the reed tanning procedure

You can treat both the entire body and face, as well as only separate areas, such as arms, legs or back. If you want to make bronzing before the festive event, it is recommended to perform the procedure 1-2 days before the important event, so that the shade is fully fixed on the skin and the excess lotion is washed off.

Preliminary preparation before bronzing

Undoubtedly, some preparation before the procedure is needed, but it is elementary. Without this stage, the result may disappoint you.

  • First of all, the skin should be thoroughly cleansed, it is better to use a body scrub. Typically, an instant tanning studio provides client services to showers where you can perform this procedure. If there are no such booths in the cabin, the shower should be taken at home.
  • You should not have any cosmetics. Otherwise, the tanning lotion will fall unevenly and may come off ahead of time. If you are in for a procedure, do not use body cosmetics, creams, lotions and even perfumes. The skin area on which the cosmetic is applied may change color.
  • In addition, a couple of days before going to the salon you need to remove unwanted hair from the body. Then, by the time of the procedure, all the means used in epilation will be washed off the skin. If you do epilation after bronzing, the skin tone may be uneven.

body scrubing

Phased Bronzing Procedure

The procedure takes from 5 to 15 minutes, the scheme of step by step looks like this:

  1. If your chosen instant tanning studio provides for this, you will peel the skin, if not, you will have to do it at home.
  2. The master will offer you a protective cream for the hands, because as you know, they do not tan, and if the spray gets on them, it will look unnatural.
  3. After that, the master with a special sprayer will apply suntan lotion on your body, including your face. You will feel how your body blows a stream of warm air. When the master begins to process the face, hold your breath, so as not to inhale the lotion.
  4. Your skin will only darken slightly at the end of the procedure.
  5. Do not wear clothes for another 5-7 minutes until the lotion is completely absorbed.

The procedure is completed, but you will see the final result in 4-8 hours. At this time, it is not recommended to take a bath, play sports or in any other way affect the skin. The lotion should be thoroughly absorbed, then you will get an excellent result that will please you for 1-2 weeks, depending on skin type.

spraying lotion

A few recommendations for a better result.

Negative reviews are often found online for any service and instant tanning is no exception. In order for your result to please you with an even skin tone for the maximum possible time, follow some simple recommendations:

  • When you go bronzing, wear dark, loose-fitting clothing. Girls often complain that the lotion does not have time to dry and, after returning home from the salon, they will be disappointed in the form of stains on the skin. Clothing should not be tight, then there will be no problems.
  • The first shower can be taken 8 hours after the session. It should be fast, without scrubs and hard scourers. Do not wipe off with a towel, and lightly blot the skin with it.
  • Daily use moisturizers for the body, then the result will last longer.
  • Do not apply alcohol-based products to the body. Apply toilet water on your hair or clothes, but not on your skin.
  • Do not save on the procedure. Remember that the result of bronzing, as well as the result of any other manipulation, depends on the level of professionalism of the master. Do not chase for cheap!

Cane Bronzing Cost

instant tan

Cane tanning is a salon procedure, but today many craftsmen prefer to work at home and this service is no exception, because today it is not a problem to buy equipment and bronzing equipment. The cost of a session in the cabin is about 1000 rubles, the price of a session at home is from 300 rubles to infinity, depending on the qualifications of the master and the quality of the lotion.

Enthusiastic reviews of girls with chocolate bodies are strongly recommended to try reed tan. If you want to get a beautiful tanned body, follow all the recommendations described by us.

Video: instant reed tan