How to satisfy hunger without food


deception of hunger

The current understanding of beauty for most modern girls is equal to harmony. It is thanks to this interpretation that women torture themselves with various nutritional restrictions. Illiterate experiments on your body lead to the exact opposite effect. The question is how to deal with hunger, to get rid of the obsessive desire to eat, without harming the shape and health? Answers to the question "how to put an appetite in place" can be found in today's material.

Why does the constant feeling of hunger appear?

The reason that the body feels appetite, hunger and the need for nutrition is the hypothalamus. The desire to eat comes only when the blood glucose level decreases. After saturation, this indicator rises, and the hypothalamus signals about satiety.

saturation algorithm

Interesting! Appetite is a reflex that helped the ancestors of a person seeking to eat as much as possible in one sitting. The surplus was stored in the form of fat, and at the onset of harsh times, when the food was tight, these stocks were slowly spent.

Now this reflex has been transformed into a sense of a false desire to eat, and has become the cause of psychological dependence on food. Today we talk about him.

balanced diet

Characteristic signs of real and imaginary hunger

To effectively deal with bouts of hunger, you need to learn to distinguish between its types.

Physiological type

  • the need for high-calorie food without any frills;
  • increases, accompanied by rumbling in the stomach;
  • food volumes are just enough to eat;
  • The meal is stopped immediately after saturation;
  • after eating the sensations are pleasant, there is no shame for eating.

temptations and breakdowns

Imaginary desire to eat

  • I want a certain food, often salty or sweet;
  • appears suddenly, and is associated with the desire to get pleasant emotions;
  • the volume of servings is practically not controlled;
  • no concentration on taste;
  • after eating there is a feeling of guilt for weakness.

Conclusion: the appetite can deceive, and often the urge to eat is just a manifestation of an unstable emotional background.


Effective ways to satisfy hunger without food

To quench the feeling of hunger without food, and not leave the imaginary feeling no chance to seduce yourself, we recommend the most effective ways available to each of you. Choosing the way how to cope with hunger will only help your taste and capabilities:

  • drinking therapy (water, cocktails, coffee);
  • diet pills;
  • sport exercises;
  • aromatherapy;
  • breathing exercises;
  • improvised means and folk recipes.

split meals

Let's talk about some of them below.

The use of water to control the desire to eat

Everyone knows, to beat hunger while losing weight, you need to drink plenty of clean water: from 1.5 to 2.5 per day. But does everyone follow this rule? Many shrug off, suffering from bans on food. If you properly drink water, you can even overcome hunger on a diet.

  • After waking up, drink a glass of warm water. This will awaken the body, start the metabolism.


  • Thirst is confused with the desire to eat. Perhaps tame hunger will help a glass of pure water without sugar and gas.
  • Drink a glass of water half an hour before meals and an hour after it is taken.

Scientific fact! Scientists have proved that thawed cool water will cope with a constant feeling of hunger and with a strong desire to eat. The same effect from salted water.

useful water

Coffee, tea or other drinks to reduce appetite

The action of pharmaceutical tea for weight loss is based on the laxative and diuretic effect. Initially, do not guess how a particular product will affect your body. Therefore, in order not to want to eat, use ordinary tea and coffee.

  • Feeling a strong urge to eat, make black coffee without sugar and milk. Try to respect yourself and keep exceptionally good coffee at home. Drink suppresses the need for food, and will have a diuretic effect, eliminating swelling.


  • Green tea with lemon is the saturation and strengthening of the immune system.
  • Compote of dried fruits with honey is a brilliant decision on how to satisfy hunger.
  • Cut a bunch of parsley, brew it in a glass of water, after 20 minutes of tincture drink.
  • A couple of figs dip in 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil. After 10 minutes, the drink is ready.
  • Kombucha not only helps to get enough, but also improve the body's microflora.

tea and tinctures

  • Garlic tincture will help to cope with the feeling of hunger in the evening. Pound 3 cloves of garlic and cover it with a glass of lukewarm water, let it stand for an hour and drink 1 tbsp. l before bedtime.
  • Well-balanced hunger oxygen cocktail from the store sportpita. Due to the oxygen bubbles and saturation occurs.

Homemade anti-appetite

If you are wondering how not to want to eat, you can “deceive” the body in such ways:

  • eat fresh cucumber or chew some sesame seeds;
  • brush your teeth, it will appease appetite;
  • take a moderately hot bath;
  • chew gum or parsley;
  • perform a self-massage point between the nose and the upper lip.

vitamins in food

The positive effect of aromatherapy

Surrounding yourself with certain flavors, you can get rid of the obsessive desire to eat. These flavors will help:

  • banana;
  • fennel;
  • bergamot;
  • mint;
  • green apple;
  • lemon;
  • patchouli.

binge eating

Helping motivation in blunting the desire to eat

What to do to not want to eat in the evening? Try to motivate yourself when a brutal appetite manifests itself:

  • Imagine how you will feel slim, but do not stop loving yourself in any manifestation;
  • Set a goal: what size you will wear and how much to weigh;
  • weigh yourself regularly as dropping a kilogram is the best motivation;
  • eat in front of the mirror, it will reduce the amount of food intake by 25%;
  • find like-minded people.

chewing gum and enjoying food

Detailed instructions to overcome the problem of overeating

  • First, make sure you really want to eat. Drink a couple of glasses of warm water, if after 15 minutes the feeling did not pass, then you need to eat.
  • Analyze the situation. Appetite appeared on the basis of stress? Try not to eat cake, but drink some valerian. The desire to eat will disappear by itself.
  • Perform self-massage or breathing exercises.

figs and vegetables

  • Sport will help: shake the press, perform jumps with a skipping rope, perform the “plank” or “wave” exercises. An hour later, the feeling of hunger will disappear.
  • Take a pleasant bath, and preferably in combination with aromatherapy. Take an aroma lamp or use fragrant foam with the smell of vanilla, citrus, lavender or banana.

Important! Remember that appetite idleness increases the most. Load the work to the maximum, and divide your time so that there is no time left even for thoughts of overeating.


The main secrets of getting rid of hunger

Paradox: in order not to be held hostage to the irrational desire to eat, you need to eat right.

  • If you have a TV or a computer, then it will definitely fit in you more, this has been proven by science. Conclusion - eat in silence.
  • Do not eat on the go, eat while sitting.

various snacks

  • Products that satisfy hunger: lean meat, vegetables, low-fat dairy products.
  • Eat from the "doll" dishes, a small fork of a tiny plate.


  • Meal should last 20 minutes, that is how long it takes for the brain to receive a signal of fullness. This does not mean that you should eat without ceasing during this time. It is necessary to eat slowly, with pauses, chewing food thoroughly. After 20 minutes, you no longer want to eat, even if during this time you have eaten only a couple of meatballs.
  • Food that satisfies hunger should be freely available, and do not bring home sweets or other harmful products.

refusal of junk food

  • Before going to bed you can walk in the fresh air.
  • Spend more time on sleep: statistics show that a person who has slept well eats much less than after a lack of sleep.
  • Arrange food according to the schedule and little by little, so the body will not spontaneously feel the desire to eat, and you will begin to control your appetite.

weighing and protein food

  • Do not use seasonings and sauces are the best friends of the traffic light.
  • If you really want to eat, then pay attention to foods high in fiber.


Remember that defeating the uncontrolled appetite will help a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. We hope that our advice will help you not to succumb to the imaginary feeling of hunger. What else can you do? Share your experiences in the comments.

Video: Interesting ways to deal with bouts of hunger