How to eat

Ancient people said: Eat right and you will not need medicine, and if it is not right, then medicine will no longer help you. We all often laughed at the phrase: what would eat to lose weight? But no matter how strange it sounds, you can really lose weight, if of course you eat right. By the way, what is meant by the words how to eat properly to lose weight? Strict diet, menu or balanced diet?
Modern diet is a complete rejection of many products, which for the body is a complete stress. But the restriction in the consumption of certain foods and replacing them with less calorie-is already called the right diet. From here, the conclusion - proper nutrition for the purpose of losing weight - is, above all, the observance of a reasonable and competent diet, and not mockery of the organism, completely excluding from its diet proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Yes, you can lose weight with a strict diet, but if "sit" on it too often, the body begins to gradually get used to such shocks, and the effectiveness of the diet will decrease. As a result, health is seriously undermined and there is a slight weight loss, which usually does not last long.
Proper nutrition, leading to weight loss

Today, everyone is beginning to understand that the use of various diets is just a temporary solution. The problem of weight loss must be solved once and preferably forever. But how? How, when in our time double standards are imposed on us? On the one hand, the cult of the body, the cult of beauty and the ideal to the nausea of appearance, and on the other, the active introduction and promotion of all sorts of fast foods and drinks that are harmful to health and it is not clear from what was prepared. How, in such a huge depth of conflicting information, do not get lost and correctly navigate? What should be the rules of nutrition for weight loss? Here is our answer.
First of all, in order to understand how to lose weight, eating right you need to consider the following factors:
- The energy value of the consumed products must be calculated depending on the energy expenditure of the body. In other words, those calories that have already taken the body should be spent during the day, and not be deposited on your stomach and sides in the form of a life buoy.
- The composition of the chemical elements of the consumed products must be combined with the physiological needs of the body. That is, if possible, change your menu and diet. Make it as varied as possible, because from a monotonous meal, even if it is very tasty, the appetite disappears, and your body begins to give signals about the need to introduce other elements into the diet.
- Diet. Doctors and nutritionists and scientists believe that the daily energy value of the costs should be divided as follows: 25-35 percent give breakfast, 45-55 percent leave for lunch and only 20-30 percent for dinner.
- For people interested in the question - what is proper nutrition to lose weight, it is recommended to adhere to a separate diet. This means that one meal should not combine carbohydrate and protein foods, there is even a special diet, the protein-carbohydrate alternation. For example, the first half of the day is costing products containing carbohydrates, and the second half of the day - vegetables and low-fat protein foods.
Recommendations for the preparation of the diet per day

- Breakfast for weight loss: to recharge vitamins and satisfy hunger, it is best to make breakfast nutritious. To do this, you can eat eggs, dairy products, fruits and cereals. For example: 2- 3 boiled eggs, semolina or oatmeal, a glass of orange juice.
- Lunch for weight loss: eating right to lose weight at lunchtime is necessary so that your menu is rich and dense, so you can include soup, porridge, fish or poultry, as well as vegetables in your lunch ration. For example, it will be chicken soup, vegetable salad, toast, green tea.
- Dinner for weight loss: for dinner it is better not to load your stomach and digestive system. Choose better dairy products, seafood, vegetables or fruits. You can cottage cheese casserole, fish paste, fruit salad, juice.
If you eat right you can lose weight- tips

- First you must understand that you are not losing weight, but changing your lifestyle. A month on a diet can really help to lose 2 to 3 kilograms, but if you want to return to your previous diet, the weight will return again.
- No need to purposefully choose for their food only low-calorie foods. Your diet should consist of many different foods in certain percentages.
- We make the right diet: one third of it should consist of animal proteins, and the rest of plant food. The choice of products should be made from that without which you can not do. For example, you should not limit meat-eaters completely in their favorite food.
- Calorie menu for each day must be calculated, given your lifestyle. If you work physically and move a lot, then the caloric content should be increased.
- We limit the products with a high content of glucose and fat, which are at the top of the food pyramid, because a lot of energy is spent on their digestibility.
- Correctly combine products: for example, meat is not compatible with milk or with carbohydrates.
- Water is now your constant companion. The daily fluid intake is calculated as follows: you must drink at least 30 milliliters of water per kilogram of body weight per day. Half of this norm should consist of plain water.
- Also, it is very important to observe the diet. Divide the daily ration into 5 meals. The basic techniques are 3 times a day (the interval between receptions is 5 to 6 hours). Between breaks, you can make light snacks.

So, proper nutrition to lose weight is:
- Firstly, a competent approach to losing excess weight, otherwise you will encounter a disruption of the work of certain organs of your body. And in this case, you will need a thorough examination by specialists.
- Secondly, it is impossible to lose weight without exercise, only with their help it is possible to return the metabolic disorder to its normal state.
- And thirdly, once standing on the warpath with overweight, you can not go with it. You need to keep in shape all the time, because it is the only way to get approving reviews from people close to you and feel confident.