Home facial massage- “knead” all the flaws

Facial massage at home will help to save not only health and youth, but also money, because not everyone can afford a regular visit to a beautician. But every woman wants to look fresh. What if there is not enough money and time for cosmetic procedures? Master the massage technique itself.
Getting rid of "of problems" on the face
Independent facial massage can bring a miraculous effect: enhance the work of body systems, such as blood and lymphatic, activate metabolism and saturate tissues with oxygen. The procedure will help you improve muscle tone, relieve fatigue and tension, can improve the overall condition of your body and make immunity to various diseases stronger. A face massage with your own hands will help:
- Make the skin younger and slow down its aging;
- Improve skin elasticity;
- Rid your face of acne;
- To put in order the functions of the sebaceous glands and normalize their work;
- Smooth wrinkles;
- Make better hair;
- Remove swelling and puffiness;
- Return blush;
- To clean the face of dead cells.

Facial massage itself will allow you to maintain or restore facial contours, strengthen muscles. Regular treatment helps even with time to get rid of scars and stretch marks.
Contraindications to home facial massage
However, before you rush to search for instructions and schemes for massaging your face at home, you should find out if you are making yourself worse. Although a home facial massage may seem at first glance an unserious procedure, it has many contraindications associated with diseases of not only the skin of the face, but also other organs. Massaging should not be done if:
- You have eczema on your face;
- You are suffering from herpes:
- You have high blood pressure;
- There are open wounds on the face;
- You are suffering a fungal disease.

But this is only part of more or less obvious contraindications. It turns out that home facial massage is also undesirable for people with:
- Heart disease;
- Thyroid disease;
- Poor blood clotting;
- Malignant tumor.
If you have examined your face, flipped through your medical card and did not find anything in yourself that could make your face massage harmful, do not rush to start the procedure. You need to check how ready your skin is for such a shock.
- To start, hold a blunt object on the skin, for example, on the arm. After a couple of hours, did you see redness or irritation at this place? Give up home facial massage. People with delicate and sensitive skin is better to contact a professional beautician, so as not to injure the tissue.
- "Test with a stick" was successful? Then decide what means you plan to use during massaging: these can be oils, moisturizing creams, etc. Unknown cosmetics should be distributed over the skin area on the inside of the elbow. Wait a few hours, or better a day, if there are no burns or redness, and you feel comfortable, proceed to a facial massage.

Cooking a face for a massage
In order to know how to do a facial massage at home, it is not necessary to be an expert, you just need to perform the procedure step by step. Prepare your face before massaging. Follow the standard steps: remove hair, wash makeup. Then you can make a peeling. Cleanser can be bought or, but since you decided to arrange a salon at home, it is better to make the peeling itself. The most simple recipes.
Oatmeal peeling

- A handful of oatmeal should be crushed and mixed with water, preferably warm. The mixture should turn into mush.
- This composition should be applied to the skin, like a regular mask, wait a couple of minutes, and then it is easy to massage the parts of the T-zone and cheeks.
- Wash off with water comfortable for you temperature.
Coffee peeling
You will need coffee grounds.
- Apply it on face and let it dry.
- Remove the mass from the face massaging movements.
- Wash first with warm and then cold water.

Face steaming
- In order to completely clean the skin, you can make the steaming. Do not forget that you should always wipe your face with just a touch of a towel or napkin. Never rub your face, otherwise you risk injuring your skin.
- After this, be sure to moisten the face with the already tested product. It may even be an ordinary cream, but if you want to achieve a greater effect, purchase special serums that promote skin regeneration.
Experts advise to do a home facial massage is not the day, but, on the contrary, a few hours before you go to bed. Although a light morning massage will save you from bags and circles under the eyes.
Do the procedure for the first time? Then do not get carried away and do not overdo it: 3-5 minutes is enough for a start. Later this time can be increased to 10-25 minutes.
We do a classic facial massage by yourself.
If you are a beginner in home cosmetology, master the classic facial massage. This technique is suitable for those who do not have external skin defects such as wrinkles or folds. Classical massage is a fairly strict scheme: it must be done precisely on certain lines in order to affect the muscles of the face and epidermis. Perform all actions step by step.

- Trace the brow line with your fingers and reach the roots.
- Then from the chin, lead to the ears, from the corners of your lips to the middle of the ear.
- The next movement is to draw a line to the temples from the nose and from the nose - to the tips of the eyebrows. All these actions are performed in circular motions.
- Complete the massage with a light vibration. It is performed with straight fingers. These movements are necessary to push the collagen to the surface of the skin. They must be energetic. Thus massage the forehead from the center to the temples. This action is performed along the same lines as in the first stage of the massage.
Remember that any massage should be started with light strokes, then it is advisable to slap a little on the face. When the skin warms up, get down to business. Act fingertips. Do not push hard. Do not make sudden movements. Improper massage can cause wrinkles. A well-made facial massage will help you look not only fresh, but also correct the contours of your face.
Remove wrinkles and double chin
If your goal is to get rid of wrinkles, then another facial massage technique should be selected from wrinkles at home. The main tool here will be tapping and pressing. Such a procedure should be done pointwise.

- For a rejuvenating massage, apply a moisturizer to problem areas.
- Take the inner side of the wrist and perform pressing movements. It is necessary to repeat it several times.
- Finish the massage with light tapping movements.
Experts also recommend using ordinary teaspoons, as well as for a classic massage, and for rejuvenating. Before starting the procedure, the spoons must either be boiled or rubbed with alcohol. Remember that all movements should be light, not causing pain and discomfort.
In the fight against the second chin, pats will also become effective, but they must be made more intensive. Even tweaks will do. Exercise should be performed for 5-10 minutes and at least 7 times a day. The frequency of this procedure depends on how soon you can get rid of the second chin.
Another effective method is a wet towel exercise.
- Soak it beforehand in salt water and roll it with a rope.
- Take the ends and skip under the chin.
- Stretch as if you want to tie your jaw and release it sharply.