Gluten free diet


Miley Cyrus on a gluten-free diet.

Despite the fact that a gluten-free diet is not a mono-diet, it is a power system with fairly stringent restrictions. Not everyone can keep them at home, so a gluten-free diet for weight loss is not the easiest way.

The fact is that gluten is a protein found in so many foods. And even in those who are difficult to suspect of involvement in cereal crops. For example, in sweets, instant coffee and sausages. To independently determine its content in food, you need to carefully study the composition of the product, as well as take into account the possibility of accidental ingress of particles of cereals during processing. About this on the packaging are corresponding marks.

gluten-containing products

Restrictions on salvation: a gluten-free diet for children

The possibility of entering the menu of gluten-containing particles is especially important for small patients. After all, a gluten-free diet for children is prescribed for celiac disease - gluten intolerance. The disease is expressed in serious violations of the bowels during the digestion of gluten and proteins close to it (avenin, hordein and some others).

Attention! Forbidden products

These substances are abundant in grains of rye, wheat, barley. Their molecules can damage the epithelium in the intestines of people suffering from celiac disease. The result is chronic diarrhea, bloating, shortness of breath and severe weight loss.

In young patients, developmental delays may occur, and they often lag behind the age norm in height and weight.

Only a rigid gluten-free diet is a salvation for such patients, and it has to be followed all their lives.

Gluten-free diet for children - parental care. Products for a gluten-free diet should be stored separately from all other food (in a separate closet, on a special shelf in the refrigerator). A nutritionist's instruction states that the dishes (cutlery, knives, boards, pots and pans) in which food is prepared and served without gluten should be marked in a special way.

cereals are prohibited

Even a small amount of protein accidentally ingested can cause a deterioration in the quality of life. However, a positive clinical response when all recommendations are followed comes quickly: the results of a gluten-free diet can be seen in a few weeks.

Let us analyze step by step the list of products allowed for children with the following diagnosis:

  • Meat;
  • A fish;
  • Nuts;
  • Fruits;
  • Beans;
  • Rice;
  • Corn;
  • Also allowed to eat all dairy products and different types of cheese.

A sufficient amount of vegetables in the diet is the key to the child's menu.

Video: Gluten Free Diet: Pros and Cons

Fashion trends: a gluten-free diet for weight loss

Gluten-free slimming diet is a relatively recent phenomenon. Many celebrities have tested this power supply system on themselves and are happy with the result. For others, it has become the norm since childhood.

Slender Zoe Deschanel and Victoria Beckham

  • So, Zooey Deschanel suffers from celiac disease, and adhere to the restrictions on cereals for her question of life and death. However, Victoria Beckham also claims to have intolerance: a celebrity, she said, is allergic not only to gluten, but also to lactose.
  • Oscar-winning Rachel Weiss and famous political show host Kate Olbermann have suffered from gluten intolerance since childhood. They argue that the complete abandonment of gluten-free products significantly improved their quality of life.
  • But Gwyneth Paltrow refused to tasty baking of their own accord. She admits that she initially wanted to lose weight on a gluten-free diet. And in the process it became clear how she managed to improve her vitality and well-being to herself.

Rachel Weiss and Gwyneth Paltrow on gluten free meals

The essence of a gluten-free diet and restrictions

Let us try to assess the feasibility of such a depleted diet for healthy people. How effective is a gluten-free diet for weight loss?

Here is an incomplete list of products that will have to be disused for several weeks:

  • cereals (containing rye, wheat, barley) - including semolina, pearl barley, couscous and bulgur;
  • Beer and malt products;
  • Gastronomy (sausages, sausages, ready-made meatballs and prepared foods);
  • Packaged juices, tomato sauce, instant coffee and candy factory-made.

For more effective diet, the list of acceptable foods should be reduced by:

  • Chips, packaged crackers, ready glazed breakfasts;
  • Dairy products of high fat content (from 2%).

This scheme also requires to limit the consumption of sugar, salt, spices. In this case, you can lose weight on a gluten-free diet only by consuming about 1.5-2 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day (it is better to let it be warm).

Miley Cyrus on a gluten free diet

Useful statistics

What are the results of a gluten-free diet that can be expected while observing all the above recommendations? Reviews show that you can achieve a loss of 5 to 15 kg. for the period from 1 to 3 months. Surprisingly, this does not have to endure serious deprivation and cruel restrictions.

In many ways, noticeable results of a gluten-free diet can be explained by replacing wheat flour with its other types. After all, white flour from wheat of the highest grade is very calorie compared to any other flour. Ground corn, rice and almonds will allow you to build a more rational menu for the entire period.

no gluten!

Gluten Free Menus and Recipes

Knowledgeable people, whose reviews are posted on the net, bring recipes of really tasty and nutritious dishes without wheat products. In the menu for the week, you can, for example, turn on chickpea patties (they look a lot like regular patties, and taste quite good). Cornmeal fritters are also quite attractive (with steviose instead of sugar and vegetable oil).

There are excellent recipes for pizza and sweet pies based on cornmeal, muffins and ground rice biscuits. These cute dishes do not contain a single gram of gluten. And, as a result, no skin reactions and digestive problems.

Gradually let's write an example menu for the week:

  • Mon: For breakfast, cottage cheese with fruit and honey, rice loaf; for lunch, fish with steamed potatoes, salad and compote; for dinner buckwheat porridge with soy milk and kefir.
  • W: Rice cereal for breakfast; meat soup for lunch; stewed vegetables with fish for dinner.
  • Wed: Breakfast - omelette with cheese; buckwheat flour pancakes for lunch (with meat filling); dinner - cottage cheese casserole with the addition of rice flour and dried fruits.
  • Thurs: Morning - corn pancakes with jam; lunch - fish soup and boiled egg; dinner - vegetables with cheese, baked in the oven.
  • Fri: Breakfast - buckwheat with soy milk, a loaf of rice flour; lunch - cheese spinach cream soup, boiled turkey breast; dinner - steamed fish and rice for garnish.
  • Sat: Cottage cheese and fruit for breakfast, soup with meatballs for lunch and buckwheat with meat for dinner.
  • Sun: Rice porridge with dried fruit in the morning, at lunch fish in a creamy sauce with vegetables; for dinner vegetable stew with chicken.

It's nice that the products for a gluten-free diet can now be bought at any supermarket. Rice, bean and cornmeal are no longer exotic. A gluten-free diet is available to everyone and is recognized by doctors as relatively safe for a limited period.

Video: Lose weight on a gluten-free diet following the example of Miley Cyrus