Eyebrow wax


beautiful model

Eyebrow wax has become an alternative means in correcting the shape of the eyebrows and replaced tweezers and thread. Eyebrow correction with wax immediately presented a lot of advantages, one of which is less time spent on the hair removal procedure. If you recall the procedure of eyebrow correction with tweezers, then immediately come the memories of the sharp pain experienced during the session, especially during treatment over the upper eyelid, because the skin in this area is very sensitive. When using wax, you can significantly alleviate your suffering and tidy your brows without much pain.  In this article, we will tell you how to use wax to correct eyebrows at home and how to choose it correctly.

Brow Eyebrow Wax

Brow Wax Types

On the shelves of cosmetic stores now you can find 3 types of wax for depilation of unnecessary hairs on the eyebrows: hot, cold and wax at low temperatures.

  • Hot wax for eyebrow correction is available in balls or cubes, packed in small jars. This tool is not hot at all, despite its name. Just before applying it you need to warm up properly to get a viscous mass. Then, the spatula is collected using a tool and applied to the necessary correction zone.
  • Cold wax Most often it can be seen in the form of plates. It is available not only in highly specialized stores, it can be found almost everywhere. The appearance of this tool consists of 2 small plates, between which there is a layer of means for epilation. Before starting, these plates are rubbed with palms and after that you can proceed to the procedure.
  • Wax low temperatures. On store shelves it is presented in the form of cartridges with applicators, applicators are replaceable. Before use, it must be slightly warmed up.

melted depilatory bowl

Popular companies that produce Brow Shapers Surgi Wax from Surgi Wax, Parissa Broe Shaper, Microwaveable Eyebrow, Face and Lip Wax from Sally Hansen. [As2]

The procedure for depilating eyebrows with wax at home

Eyebrow waxing with your own hands is a very simple procedure. And so that you do not get confused in the sequence of actions and execute it correctly, here is an instruction for you.

  1. Perform a skin degreasing session with a tonic and cotton pad, wiping the epilated area well.
  2. After that, the skin should be powdered with baby powder or talcum powder.
  3. Take a wand and soak it in a jar with a heated epilating agent. If you use strips to remove hairs, warm them. If you use a spatula, wax you need to dial a small amount.
  4. The tool is distributed in the direction of a simple hair in the upper line. Best of all, if the treated area will be a few hairs, so you can test for confidence in their actions. If the hairs are plucked out correctly, you can expand the line.
  5. Do not wait for the product to harden and glue a strip of cloth over it. When everything hardens, tear the striped in the direction against the growth of hair. This procedure should be repeated until you remove all unnecessary hairs.
  6. If at the end of the procedure, you notice excess hair, then pull them out with tweezers.
  7. Carefully remove any cosmetic residue from the skin.


Brow Waxing Tips

  • If you want to achieve a more perfect shape of eyebrows, you can stock up on ready-made stencils with beautiful shapes. "Trying on" on your face you can outline the ideal contours, and then proceed to the procedure itself.
  • If your skin is sensitive and prone to irritation, then cold wax will not work for you.
  • In that case, if you chose ready-made sets with stripes for hair removal for eyebrow waxing, strictly follow their instructions.
  • For a better hair removal, use a mirror with two types of surfaces, one is normal, the other with magnification. They will help to see all your shortcomings.
  • If you are a person who is afraid of even a small pain, freeze the epilated area with pieces of people before waxing. This will reduce pain.
  • Vaseline or baby oil will be suitable for removing residual epilating agents.

correction procedure

As you can see, waxing eyebrows is not such a complicated procedure. Any girl can do it herself by reading our step-by-step scheme or watching a video, which we will present at the end of the article. But if the design of the eyebrows with wax is not your strong point and you do not feel confident, it is better to contact the salon.

Eyebrow shaping wax

Modeling eyebrow wax has become another popular tool that allows you to maintain eyebrows in perfect condition, as well as giving a beautiful rich tone. This cosmetic product is produced in the form of a tube with a brush, something like a mascara. It is very easy to apply, firmly fixing the beautiful shape of brow arcs. In addition to the well-groomed appearance, hairs acquire a natural shade. Usually the color of this cosmetics is brown. Her drying is pretty fast. As for the persistence of the effect, the ideal form of its use can last all day. At the end of the day, this simulator can be washed off with plain water.

modeling cosmetics lumene blueberry

One of the most popular brands that produces modeling eyebrow wax is lumene blueberry. You can buy it at any professional cosmetics store or order it from an online store.

Video: eyebrow wax correction