Effects of botox on the face and lips


face injections

All the effects of Botox on the face can be divided into two categories: expected and undesirable. The first are those changes that our appearance undergoes after “beauty shots”. The second - the very negative effects of Botox, which scare the advocates of natural skin care. In our article we will try to place rejuvenation after Botox injections on one side of the scale, and on the other side - the unfortunate consequences of beauty experiments.

How does botulinum toxin work?

Toxin botulinum type A is a toxic substance that blocks the impulses of nerve endings, thereby disrupting the muscles. Accidentally discovered in ophthalmology in the treatment of strabismus, this remarkable effect of botulinum toxin produced an explosion in age-related cosmetology.

what is botox

The impossible happened: by limiting the work of small muscles on the face, beauticians were able to temporarily remove the cause of wrinkles. If in youth the skin is very elastic due to the collagen of its own development, then with age, repeated muscle contractions deform its deep layers, leaving furrows on the surface.

Botulinum toxin fights not only with the visible signs of aging, but also with abnormally increased perspiration. Thus, the hyperactivity of the sweat glands is caused by over-stimulation of the nervous system. If the impulse from the nerve to the gland is partially blocked, sweat is released significantly less, which greatly facilitates the patient's life.

With regard to wrinkles, botulinum toxin can step by step to deal with the following types of them:

  • Vertical wrinkle between eyebrows;
  • Age-related wrinkles around the eyes (“crow's feet”);
  • Nasolabial wrinkles (located symmetrically around the mouth);
  • Horizontal wrinkles on the nose and forehead.

wrinkle smoothing

Those who are dissatisfied with too narrow lips are given a chance to make them plumper with the help of like injections. Although the network is full of photos that reflect the effects of Botox on the lips, this is the very direction of therapy that is very popular.

Botox injections have been applied to patients of different ages for the past 30 years. According to many doctors, toxin in therapeutic doses is not able to bring significant damage to the body. That is, the effects of Botox injections in the short term are well studied and do not inspire fear.

Safe Botox: truth or myth

If everything is predictable and justified from a medical point of view, whence then the notorious photo frames showing Botox effects on the lips and skin of the face? Is the famous “frozen mask” - the effects of Botox in the forehead - fiction and installation?

botulinum toxin ampule

Unfortunately, no, as practice and reviews show. The fact is that, as with any procedure, there are serious contraindications for injections. They are not always taken into account not only by the beautician, but also by the patient. The desire to earn on the one hand and deceive time on the other leads to the fact that the effects of Botox injections are devastating.

Who are contraindicated injections of Botox:

  •  Pregnant women;
  •  Children under 18;
  •  Patients in the acute phase of viral and infectious diseases;
  •  In a period of weakened immunity;
  •  If you are hypersensitive to botulinum toxin;
  •  If there is dermatitis and other skin problems.

A special and quite extensive group consists of patients after 45 years of age who suffer from facial muscle atony. Physiologically weak muscle fibers relax further, the result can be unpleasant and sometimes irreversible.

possible effects of botox in the lips

Possible errors of a cosmetologist, due to which undesirable effects of Botox on the face may occur, are as follows:

  •  The introduction of toxin into zones that react poorly to such relaxation therapy. As a result, the face may be asymmetrically strained;
  •  Invalid dosage. Only an experienced doctor can prescribe a dose large enough to smooth the skin, and not high enough so that the face is “frozen” in immobility;
  • Improper muscular and subcutaneous diffusion. As a result, the drug migrates, can locally accumulate, causing allergies, hemorrhages and edema.

Rules for patients:

If you decide to make a gift to yourself, going to the anti-aging procedure, this instruction will be useful to you. Very often, breaking the rules, women suffer from the terrible results of a well-performed procedure. What should be avoided at home, returning from the clinic?

  •  You can not rub your eyes, face, massage lips and eyelids;
  •  A few hours after the injections you need to maintain a horizontal position, do not bend for a long time, do not go to bed and, if possible, keep your head level;
  •  Observe the thermal regime - do not overheat and not supercool. It is necessary to refrain from training, visiting the pool and especially the sauna. Solarium is also banned;
  •  Unless absolutely necessary and direct testimony should not take antibiotics;
  • On the first day after the return should not drink alcohol.

complications after injection

As we can see, the scheme is quite simple. To get the perfect face, you need:

  1. Find a proven clinic with an experienced cosmetologist;
  2. Gradually follow medical recommendations;
  3. Hope for a favorable outcome;
  4. If you encounter unexpected problems, do not try to deal with them yourself, but seek immediate medical attention.

Preparing for the worst: the shocking results of "beauty shots"

The dangerous effects of Botox injections are largely due to the atony of the facial muscles. Muscle tone in people over 35–40 years old is naturally weakened, and injections further relax the muscles. And although the manufacturer provides a guarantee that the muscles can not atrophy after applying its product, practice sometimes shows the opposite.

Amanda Lepore

What troubles and complications can wait after Botox injections in the face:

  • The omission of the upper eyelid (ptosis) - gives people an unhappy, tired expression. Over time, after a few weeks or months, the drug is removed from the tissues, and mimicry can return to its original position;
  • Botox around the eyes may cause impaired eyelid movements (the eye is not able to fully open);
  • Reducing the frequency of blinking (leads to dry eyes, discomfort, redness);
  • The delay of the lymph around the eyeball (apparently the eyes look swollen and swollen);
  • If an injection in the nasolabial area is unsuccessful, the chewing movements may be disturbed, difficulties are encountered when eating;
  • Serious problems can turn into injections in the cheekbone area - temporary and partial paralysis of the zygomatic muscle relaxes the corners of the mouth, causing uncontrollable drooling.

Joslin Wildenstein

The main negative effects after botox in the lips are:

  • Edema and acquired asymmetry of the upper and lower lips;
  • Violation of the mobility of the upper lip.

You may see unsuccessful procedures using "beauty shots" On celebrities, which is dedicated to our heading https://womanmirror.ru/strashno-krasivye

The most unpleasant thing is that botulinum toxin in the lips can migrate, that is, undesirable complications do not appear immediately. In addition, no one can guarantee the complete elimination of the toxin from the tissues, as well as the fact that the effects after Botox in the lips will be reversible.

where is she more beautiful?

Thus, the consequences of Botox shots are a lottery, and in order to draw a lucky ticket, it is necessary to carry out serious preparatory work - primarily in the information field.

Video: Botox, the danger and effects of beauty shots