Diet "spring" for 35 days - two sides of the coin
This food system is not for nothing called the "spring diet", because it is in the spring that people notice that they have gained extra kilograms over the winter and by the summer they try to get rid of them urgently. In the course are diets, dietary supplements for weight loss and exercise equipment, promising quick and tangible results. Spring diet involves getting rid of 15-20 kg of weight in just a month.
General rules of diet "Spring"
These rules are known to everyone who has ever thought about losing weight. The scheme is simple:
- breakfast no later than one hour after getting up;
- do not eat after 18 hours;
- for a day, the spring diet recommends drinking at least 1.5-2 liters of water or mineral water;
- with sweets, you can allow yourself a small piece of delicacy, but no later than 12 noon;
- daily amount of food divided into 5 receptions;
- Do not use salt in cooking.
With the observance of the rules and the prescribed menu, the food system promises that you will not have a single gram of fat in the wrong places, the figure will become slim and fit.
Contraindications to the spring diet
"Spring" the nutritional system implies a drastic restriction of caloric intake, monotony of food, restriction of salt, so it is not indicated for people with impaired cardiovascular system, kidney function, gastrointestinal diseases, and a tendency to constipation. Spring diet can lead to avitaminosis and water-electrolyte imbalance. If you have a weak body, you should not decide on your own to lose weight on such a rigid diet, it is better to consult a nutritionist.
Menu spring diet for 35 days
Diet Spring for 35 days involves eating on a strictly defined menu with reduced calorie content for a whole month.
- The first three days are the same: instead of breakfast, a glass of pre-heated mineral water without gas, or plain, with lemon juice and natural honey is drunk. After 20-30 minutes you can drink non-sweetened black or green tea. During the day, you should have lunch with fresh vegetables (preferably cabbage, peppers, cucumbers or tomatoes, greens in any combination) and half of one chicken breast fillet. Dinner consists of 200 grams of boiled cabbage and a glass of the resulting broth. Already after these 3 days the results will be noticeable. Next, the menu is painted for each day, the calorie content gradually decreases to the unloading day and then increases again.
- 4 day: low-fat cottage cheese and kefir - 500 g each product, divided into five meals.
- Day 5: the former volume of kefir plus 4-5 potatoes boiled or baked in the peel.
- 6 day: a pound of boiled or steam lean meat (not a single gram of fat on meat should remain, everything must be cut off) and the former volume of kefir.
- Day 7: The 4th day of the spring diet is repeated.
- 8th day: the amount of nonfat kefir, as in the previous days (half-liter package), 0.5 kg. sour cream with a fat share of not more than 10-15%.
- Day 9: dried fruits (excluding raisins), their number is not regulated, ½ liter of 1% kefir.
- 10 day: pre-discharge day - kefir in the same amount and a liter of water without gas.
- Day 11: here the spring diet involves a fasting day on the same water. Then the cycle repeats from a slightly expanded ration to fasting days, the caloric content decreases step by step.
- 12 day: unsweetened tea or coffee, a slice of cheese no more than 50 g in the morning. For lunch, one hard-boiled egg and a glass of tea (naturally, no sweeteners). The next meal is natural yoghurt without additives, 200 g. Dinner is a vegetable salad and half chicken breast.
- 13 and 14 days do not differ: in the morning tea or coffee, 100 g. Low-fat cheese. At lunchtime, boiled or baked white fish, vegetable mix with lemon juice dressing. For dinner, boiled egg, about 150 g. Chicken fillet, slice of cheese, 20 g.
- Day 15: a liter milk package in small portions and 500 g low-fat cottage cheese.
- 16 day: 5 potatoes in boiled or baked form, liter package of kefir.
- Day 17: identical to day 4 of the diet.
- Days 18 and 20 and 22: half a liter of kefir, 400 grams of fruit (except bananas) and berries (except grapes).
- 19 day: boiled or steam breast fillet - 0.5 kg, the same amount of kefir.
- 21 day: only drink water in unlimited quantities.
- 23 day: instead of breakfast, coffee or tea without additives, at lunch - 200 g of stewed cabbage and a glass of tomato juice without salt, for dinner white steamed low-fat fish.
- 24 and 35 days: for breakfast - a slice of dried bread and coffee, at lunch - a salad of fresh cabbage and cucumbers, a low-fat variety of fish from 200 g, for dinner - boiled or steamed fast beef and a glass of kefir.
- 25th and 34th day: breakfast is the same as on the previous day, lunch from zucchini and 2 green apples. Dinner consists of beef, steamed, boiled or baked (200 g) and two boiled eggs.
- Day 26 and 33: instead of breakfast, only coffee or tea, at lunchtime - one raw egg, a slice of cheese of 50 g and three boiled carrots. For dinner, you can eat unsweetened fruit.
- 27 and 32 day: in the morning for breakfast salad of grated raw carrots, seasoned with lemon juice. At lunch - a portion of white fish, fried without butter or grilled, natural unsalted tomato juice, for dinner - fruit, except bananas and grapes.
- 28 and 31 days: breakfast consists of coffee without the addition of sweeteners, at lunch you can eat carrots and cabbage salad with boiled or steamed breast fillets. For dinner - raw carrots and a pair of boiled eggs.
- Day 29 and 30: breakfast is replaced with tea, boiled lean beef and one savory fruit are used for lunch, dinner can be chosen from a diet of 23-28 days.
After the spring diet for 35 days is over, you need to expand the diet, gradually introducing new products, the main thing here is to get out of the diet correctly. At the same time it is important not to cross the line and not to fall into unrestrained overeating.
Results and effects of diet "Spring"
The results of such nutrition during the month can really be impressive. Reviews of thinner in this way say about 10, 15 and 20 kilograms lost when initially expressed obesity. Those who lost weight with a small weight, took about 7 kg. These are absolute real numbers, given that the caloric intake is critically low. Spring diet is one of the toughest. This can be seen on the diet - the poor and monotonous, and the tiny content of carbohydrates and fats in the diet, and the ban is to eat after six in the evening, and the frequent absence of the morning meal. Calorie meal per day - no more than 1000 calories, and often less.
In view of these features, the reviews of doctors about such a diet are not the most flattering. The general opinion of experts - diet spring debilitates the body and brings a lot of harm. Here are the possible consequences:
- slowing down the metabolism;
- hormonal and menstrual disorders due to lack of fat and carbohydrates;
- a sharp decline in performance, fatigue;
- decrease in mood, irritability, tearfulness, depression;
- malnutrition will lead to breakdowns and subsequent guilt feelings;
- avitaminosis;
- weight loss will be achieved not only due to fat, but also due to the muscles;
- violation of water and electrolyte balance due to the rejection of salt.
A month on such a diet is a long time, during which the body is pretty much depleted. After the termination of the diet, the weight that was dropped can return with interest, if the style of nutrition and lifestyle is the same as before the spring diet. Only the subsequent proper nutrition guarantees the preservation of weight at the proper level and good results in the future. Perhaps it is better to choose a safer way to lose weight? In any case, if the spring diet interested you, and you wanted to try, you must first visit the doctor and consult with him.