Diet montignac-losing weight "on the glycemic index"


choosing the right product

For about 30 years, Michel Montignac has been helping women around the world eat and lose weight. He tested the effectiveness of his technique personally on himself, dropping about 5 kg in a month without stress for the body in the form of hunger strikes. At the heart of the slimming system with such a beautiful name as the Montignac diet, the principle of the glycemic index of carbohydrates is rather difficult at first glance. In practice, everything is quite simple: in the Montignac menu, only “good” carbohydrates should be included, while “bad” ones should be avoided. Let's learn more about this method of losing weight, find out what should be included in the menu for the week and, of course, about how effective it is.

Glycemic index or secret of Montignac technique

The technique of Michel Montignac is considered innovative, he suggested before that nobody knows how to lose weight. Studying the principles of nutrition and carbohydrate-containing foods for a long time, Michel became convinced that overweight does not come from over-eating with high-calorie foods, it’s all about the glycemic index. It demonstrates how much blood sugar raises a product.

tasty plate

Products with a low index are referred to as "good" carbohydrates. They are correctly converted into energy and the person has time to spend it. If the index is high, carbohydrates are absorbed very quickly, some of them are converted into energy, and the rest is deposited in the form of fat on the waist and bottom. Highlighting glucose in the blood, "bad" carbohydrates dramatically increase the level of insulin in the blood, which favors the deposition of fat. The conclusion is simple: eat "good" products and lose weight!

"Good" and "bad" products by Montignac

Everything is simple here: the higher the glycemic index of the product, the worse it is. For example, the carrot index is 95, which means it is a “bad” product. Whereas mushrooms have an index of 15, which allows them to be classified as “good” products. The dairy products index is 35, and lemons is 15. Low index 15 are green vegetables and tomatoes, and milk chocolate with index 70 should be completely excluded from the menu. If the product has an index of 0, it means that there are no carbohydrates in it and you can eat it as much as you want, for example, poultry meat has an index of 0. To choose individual nutrition according to Montignac, use the tables of glycemic indexes of products.

glycemic table

Principles of diet Montignac

While other diets are based on the refusal or restriction of fats, proteins or carbohydrates consumed, Montignac's diet has a balanced menu with different products. The basic principles of the diet are as follows:

  • To lose weight by Montignac, you need to use products with an index of up to 50.
  • Every day, drink a half liter of water.
  • Observe the three times nutrition, do not eat before bedtime.
  • If the product index is under 20, do not eat it with foods high in fat, such as meat, fish, cheese, mayonnaise, etc.
  • Foods saturated with carbohydrates and fats should be excluded altogether.
  • Eat fruit on an empty stomach or just before eating.

Diet for weight loss Montignac quite difficult to observe at first glance. But after a week of following its rules, you will notice that the calculation of the index is quite simple. You can make your own menu with your own hands. Write your recipes in a hotel notebook so that at any time you can quickly cook an already-tried dish at home again.

a plate of carrots

The first phase of the Montignac diet

Diet for weight loss Montignac begins with the first phase, the duration of which is individual for each woman. In the first phase, nutrition according to Montignac should consist of proteins and fats in a reasonable amount, as well as products whose glycemic index does not exceed 50. At the same time, less insulin will be produced in the body, fats will not be delayed for future use, and the existing fat deposits will be split. due to increased energy consumption for digestion. Phase 1 is directly Montignac weight loss. Having achieved results, it is important to keep them. Then comes phase 2: stabilization and weight control.

The second phase of Montignac

body volume reduction

If you want to maintain the results of your weight loss, the second phase should last the rest of your life. In general, the diet of Michel Montignac should be more correctly called the nutrition system, since it implies not a short-term restriction of any products or their quantity, but a complete restructuring in a new way. As Michel Montignac himself says: “At the second stage, the restrictions will weaken ... the stage of the art of power management will come ... The stage of creative mastering of the method has come”. Simply put, now you yourself will choose which rules work for you personally and leave them until the end of life. But remember that:

  • Sugar is a dangerous product for losing weight. Michel Montignac advises to be firm in the issue with sugar and at stage 2. This also applies to honey, because its glycemic index is 90, which means that it refers to “bad” carbohydrates.
  • Bread author of the method advises to continue not to use. But the second phase allows you to deviate from the rules, so you can adjust your food yourself. If you really want to eat toast, eat it, but you will have to give up other “bad” carbohydrates on this day.
  • Potatoes, rice, pasta and other starch-containing products on phase 2 also should not get carried away. If you really want to eat potatoes for dinner, supplement it with green salad. Its fibers are fiber, which will lower the glycemic index of "bad" potatoes.
  • Low-carb fruits such as raspberries, blueberries and strawberries in phase 2 can be eaten in unlimited quantities. The author allows to eat figs, dried apricots, prunes, but recommends choosing not boiled fruits, for example, compote, but fresh ones, since the latter contain more fiber and they are able to lower blood sugar.
  • If in the second phase you break loose and eat a lot of “bad” carbohydrates, Michel Montignac advises not to get upset and in no case return to the old diet, where everything was possible. After all, then your weight will quickly return to its original state. If you have had such a breakdown, the nutritionist advises to follow the first phase of the diet for 2-3 days. Montignac system is aimed at the formation of proper gastronomic habits. The author also warns that having broken off and gaining the initial weight again, the second time using this system will be very difficult to lose weight.
  • Before you eat a slice of cake or drink a glass of wine, remember the words of the author of the system: "You are like a criminal with a conditional sentence: any violation of the law, and you are behind bars again." Your efforts are rewarded, you have found the desired harmony, now it remains only to maintain the result.

Video: the whole truth about the diet of Michel Montignac