Diet dr. gavrilov- enter a new life


new lifestyle

One of the methods of weight loss, which causes a lot of controversy and discussion is the Gavrilov diet. It has similar principles with the Bormental diet and for good reason. After all, the author of the methodology, Mikhail Gavrilov, is the head of the Dr Bormental project. But in addition to the psychological impact on losing weight, which is the basis of the Bormental diet, Dr. Gavrilov's diet includes many different techniques. According to Dr. Gavrilov, his technique is designed for a psychological effect to a greater degree, but weight loss is impossible without a restriction in the food consumed.

The main principles of the Gavrilov technique

Dr. Gavrilov and his patient

Fasting harms the body. The limitation in the consumed products is insignificant, first of all, it is necessary to abandon the fried, sweet, completely eliminate the flour. Dr. Gavrilov does not insist on going to the gym, he believes that for a housewife in his own apartment there are many ways to burn off extra calories at home. Moreover, you should not force yourself to go to the gym or fitness club if you have no desire to do it. Dr. Gavrilov talks about the following psychological aspects of his own technique:

  • Losing weight should control their own desires and food needs.
  • It is necessary to recognize hunger, as well as the meaning of the words "desire" and "weight."
  • The psycho-correction of a figure consists in the destruction of the desire to accumulate extra calories in oneself.
  • Losing weight should be the desired shape. Gavrilov's diet relies on the power of visualization of desires.

Awareness of the problem of excess weight

complete rejection of sweets

Only those who really want to lose weight will be able to do it according to the Gavrilov method. The doctor focuses on 5 steps, after which the person will be ready to lose excess weight and will not turn from the path of losing weight. Step by step instructions are as follows:

  1. You need to present yourself on the threshold of a new life, in which there is no place for extra kilos. Realize the unnecessary accumulation of calories, because without excess weight, life will become brighter.
  2. Understand the concepts of "hunger" and "weight." When losing weight, it is important to distinguish between true hunger, a condition in which the body needs food.
  3. Control your appetite, so you get closer to the ideal result.
  4. When you become aware of the need to lose weight, your body fully agrees with this.
  5. Motivate yourself by reaching your cherished goal, your life will be completely different.

Menu for the week by the method of Gavrilov

weight loss diet

Gavrilov's technique focuses on an individual approach to every slimming person, the diet and menu for the week should be selected according to an individual scheme, but there are basic recommendations, for example, not to eat 3 hours before sleep and make snacks during the day. Gavrilov's method for weight loss has a whole list of prohibited foods, including candy, pastries, sausage, butter, canned food, and fast food. Gavrilov slimming relies on the fact that each prohibited product can be independently replaced by an approved one. Proceeding from this, you can make an exemplary menu for the week:


  • Breakfast: oatmeal, boiled egg white, tomato and cucumber salad, a cup of tea.
  • Lunch: light vegetable soup, boiled chicken breast, a slice of whole-grain bread, boiled beetroot and carrot salad, dried fruit compote.
  • Dinner: steamed fish slice, rice, fresh carrot salad, chamomile tea.


  • Breakfast: a slice of steam salmon, whole grain bread, barley porridge, green tea.
  • Lunch: okroshka on kefir with low fat content and chicken fillet, salad of boiled beets and prunes, baked potatoes with herbs, a glass of milk.
  • Dinner: boiled shrimp, avocado and lettuce salad, dried fruit compote.


a girl is cutting cabbage

  • Breakfast: arugula salad, with lemon juice and shrimps and quail eggs, a cup of coffee.
  • Lunch: green borscht, a piece of braised ideas, cauliflower stewed, a salad of cucumbers and greens, seasoned with yogurt, green tea, marmalade.
  • Dinner: lobio of beans and chicken, cottage cheese casserole and a glass of tomato juice.


  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs, cabbage salad with lemon juice and dill, a cup of tea and dried apricots.
  • Lunch: red borscht, stewed cabbage with beef, salad of Peking cabbage and bell pepper, a glass of apple juice.
  • Dinner: rice porridge with pumpkin and milk, a cup of green tea, cracker.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal with honey and fruit slices, a cup of black coffee. Lunch: mushroom soup, stew of stewed vegetables with turkey, fresh grapefruit.
  • Dinner: casserole with cottage cheese and raisins, chamomile tea.


  • Breakfast: barley porridge with milk, green tea, a slice of hard cheese.
  • Dinner: fish soup, beans stew with tomatoes and turkey, yogurt.
  • Dinner: cheesecakes with dried apricots, black tea, banana.

hip measurement


  • Breakfast: rice porridge with milk, coffee and a slice of hard cheese.
  • Lunch: soup with chicken meatballs and carrots, stewed beef with zucchini, salad with sauerkraut and cranberries.
  • Dinner: baked salmon, braised green beans, a glass of milk.

As snacks and snacks, you can eat apple, nuts, low-fat cottage cheese, drink a glass of kefir or yogurt. Having drawn up a personal menu step by step with your own hands, you will see that the Gavrilov method for losing weight will not make your body go hungry, this is a complete healthy diet. Gavrilov slimming allows you to bake, boil, simmer and eat foods raw, but do not fry in butter.

Reviews about the diet of Dr. Gavrilov

Elena: I purchased the book of Dr. Gavrilov, it contains a lot of useful information. Since the diet involves not only a change in diet, I decided to carefully study all the psychological aspects. This book helps a lot. And those who want to lose weight by this method will help the real stories of people who lost weight. It is very motivating.

Tatyana: I went on a diet last week, while the weight of only 2 kg was gone, but this is a huge success. I like this diet, that I can not limit myself to food, I eat often, but little by little. It is easier for me than to starve or eat one buckwheat.

Svetlana: I am at the stage of awareness of the need for weight loss. I chose this diet because I want a long lasting result. Half of my life losing weight on fast diets, but the weight is back. There should be a long-term effect. Yes, and age is the one that you need to think about proper nutrition. I hope everything will work out.

Video: Dr. Gavrilov about nutrition