Cosmetic massage - beauty and health of the face and body


beautiful girl with flowers

In ancient Egypt, massage was known as a way of skin care. Cosmetic massage of the face and body of a woman is now valued and valued very highly, because it not only allows you to make your skin soft, elastic, silky, but also has a beneficial effect on the overall condition of the body and nervous system. Nowadays, professional massage can offer any beauty salon. But doing it at home alone will bear fruit.

Why you should do a cosmetic massage

Our face and body need care to preserve youth and beauty. One type of care is a cosmetic massage. This procedure affects not only the skin, but also the muscles. Of course, its main goal is to eliminate cosmetic defects and improve the appearance of the face and body. Here is the beneficial effect this massaging has:

  • It improves blood flow in the skin and muscles and the movement of the lymph through the vessels;
  • It improves the trophism of all layers of the dermis, up to the deepest;
  • Helps to eliminate stagnation in the skin and muscles, relieves puffiness;
  • Promotes the renewal of the upper layer of the skin, exfoliation of dead cells;
  • Stimulates metabolic processes in the skin and the production of collagen;
  • Reduces the severity of wrinkles;
  • Improves complexion due to the normalization of metabolic processes;
  • Relieves tension, muscle clamps, which often appear in the muscles of the face and body;
  • Tones sluggish muscle groups;
  • It has a general soothing, relaxing effect, normalizes the emotional background, gives positive emotions, relieves stress;
  • Cosmetic body massage can also be aimed at reducing the amount of fat, correction forms.

You can call a lot of the benefits of cosmetic massaging, in addition to the above, but these are enough to try it for yourself.

cosmetic massaging of the body and face

Types of cosmetic massage

Depending on the goals and methods of execution, the following types of cosmetic massage are distinguished.

  • Preventive (hygienic). Preventive massage is performed in order to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, slow the aging of the skin, improve its overall condition. It is this kind of massaging recommended for young girls.
  • Cosmetic. Cosmetic massage is aimed at eliminating signs of wilting that have already appeared. It is needed to refresh skin tone, reduce wrinkles and folds, tone up or relax muscles. Massage is performed both by a professional cosmetologist in the salon, and at home.
  • Medical and cosmetic. Therapeutic and cosmetic massage is indicated for those who have any health problems, be it a violation of venous or lymphatic drainage, edema, cicatricial changes, the effects of acne and others. Such massaging should be carried out only by a masseur with a medical education.
  • Sculpting. Sculpting massage is aimed at correcting the oval of the face, the shape of the cheekbones, cheeks, has a lifting effect. It is also performed by a professional.

Cosmetic massage at home

cosmetic massaging action

Facial massage procedure can and should be done at home. It is not difficult to make it to yourself, and the result will be noticeable at the end of the course of 10–12 procedures. Learning to perform self-massage is also not difficult, because the Internet is replete with teaching aids with photos, video materials. In addition, you can find and training courses of cosmetic massage for a more thorough acquaintance with the issue.

In any cosmetic massage there is a certain sequence of actions that are performed in stages. It all starts with the preparation of the skin for the procedure:

  • Skin cleansing;
  • Steaming over steam or using a heated towel;
  • Applying a cosmetic massage.

course of the procedure of massaging the face

Proper selection of tools for massaging is very important, and without it is not enough. After all, it is necessary for a good sliding of the fingers on the skin of the face, preventing its stretching, as well as nourishment and saturation with useful substances throughout the procedure. Most suitable for these purposes cosmetic oil for massage due to its texture and nutritional properties. It can be universal, or designed specifically for the face or body.

After preparation of the skin, the face massage procedure starts directly. There are various cosmetic massage techniques, but the basic scheme is the same. During the procedure, massage techniques are performed step by step, such as stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibrating, tapping and stroking again.

a phased scheme of cosmetic self-massage

  1. It all starts with soft stroking movements without pressing and stretching the skin. Such manipulations disperse the blood a little, prepare the skin for more intense effects.
  2. Then you should perform rubbing with a little pressure.
  3. After-kneading, aimed at working out the muscles and deep layers of the skin.
  4. After the main work, vibrations are performed with the whole palm or fingers, without shifting the skin and muscles.
  5. Light tapping and tapping completes the procedure, relaxes muscles, increases blood flow.
  6. Finishing the session again strokes.

It is important to note that massage techniques on the face are carried out strictly along the massage lines. These lines run from the vertical, mentally drawn through the center of the forehead, nose, lips, to the periphery of the face - to the temples, earlobes. The movements on the neck, on the contrary, tend from the collarbone up to the lower jaw line. Around the eyes it is customary to perform movements from the inner to the outer corner on the upper eyelid, and on the lower corner - on the contrary. This direction of movement is due to the progress of the blood and lymphatic vessels.

face and neck massage lines

Cosmetic face massage - 36 movements

The simplest instruction for a cosmetic self-facial massage at home involves repeating a series of 12 simple movements three times. This is the so-called cosmetic face massage "36 movements". It is believed that the birthplace of this technique was the ancient eastern countries. First, a series of exercises is performed on the frontal part of the face, then on the middle part and in the area of ​​the lips and chin. The cycle of manipulations is repeated three times.

It takes a person's self-massage for only 10 - 15 minutes, does not require any special devices, expensive tools, except perhaps for simple massage oil. But with due perseverance and regular conduct of at least 10 sessions, it will give an excellent result, which will be visible to you and everyone around you.

Video: Cosmetic facial massage - simple step by step instructions