Coffee from cellulite


coffee beans girl

Coffee is an extraordinary product. If you drink too much of it, your body will cover ugly cellulite, the other side of this beautiful product is that it can help in the fight against cellulite. The most effective tool with his participation is a coffee scrub for cellulite, which helps to destroy the nasty orange peel. In this material, we will understand how to help coffee from cellulite.

Coffee and cellulite, how do they interact with each other? Caffeine, getting on the skin, contributes to a more enhanced blood circulation and as a result of this, fluid and sodium actively begin to be removed from the skin cells. In addition, caffeine has the ability to reduce and constrict blood vessels, so besides fighting cellulite, you can get rid of varicose veins. And the oils contained in coffee beans, when they penetrate the skin, start the process of smoothing and give the skin softness and tenderness.

Effective coffee against cellulite

Many of you have tried coffee-based cosmetics to help fight cellulite. Some of them helped and pleased with their value, while others had an overestimated price and little effect. We will tell you cheap homemade coffee-based home remedies that fight cellulite. Blyb of the best means is scrubs, masks and wraps. This article will reveal the best recipes for their preparation and use at home.

coffee from cellulite

Coffee Scrubs from "orange peel"

Coffee scrub from cellulite from the coffee series is the most powerful way to get rid of orange skin. It helps in the activation of cellular metabolism and under its action occurs "combustion" fatty deposits that affect connective tissue and collapse collagen. Caffeine in coffee improves microblood circulation, making it even more effective. If your skin has lost its elasticity and has moved into a phase of active aging, scrub coffee from cellulite will help stimulate metabolic processes, as well as activate the production of enzymes that control cholesterol levels. The cellulite scrub restores water balance and strengthens the protective layer of the skin. As a result, your body becomes smooth and taut, swelling disappears and the feeling of tightness disappears.

Recipe number 1. Coffee + sea salt

To make this scrub, you will need 3 large spoons with a slide of freshly ground coffee, the same amount of sea salt, as well as 4 drops of olive oil. Mix all the ingredients and your scrub is ready.

  1. For 10 minutes, sink into a hot bath, it is necessary to open the pores.
  2. After steaming, take the ready scrub and begin to rub it with massage movements on all the necessary areas. Massage should be continued for several minutes.
  3. After that, do not rush into the shower, rinse off the body. Stay in it for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water. Apply the cream after such a tool is not necessary.

scrub ingredients

Recipe number 2. Shower Gel + Ground Coffee

Anti-cellulite coffee can be used in tandem with your favorite shower gel. This recipe is considered one of the easiest.

  1. Pour the ground coffee grounds into a small jar of shower gel.
  2. With this composition, conduct an active massage session on problem areas.

The effectiveness of this type of scrub is less noticeable than when using other recipes, but it can be used continuously. From such means extensions will become less noticeable, and the body will acquire a slight shade of tan.

Recipe number 3. Honey + coffee

Honey and coffee from cellulite will be another effective tandem in the fight against orange peel. Preparing a scrub at home with these ingredients is very simple.

  1. Take a large spoonful of freshly ground coffee and the same amount of natural honey.
  2. Mix these 2 ingredients well.
  3. Use this scrub to treat all problem areas of the body and hold a ten-minute massage session. Honey will help you get rid of excess fluid and remove toxins from the skin.

Recipe number 4. Yogurt + coffee

With your own hands, you can make a recipe for coffee scrub against cellulite with the addition of yogurt.

  1. Take 2 large spoons of ground coffee and 200 ml. yogurt
  2. Mix these 2 products well.
  3. Mass ready for the procedure. Apply gruel to places affected by cellulite and massage for at least 15 minutes.
  4. After the passage, rinse the mass with warm water. This tool should be used 2 times a week.

Recipe number 5. Oatmeal + coffee

You can also make this recipe yourself.

  1. To do this, you need to take 2 large spoons of dried coffee grounds and 4 large spoons of oatmeal milled in dust. For owners of oily skin, you need to add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of yogurt, and for owners of dry- 1 tbsp. spoonful of sour cream.
  2. Mix it all well. Apply the mixture to the zones with "orange peel" and massage for 10 minutes.
  3. After the end of the massage, rinse with warm water.

Recipe number 6. Hot pepper tincture + coffee

Coffee scrub from cellulite with the addition of pepper tincture can be prepared at home, after buying a hot pepper tincture at the pharmacy. This scrub can be called hot because of its very warming action. Our phased preparation of the composition:

  1. Crush 100 gr. green coffee beans. They have an increased anti-cellulite effect.
  2. To this dust pour 25-30 ml. hot pepper tincture.
  3. Also add a small spoonful of olive oil. Stir the gruel and container with the prepared mixture mark in a dark place for 7 days.
  4. Such a hot scrub should be used only during water treatment. Apply the gruel on the problem areas and treat the area for 5-19 minutes, until the appearance of red.
  5. After the end of the session with a hot mixture, take a shower and treat the skin with ice cubes.

massage and wrapping procedure

Recipe number 7. Essential oils + coffee

To prepare this mixture, you will need 100 grams. ground coffee and citrus essential oils, with each type of a few drops.

  1. Before the session, you need to sit in a hot bath to steam and warm up the body.
  2. After that you can apply gruel and massage problem areas with it for 10 minutes each.

grains and essential oil

Coffee cellulite masks

Coffee masks against cellulite can be called a wrapping procedure using scrubs recipes you already know.

  • You also conduct a massage session step by step and without washing off the composition wrap the body with a film, leaving a mush on the body for a while.
  • Before a mask wrap session, it is best to take a hot bath, and only then put gruel on the cellulite area.
  • The mass is kept on the body from half an hour to an hour. Then remove the film rubbed the body to beauty and wash off a lot under a warm shower.

The coffee mask of cellulite with clay is considered the best, it quickly splits cellulite. Our instructions for making this mask at home:

  1. Take cosmetic clay and dissolve it in warm water. Best of all, if the water is mineral. Dissolved clay in consistency should resemble cream.
  2. To this gruel you need to add the same amount of freshly ground coffee. If you use coffee grounds, the effect will be smaller.
  3. Mix well the mass. Your coffee mask from cellulite with clay is ready.
  4. After taking a hot bath, apply the composition to the steamed parts of the body and wrap the body in film. Wear a warm robe or cover yourself with a warm blanket.
  5. Maintain the composition on the body for 1 hour, and then wash off under a warm shower.
  6. After the wrapping session, treat the body with lotion.

Such a wrap mask can be applied 2 times a week to achieve a good effect. Remember that ground coffee from cellulite in any recipe will help you better than the already used coffee grounds left over from the drink.

gruel in a glass bowl

Reviews on the effectiveness of home anti-cellulite coffee products

Antonina: I use the recipe of the composition using essential oils. I like lemongrass oil in a duet with coffee grounds. Such a home procedure really gives the result, which I am really pleased with.

Irina: I do a scrubbing session on my own in a sauna. I take with myself a composition of freshly ground coffee and finely chopped sea salt. The effect is simply amazing, cellulite has become less noticeable, and the skin has gained elasticity.

Video: preparation of honey-coffee anti-cellulite scrub