Cleansing diet for 7 days
Many women know that cleansing diets help maintain beauty and health. They contribute to the release of intestines from toxins and toxins, which leads to the normalization of metabolic processes and improve overall health. If a woman wants to get rid of extra pounds and volumes, cleansing diet for weight loss would be an excellent option.
Preparing to cleanse the body using diets
Nutritionists do not recommend sharply sit on a rigid diet, it is necessary to gradually restrict the body's diet. Approximately 8-10 days before the beginning of the cleansing diet for weight loss should be abandoned:
- Strong coffee.
- Strong tea.
- Acute.
- Smoked.
- Salty.
- Canned.
- Fried.
Vegetables during this period is better to boil or stew. The diet should be supplemented with herbal infusions, green tea, low-fat kefir and yogurt. During the period of cleansing the body at home, it is allowed to consume unlimited milk and dairy products.
To make the intestinal cleansing diet as effective as possible, follow "rule of four", that is absolutely worth refusing 4 products:
- Salt
- Sahara.
- Of bread.
- Carbonated drinks.
Currently, nutritionists have developed more than 1000 different diets that promote weight loss and cleansing. We will tell you about the most popular of them - rice slimming.
Purifying diet on rice
A cleansing diet for 7 days in which "main violin" plays one of the most useful cereals - rice, enjoys great "in demand" many young ladies. Women of Japan and Thailand consume rice in large quantities, and their slim figure and high life expectancy confirm the usefulness of this cereal.
The essence of purification on rice
Rice diet, cleansing from toxins is very good for health. It normalizes the metabolism, improves the mobility of the joints, restores the work of the urinary system. The essence of purification is as follows: eating rice, soaked in water well, once in the stomach, it releases starch in large quantities, which in turn absorbs all harmful substances and slags. Rice cleansing diet for weight loss can last from 3 to 9 days, the optimal period is a week.
Principles of Purification on Rice
Compared with similar methods of purification, rice diet, cleansing from toxins is quite gentle:
- A woman does not experience a constant exhausting feeling of hunger, because you can eat vegetables and fruits in any quantity, drink clean water.
- At this time, it is recommended to completely eliminate from your diet semi-finished products, smoked meats, flour and sweet.
- It is preferable when cooking rice to use a steamer or cook everything in water. To vary the taste, the dish can be seasoned with olive oil, vinegar, herbs.
- Sweet tooth is allowed 1 time per day to drink tea with half a spoonful of honey.
- It is recommended to eat a large amount of fiber: cereals, fruits, vegetables.
Effective cleansing diet, as a rule, is easily tolerated and does not cause discomfort in losing weight. Purifying diet for 7 days allows you to eat the following foods:
- Fig.
- Fresh berries and fruits.
- Vegetables, lettuce, greens.
- Dairy products: yogurt without filler, low-fat cottage cheese.
- Sunflower seeds, nuts, dried fruits.
- Vegetable and fruit fresh, ginger, herbal, green tea, compotes without sweeteners.
Approximate weekly rice cleansing diet menu
We offer you a sample menu for 5 days, so you can imagine your diet during the purification period. You can create your own version by including the allowed products from the list above. If you want to extend the period of purification, simply repeat the menu, starting from the first day.
Day 1
- Breakfast: rice porridge.
- Lunch: tea from ginger roots, vegetable broth, salad from fresh cabbage leaves.
- Lunch: carrot fresh.
- Dinner: ginger tea, chicken broth, light fruit salad, low-fat yogurt.
Day 2
- Breakfast: rice with vegetables, baked in foil, light kefirchik.
- Lunch: boiled vegetables: cauliflower, zucchini, asparagus.
- Lunch: cottage cheese with berries.
- Dinner: fruit salad with pumpkin seeds, green tea.
Day 3
- Breakfast: rice, vegetable broth.
- Lunch: carrot salad, seasoned with olive oil, compote.
- Safe, dried fruits.
- Dinner: a salad of arugula, cherry tomatoes and low-fat cottage cheese.
Day 4
- Breakfast: boiled rice (can be mixed with dates, pears, walnuts), fresh kefir.
- Lunch: rice with dried apricots, vegetable broth.
- Snack: fresh apricots.
- Dinner: vegetable soup, fresh tomato and pepper salad.
Day 5
- Breakfast: ginger tea, steamed rice cereal.
- Lunch: steamed green beans and broccoli.
- Lunch: nuts.
- Dinner: vegetables, stewed with rice, herbal decoction.
Do not forget about the water balance. Cleansing diets for the body require the consumption of clean drinking water. It is very important to drink at least 2 liters of water per day during the purification period, and some doctors and nutritionists believe that this should be the daily norm and not only during periods of diet. All 7 days you can drink natural juices: carrot, apple, radish juice, beetroot, cabbage. Some women do not like fresh juices, they can be diluted with drinking water. Proportions can be determined independently.