Chinese massage and all its charms


kneading cheekbones

Chinese massage is known for a long time and includes different directions and methods of exposure. In addition to the effects on the muscles, acupressure is applied, which improves the exchange of energy in the body and increases vitality. Chinese massage can be done independently, at home, using photos and videos as instructions. Self-massage is not difficult, rather step by step to perform the steps described in the instructions.

Chinese acupressure

For centuries, Chinese medicine has been studying energy metabolism in the body and special biologically active zones located in various parts of the body. Chinese acupressure is the effect of pressure fingers on the active points in order to heal ailments.

Acupressure is different from the classic massaging of muscles in that pressure is exerted on the active zones associated with all human organs. According to Chinese teachings, Qi energy flows through all organs. Acupressure restores this energy flow, healing the body. There are detailed layouts of points on the body. The main role of the procedure is to restore an even flow of vital energy in the body.

sex massage

  • Massaging enhances mental abilities.
  • Heals hypertension.
  • Treats depression and reduces anxiety and fear.
  • Impact on active points increases the protective functions of the immune system, eliminates stress and its effects, promotes deep relaxation, reduces pressure in the chest.
  • Chinese acupressure is used in cosmetology in order to relax the muscles involved in facial expressions and as a result wrinkles are reduced.
  • Acupressure eliminates stress, relieves pain, and relieves chronic diseases.
  • Pressure is applied to various points on the skin as a result of activated processes of exchange, blood flow, removal of toxins.

Chinese face massage

Chinese facial massage has a beneficial effect on all the muscles of the face, skin, and vascular system. Its effectiveness depends on the number of procedures performed and their regularity. Even a small course has a rejuvenating effect and the result can be seen in the form of an increase in skin elasticity, elimination of edema.

massaging direction

Due to the effects on biological centers, the body includes mechanisms that promote rejuvenation and restoration. Chinese facial massage is carried out by the movements of the fingers on the skin in a certain sequence and in biologically active points. The body itself produces substances that smooth the skin and eliminate wrinkles.

According to the teachings of Chinese medicine, in the body everything is connected, by acting on one area, we restore and heal another, while doing a homemade facial massage, we improve our sense of smell, hearing and vision.

The Go-Shua massage has great cosmetic efficiency, it is made with the help of plates made of buffalo horn. Influencing such plates on the active zones, we improve the blood microcirculation, restore metabolic processes in the tissues. Massaging normalizes lymph drainage and strengthens the facial nerves. Massaging the face can be done independently, using photos and video materials.

correct lines kneading facial muscles

Chinese foot massage

On the foot are biologically active points associated with the organs of the whole body.

  • Massaging these points has a general healing effect and has a beneficial effect on the organs associated with these areas on the foot.
  • Mechanical effect on these points restores energy metabolism and, as a result, improves blood flow and oxygen enrichment of tissues.
  • Chinese foot massage improves eyesight, smell and hearing, cures diseases of internal organs.

There are many zones on the foot, each of which is associated with a specific organ. In Chinese medicine, a great deal of attention is paid to the effects on certain points associated with organs, there are many schemes for the location of points and their description. Confirmation of a properly performed procedure is a slight soreness of these points during the session, since each person has them individually.

Actions on the points are different:

  • trituration;
  • capture;
  • pulsation and vibration;
  • shifting;
  • an injection;
  • stroking

pressure and rubbing

Prick when quickly and sharply pressed with the index finger. Stroking is a circular motion with the thumb pad. Shuffling is done symmetrically with the fingertips. Vibration is done by increasing the pressure with your free hand on the massage. The impact on the points is carried out in stages, according to the technique of massaging.

Feet have high temperature, high electrical potential. To complete the session you need only hands and the right technique. Before the procedure, it is advisable to make a foot bath with the addition of herbal infusions.

Chinese foot massage helps to cure the body and contributes to the rapid recovery after serious illnesses and injuries. Eliminates fatigue, relieves stress and nervous excitement, treats depression. It has a beneficial effect on the legs, eliminating puffiness, muscle weakness, feeling of heaviness, varicose nodules, normalizes blood circulation is also useful in transverse or longitudinal flatfoot.

foot kneading

To perform the foot procedure, it is necessary to act on biologically active points; according to the effect of exposure, they are of four types:

  • stimulating, activates those organs with which it is associated;
  • soothing, relieves stress;
  • signal, relieves pain;
  • harmonizing, a positive effect on the organs associated with it.

Like any medicine, the effect on the points has contraindications: cancer, tendency to thrombosis, pulmonary tuberculosis. During procedures it is forbidden to drink alcohol, spicy and salty.

Chinese sex massage

ero massage

Chinese sex massage is used to restore and strengthen sexual function. Impact on certain active zones on the skin contributes to increased libido, enhancing the sensitivity of erogenous zones. Chinese sex massage restores the violation of erectile function and promotes harmony in the sexual sphere.

Video: Chinese foot massage