Castor oil for eyelashes is a simple folk remedy for


Castor for eyelashes

Beautiful and long eyelashes - it is an integral part in the image of a woman, forcing to catch men's gaze. Therefore, it is necessary to provide them with good and quality care. There are many popular recipes, so it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon and resort to the extension procedure in order to make your eyelashes chic in the shortest possible time.

Lengths and thicknesses can be achieved by self-using at home an excellent means of ensuring a stunning result for a long time - castor oil for eyelashes. This product is so effective that it makes the cilia fluffy, beautiful and very voluminous. But many of the fair sex do not dare to put into practice this not very ordinary drug, because opinions about it differ. Therefore, now we have to understand all the pros and cons of this miracle tool.

Useful properties of the product

The drug is a yellow, very viscous, translucent composition with an unpleasant, slightly perceptible odor. It is mined by the method of cold pressing of castor bean seeds, which grows in tropical latitudes. Castor eyelash has an important advantage - it does not dry and does not create a film, while the hairs do not stick together. The chemical composition of the product contains many useful properties. Active natural ingredients penetrate the hair follicles and improve the condition of the processes at the cellular level, which contributes to the rapid growth of hairs, which in turn become elastic, moist and durable.

Cilia health remedy

The composition includes:

  • Oleic acid. Normalizes all processes in the cell: supports regeneration, strengthens, moisturizes, restores the protective mechanism of the cell, activates the metabolism;
  • Tocopherol (Vitamin E, which is very popular and necessary for the growth of eyelashes) provides for the synthesis of elastin and collagen in cells, with the help of which any faded and extinct eyelashes will turn into “shining stars” and decorate the look;
  • Palmitic acid delivers beneficial substances to the depth of the structure of the cilia, helps them to be actively absorbed into the blood, while passing through the thick-walled cell membranes;
  • Ricinoleic acid (in its castorca contains a huge amount). The condition of the eyelashes, their length, elasticity, density, softness, volume, and obedience largely depend on it. Acid produces a powerful antibacterial effect (it treats blepharitis), normalizes hair growth, strengthens them, prevents hair loss;

Natural extract

  • Linoleic and stearic acids are considered to be the most valuable moisturizers: they do not allow moisture to evaporate and protect it directly for damaged and dry cilia, and also serve to protect thin, brittle, split hairs from harmful irritating factors: UV rays, temperature drops, chlorine-containing substances , sea salt, air vapor, heat exposure;
  • Contains castor oil and vitamin A in the form of retinol. It increases the regenerating effect of the drug and has a wonderful healing property to renew and restore damaged hairs.

Natural ingredients

From all of the above, it becomes clear what benefits castor oil brings. Some negative comments about this tool are written because of the inability to use it correctly. That is why it is impossible to achieve the proper effect.

Before and after

If you follow the opinion of professionals and follow all their instructions, then your eyelashes after castor oil will become much longer, fluffier and more beautiful. This is evidenced by many photos of satisfied girls result.

Why our eyelashes are getting weaker

Health status can be determined by our hair. On them, as well as on the eyebrows and eyelashes are very influenced by external aggressive environment. The problem manifests itself in the painful form of hair, especially when it becomes visible when a person ages. The loss of eyelashes, when they become faded and brittle, can be influenced by the following factors:

  • Malfunctions in health: the effects of stress, eye diseases, poor nutrition, impaired metabolic processes in the body, hormonal problems;
  • Influence of household chemicals;
  • Excessive use of extended or false eyelashes;
  • The lack of trace elements and vitamins in the body;
  • Poor quality and poorly chosen cosmetics;
  • Irregular hygiene procedures.

The result of the procedure

Doctors say that in most cases, it is cosmetics of dubious quality that strongly influence the weakening and loss of cilia. Try to choose for themselves other cosmetics. If the problem persists, you need to take up treatment. This will help the use of castor oil.

Instructions for use of castorca

The scheme of applying castor oil to the cilia is very simple step by step. The process takes no more than a minute, you just need to practice. Castor can be purchased at any pharmacy. Its cost is about 50 rubles. Store at room temperature and use only warm.

Help eyelashes

Now detailed instructions on how to use the product;

  • For application, use a pre-washed and thoroughly dried brush from an old mascara. After each use, wipe it with a cotton swab or disc and do not leave it in oil;
  • Before starting the procedure, make sure that you are not allergic to this remedy;
  • Cilia should be clean and dry, so remove all cosmetics from them;
  • If you wear contact lenses, be sure to remove them;


  • On the brush you need to put a bit of castor oil and smear the cilia itself, starting from the middle and ending at the tips. You can not apply the tool in the same way as mascara - the more the better, and start from the roots. The result may be the appearance of an oil film on the mucous membrane of the eye, which is very problematic to get rid of;
  • The excess should be carefully picked up with a brush so that the oil does not drip;
  • After the first application, leave the product for 5 minutes. If after this time no negative effects are noticed, then you can increase it to 15-20 minutes. If you experience swelling of the eyelids or redness of the mucous membrane of the eye, you need to stop using;


  • You need to remove the liquid with a regular cotton pad. But it must be dry. Also thoroughly wipe the eyelids;
  • You can wash and lubricate the eyelids with cream only an hour after the process is completed;
  • After that, mascara will be very hard to apply, so care of cilia is best done at night before going to bed;
  • The effect will be noticeable if you observe the regularity of the procedure and do it daily;
  • The course is 4-5 weeks. Only after this time, it becomes clear whether castorca acts on your eyelashes. If no change is noticed, then it is better to choose another tool;
  • After completing the course, a break of 1-2 weeks is required. This will not cause the hairs to get used to the drug and they will be able to rest;
  • There is no age limit for using the product. The only obstacle is an allergy or individual intolerance to the components.

The effect of the application

In 90% of cases after the procedures, the eyelashes grow better, strengthen and acquire a natural and lasting color. You can use castor oil for eyebrows, as well as for hair. The difference before and after will be just amazing.

Castor oil based eyelash masks

The product can be used not only in pure form, but also in the composition of homemade masks for cilia. They are applied in stages as described above.

Effect of the procedure

The basic rule - for each procedure, prepare a fresh composition. Choose for yourself the desired recipe depending on what result you want to achieve.

 Mask for density

  1. Combine 10 g of Vaseline and 5 g of castorca. Add a little Peruvian balsam.
  2. Mix everything well.
  3. Apply the composition regularly, and you can boast of fluffy and thick cilia.

To strengthen

Mix 15 g of castorca and 5 g of wheat germ, almond and flax oil in the same container, then heat it in a water bath. After application, a strengthening effect will be noticeable, which will prevent destruction and loss of hairs.

Antibacterial mask

It is recommended when blepharitis and from the formation of barley. Combine and mix well 5 g of aloe juice and 15 g of castorca.

Mask components

For softness

Take 15 grams of castor oil and 5 grams of peach. Stir. This mask will give curls not only soft, but also make them thick and fluffy.

For growth

Mix the retinol and tocopherol capsules with two pipettes of castorca and one pipette of burdock oil. The result of applying the mask is long volumetric eyelashes.

Against fallout

This mask gives length and thickness, accelerates growth. It is necessary to squeeze one teaspoon of juice from the leaves of aloe and parsley. They must be fresh. Add two small spoons of castorca to them and mix everything thoroughly.

Natural Ingredients

Reviews about the benefits of castor oil for eyelashes in most cases positive. Many women are satisfied with the result of the use of this tool. It is important to follow the instructions above and use the product correctly. It’s worth a try, as castorcas are a worthy alternative to buildup. And will the effect or not, you can see only after passing the course and regularly performing procedures to care for your favorite cilia.

Video: Care for eyelashes with castor oil