Anti-cellulite cream - a quick overview of effective brands


getting rid of cellulite

Cellulite plagues women of all ages and any complexion. How can I get rid of it and make the skin smooth in a short time? To get real results, and not the effect for one day, it is not enough just to apply a cellulite cream on the body. All procedures for getting rid of orange peel are effective in the complex. Only a combination of a variety of physical exertion, nutrition, massage and the use of special anti-cellulite products will make the skin smooth and beautiful.

To effectively combat cellulite, it is not necessary to sweat many hours a day in the gym or get up at five o'clock in the morning for a hated run - any daily physical activity will do. Walks with friends for shopping, a variety of sports, outdoor activities, dancing, even the usual house cleaning improves body tone and helps to improve skin condition.

applying ointment to the hips

What you need to successfully combat cellulite?

orange peel cosmetics

  • To pick up a good anti-cellulite cream. Suitable anti-cellulite body cream can be found among the budget. It is not necessary to give astronomical sums in the hope that the result will be better from expensive means. The main thing in finding a good makeup is not the cost, but whether it suits your skin or not.
  • Regularly knead problem areas. All anti-cellulite ointment should be intensively rubbed into the skin and at the same time knead the problem areas without sparing yourself. You can do this yourself or ask your loved ones for help. Massage improves blood flow and helps to quickly get rid of unaesthetic orange peel, you can use massage cans of cellulite.
  • Bath and sauna are the best helpers in the fight against cellulite at all its stages. Under the influence of high temperatures, blood circulation is improved, toxins are eliminated and the overall condition of the skin is improved. If possible, try to visit the bath or sauna at least once every two weeks.
  • Drink more water and do not forget about vitamins. Very often, the causes of cellulite lie in the lack of fluid in the body. By normalizing your water balance and adding a little more fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet, you can achieve stunning results.

Black Pearl and Bielita

General recommendations on how to use any anti-cellulite cream

Buy a quality anti-cellulite cream is not easy at all. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics and condition of the skin, carefully examine the composition and check whether there is any allergy to any component. To help you choose a good anti-cellulite cream come the comments and recommendations of girls who have already experienced a large number of different ointments and are willing to share not only their experiences, but also the photos before and after. Most importantly, remember - if somewhere on the Internet someone is delighted with anti-cellulite cream Avon or some other company, it does not mean at all that it will suit any skin and specifically you.

use of ointment

  • Most often, anti-cellulite cream has a drainage effect, so if your goal is perfect, smooth skin, during the anti-cellulite course you need to increase your daily water rate by at least half a liter compared with normal days. And on ordinary days you should drink 2 liters of pure water - for tea or beer, namely water!
  • To the result of the use of anti-cellulite cream was visible as early as possible, it should be applied twice a day - in the morning, immediately after waking up, and in the evening a couple of hours before bedtime.
  • Pay attention to the composition - a good anti-cellulite cream will be made using herbal extracts, essential oils, the addition of vitamins and other natural ingredients.
  • As with any cosmetic, anti-cellulite body cream can not be used after the expiration date. In the composition of almost all cellulite creams there are quite aggressive components that over time become dangerous for the skin.
  • In each beauty salon there are whole programs for combating cellulite - all kinds of wraps, special massage complexes, professional anti-cellulite creams and gels. The only minus of all this variety is price. Every second woman has cellulite, the service is in constant demand, therefore reducing the cost of anti-cellulite programs for beauty salon owners is not at all profitable.
  • If the family budget does not allow you to regularly visit a beauty salon and donate quite sensitive amounts to fight cellulite, do not be discouraged. Good results and the desired smooth skin can be achieved on your own - the main thing is to follow the instructions for use of the chosen agents and not to forget about our recommendations.

lilac tube from Novosvit

The best cellulite cream top 5

Consider in more detail the most popular in Russia cheap cellulite ointment.

Anti-cellulite cream sculptor faberlik

The line of means to combat cellulite from faberlik includes an activator and cream-sculptor. According to the experience and reviews, the means are not necessarily used in pairs, the result will be without the use of an activator.

  • Anti-cellulite cream sculptor from faberlik on the consistency is like body milk, perfectly fights against irregularities in problem areas.
  • The drainage effect of this tool is very strong, so the visible results are noticeable immediately after the first procedure.
  • A small minus of this remedy is the anti-cellulite cream sculptor from faberlik, as well as the products from Avon need to be ordered from the catalog, just come to the store and buy it will not work.
  • The average price of this remedy for cellulite from Faberlic starts from 300 rubles.

Faberlic: expert series

Fitness body cream against cellulite Floresan

The cure for cellulite brand Floresan will work better if used in tandem with fitness workouts.

  • Apply any fitness cream against cellulite should be before training - the muscles will warm up, and the result will appear much faster.
  • A fairly simple scheme of using ointment: for prophylaxis - 3 times a week, an intensive course - every other day for two months.
  • Floresan Cellulite Fitness Cream is very economical and inexpensive, one pack is enough for several months.
  • The effectiveness of its use can be seen by comparing the results before and after the photo.
  • It is well absorbed, does not leave a feeling of stickiness on the skin.
  • The cost of Fitness Body Cream-asset from cellulite about 150 rubles.

whole line of fitness body from cellulite

Anti-cellulite cream Viteks "Bath, sauna, massage"

Among the inexpensive remedies aimed at combating cellulite, a worthy place is occupied by the anti-cellulite cream “Bath, sauna, massage”.

  • The undeniable advantages of this tool - low price and excellent effect.
  • Anti-cellulite cream "Bath, sauna massage" contains an extract of red pepper, so you need to use it as carefully as possible, in any case to prevent contact with mucous membranes.
  • Vitex has a warming effect, affects body fat and helps a lot in the fight against cellulite.
  • Anti-cellulite cream “Bath, Sauna, Massage” can be applied to problem areas before any sports training. A fifteen-minute workout of medium intensity is enough, and after a few applications the skin will not be recognized.
  • The duration of the procedure should not exceed 30 minutes. This time limit will help avoid chemical burns.
  • Massage anti-cellulite cream Vitex confidently collects the most positive feedback from anyone who has already tried this tool. In the segment of budget cosmetics - a very profitable and popular option.
  • The cost of a tube is about 130 rubles.

Viteks- bath, sauna massage

Anti-cellulite cream Belita "SPA Anticellulitis"

Another representative of the Belarusian cosmetics aimed at combating cellulite Belita. A very interesting idea of ​​the manufacturers is to release two tools of similar effect, differing in the “cold” and “hot” formula of the action.

  • Anti-cellulite cream Belita “Spa Anti-Cellulite” with a hot formula is better to use in the fall and winter, so that the warming effect of the application does not cause inconvenience.
  • The cold formula is great for skin care in the spring and summer - the ointment cools the skin and rather quickly tightens it.
  • Anti-cellulite cream Belita "Spa Anti-Cellulite" - a good tool for intensive struggle with cellulite at home. The price of this tool starts from 120 rubles.

bielita spa anticellyulit- hot and cold formulas

Anti-Cellulite Cream Clean Line

Active body cream "Anti cellulite" from company "Clean line"- This is a great budget tool that fights with all the unpleasant manifestations of cellulite - skin irregularities and reduced tone.

  • Depending on the method of application, a different effect is obtained - without a massage, the skin cools pleasantly, and with intensive rubbing it warms up quite noticeably.
  • Anti-cellulite cream clean line consists of a whole complex of essential oils that is easily absorbed and does not leave a “sticky film” on the skin.
  • Apply it on the skin to achieve the result is recommended every other day.
  • Contraindicated in varicose veins and pregnancy.
  • The cost of the bottle is only 90 rubles.

Clean line

Video: How to choose the right cream for cellulite - recommendations of specialists

Anti-cellulite cream at home

If ready-made formulations are not available, or the body asks for something soft, effective and natural, a good solution would be to make your own personal anti-cellulite cream at home.

  • A good anti-cellulite massage cream itself is obtained from honey. It should be applied to problem areas and thoroughly rubbed into the skin. Honey is sticky, it is not absorbed completely into the skin, and this is its great advantage - it turns out a very intense warm-up for the skin.
  • To make anti-cellulite body cream at home, use citrus essential oils, they burn fat well. For the foundation, your favorite body milk will be suitable, mix it with pepper (do not overdo it) for the warming effect and selected oils, then apply the composition to the skin and mash it well. By following all the recommendations step by step, you can say goodbye to cellulite forever.

use of honey and citrus for anti-cellulite ointment

Body treatment and the fight against cellulite require time, regular efforts, monetary investments and patience, but the cumulative effect of all procedures will please for many years.

Video: preparing a moisturizing anti-cellulite massage cream