

Achromin ointment

Cream "Ahromin" from age spots is an effective remedy for those who are looking for an alternative to aggressive methods of skin tone alignment (for example, chemical peeling).

This whitening cream with a light aroma of roses due to its enhanced composition acts in several directions at once:

  • inhibits the production of melanin, the excess of which leads to the "leopard" skin;
  • brightens the skin;
  • fights swelling;
  • softens and moisturizes.


Irreplaceable ... is!

At home, this drug is recommended to use with caution: its main substance - hydroquinone - has a powerful effect, with the result that it not only bleaches pigment spots, but can also cause irritation.


In search of a more benign solution, the manufacturer tried to replace this component with a softer and natural extract of licorice, but real customer reviews immediately noted its diminished efficiency. Therefore, “Ahromin” against pigment spots is now being produced in its previous composition, but cosmetologists still advise using it in stages: first put the substance on a small area behind the ear, for example, and look at the reaction. If symptoms of an allergic reaction such as burning, itching, swelling and redness appear, you should completely refuse to use it.

If the signs of irritation are small, it is worth repeating the test in about a week. In case of a repeated allergic reaction, “Achromin” is no longer used, in its absence it is applied with caution not twice, as required by the instructions for use, but once a day. In addition, it is worth noting that this medicine is definitely contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 12 years.

face whitening

It's time to use the cream

It is better to start using it in the winter, until such a quantity of ultraviolet radiation affects the dermis, which means fewer freckles and pigment spots.

  • The scheme of application is as follows: twice a day for 2 or more hours before leaving the house “Ahromin” for the face is applied and left for about an hour. After soaking up the excess substance with a napkin.
  • The manufacturer notes that in the first minutes after applying the cream you can feel a slight tingling, which should soon pass.
  • With systematic use, the difference between the skin tone before and after applying the ointment can be seen after a week.

result from the use of ointment

So, wanting to get rid of freckles and pigmentation, which often occurs during puberty or during pregnancy, you can do it yourself, if you do not chase the instant result, but act step by step. To do this, first consult with a beautician, who will tell you if there is an individual intolerance to the drug, then purchase the drug, apply it on a small area of ​​skin and follow the reaction of the body.

Reviews real buyers

Julia, 26 years old:

- We used to think that an effective face cream can not be cheap, it feels like a trick. But not in the case of “Akhromin”: anyone can afford it himself: it costs about 150-200 rubles, the only difficulty is that it is not in every pharmacy, I order it online through the official distributor. I have been using it for almost a month now, and the specks that appeared after the second birth have practically disappeared.

Anna, 44 years old:

- I tried a lot of folk remedies to get rid of freckles on my face, which appeared with me with age - nothing helped, was already in despair, when a friend advised me to try "Achromin". At first I refused to buy it: the price seemed ridiculous to me, but surprisingly the tool started working immediately, and the result did not take long: the complexion evened out, in 2 weeks I turned white in a couple of shades. However, it should be used carefully: more than a month, you can not use it because the substance is quite strong. I think to finish this course and repeat it in six months.

Natalia, 36 years old:

“I bought Achromin as a present for my mom, but it didn’t fit perfectly: right after the application, the skin became covered with a rash and began to itch terribly. Immediately washed it and sworn to continue not to order. Pleases at least the fact that he is a budget: not a pity in vain for the money spent.

Veronica, 19 years old:

- As a teenager, I suddenly had problems: acne, enlarged pores, excessive greasiness on the forehead and nose. These problems are familiar to many boys and girls, but not all “pigmented” spots remain. I was worried for a long time, and then I was advised in a pharmacy to buy “Achromin”. I admit honestly, "pecked" at a low price, but the result did not disappoint: after a week the spots became noticeably lighter. In general, I take pleasure in using it myself and recommend it to my friends.

Video: Real feedback on freckles ointment - Ahromin