White stripes on the nails - why leukonychia appears and how
Nails and hair are indicators of the state of the human body. Failure of the internal organs, metabolic disorders or lack of vitamins directly affect the appearance of the nail plate.
One of the common health problems of nails are white stripes on them. They are peculiar to both men and women. What does this signal and what should I look for when they appear? Let's try to figure it out.
Causes of strips on the nail plate
The nail plate may be covered with white spots, directed vertically or horizontally, as well as single dots. This shows that the nails lack the nutrients due to the failure of certain body processes. This phenomenon is called leukonychia.
Most often this problem manifests itself in people from such groups as:
- Children under the age of 15 - white stripes on the nails can occur in a child due to active growth in this life span. This is explained by the fact that there is a constant lack of vitamins, and the balance of metabolic processes has not yet reached the level, as in an adult;
- Young mothers - the recent birth of a child leads to a lack of certain elements in the body, such as calcium, zinc or iron;
- Diabetics - excessive blood sugar can have a direct effect on the state of the marigold;
- People with kidney disease - the cause of white stripes on the nails may be due to a lack of protein, the output of which is carried out by the kidneys.
The appearance of white dashes can occur due to the influence of external or internal factors. The first category includes:
- The result of the injury - everyone has ever hurt a finger, pinched a nail with a door or hit it with a hammer. This is more about men. Girls can injure marigolds when building up or with an unsuccessful manicure;
- Chemical exposure - appears after a long contact with the chemistry, for example, when performing paint work or washing dishes using aggressive detergents. Therefore, it is worthwhile to think in advance about protecting hands and wearing gloves.
In general, external causes do not pose a particular danger, and leukonychia usually manifests itself in the form of points that go away with the renewal of the nail. Recovery will happen on their own at home. You just need to try not to press on the damaged nail and move your finger less.
But the white stripes on the nails of the hands, which arose for internal reasons, should be a signal to the disruption of the body systems and the reason to start treatment. These include:
- Improper functioning of the internal organs. Basically it is the digestive system, the kidneys or the liver;
- Crash of vitamins and minerals. Especially strongly affected by iron deficiency. This may be due to frequent diets. Vegetarians and syroeda are most susceptible to this;
- Violation of metabolic processes;
- Lack of nutrients due to nail infections;
- Fungus;
- Stress physical and psychological;
- Side effect of taking certain medications;
- Circulatory disorders;
- Also, white stripes indicate a possible poisoning with heavy metals.
How to treat
In any case, it is better not to engage in amateur activities and immediately contact a specialist. Leikonichia is easily recognized and has several forms:
- Easy - manifests itself in the form of small dots or spots, occupying mainly the nail on one finger, less often on several;
- Medium - small white stripes appear on the nails, which can be both longitudinal and transverse. Occur immediately on several nail plates of the fingers or toes;
- Heavy - affected by 75% of the nail space. The extreme degree is the white coating of the entire surface of the marigold.
Consider options for getting rid of this problem.
The first degree is usually caused by minor damage to the plate or an incorrect balance of vitamins and minerals in the human body.
- White specks or stripes on the leg of children is a frequent occurrence. It is associated with active growth, as well as a lack of certain elements, such as iron or zinc. All children love tasty and not very healthy, so they boycott protein foods such as meat, legumes, and milk. But they can be successfully replaced with nuts, fruits and berries, fish.
- In case of damage due to chemical exposure, all harmful substances that have eaten under the plate must be removed. The treatment instruction is simple - for this it is necessary to lubricate the hands daily with cream, and also to make baths with warm water and sea salt dissolved in it. You can pour a few drops of iodine in the bath. Well suited and essential sandalwood oil, which will anesthetize and will have an antiseptic effect.
- It is also recommended a couple of times a week to rub the mixture of olive oil and oil him. This will create an antiseptic effect and antifungal protection.
- Pale dashes, accompanied by reddening of the skin and itching, indicate a fungal infection. In this case, you must contact your dermatologist, who will prescribe a comprehensive treatment and select the necessary ointment or varnish.
- The appearance of stripes is often observed on the nails of lovers of various diets. To this is added more and hair loss, as well as dry skin. All because of a lack of protein. It is necessary to balance the diet, increasing the use of protein-containing products and additionally drink vitamin complex, after consulting with a doctor.
- Stress and nervous breakdowns are one of the most acute problems of modern society. It is directly related to the appearance of white stripes on the nail plates. Especially affected are vulnerable and excitable personalities. The treatment plan is simple - try to be less nervous, more rest, take a relaxing bath, brew herbal teas. A special relaxing massage will help to calm down and relax well.
But diseases of the internal organs that lead to the appearance of white lines on the nails should be treated seriously and purposefully, under the supervision of specialists. Conventional methods are unlikely to help here.
Now you know what the white stripes on the nails mean, and you can give a fitting rebuff to this problem, while preserving the attractiveness and health of the nails.