Repair and strengthening of nails with silk is a successful

Many ladies spend a lot of time in caring for their hands. This is especially true of nails. What beautiful ladies just do not use to give them the necessary length and create natural beauty. The use of various cosmetic preparations, nourishing masks and regenerative medical baths - all this is in progress.
But there are situations when a nail can break down or several at once. You should not immediately despair. There is a very simple and effective way out - silk for nail repair. It will help to quickly and easily solve the problem, and this can be done independently and at home.
Restore broken nail
It happens that a crack occurs closer to the middle of the nail plate, and not from the edge. This can be not only uncomfortable, but also painful. In this case, removing the nail will be very painful, as well as unsafe. It is necessary to give time for the marigold so that it will grow at least a little. For this we need to strengthen and glue it.

You will spend only a few minutes on silk nail repair. And if you already have some skills in this business, the process will be much faster. The result can hold for about a week. It will be possible to perform these manipulations again, before it becomes possible to trim the nail at the site of scrapping.
Often, ladies use silk fabric to get rid of the fragility of the nails. This is achieved by applying glue and silk in several layers, which makes the plate more solid, minimizing its fragility.
Step by Step Recovery Process
Now consider the scheme itself, how to repair the nail silk in stages. It is used to repair it in nail salons, where qualified craftsmen do it in a couple of minutes. But there is not always time and money to turn to a professional. In this situation, you can help yourself.

First you need to prepare the tools:
- The main "ingredient" - silk for nails;
- Glue with special composition. In the standard set of the kit, glue is usually found not of very good quality, therefore it would be preferable to buy it separately;
- Do not forget about the anti-glue composition. It is useful if you suddenly glue your fingers together or incorrectly apply bioglue;
- Nail scissors;
- Files or buffies of various abrasiveness. 120 and 220 grit will do;
- Disinfector - means for disinfecting and degreasing the surface of the marigold. It eliminates strong drying, so the nail acquires a normal state after half an hour.

In addition to silk, flax and fayberglass are also used. The first type of fabric is used in rare cases. This is due to its coarse structure, which is not well combined with "claw". Fayberglass a little more popular than flax, but still inferior to silk fabric.
It is better to buy material in rolls on a sticky paper base. To achieve the desired result, the price of the fabric along with glue should not be less than 100 rubles. This will allow to repair the nail silk better.
We will study step by step instructions on how to use silk to repair broken "claw":

- It is necessary to prepare the broken part of the plate. To do this, make a few easy movements with the help of a nail file from the cuticle in the direction of the free edge. This will help trim the edges of the break and get rid of the surface gloss. Then you need to make a degreasing disinfector;
- Cut the required amount from the fabric roll to cover the resulting crack. It happens that the material suddenly ends. Therefore, it can be replaced with a conventional medical fabric patch. But it must not be rubberized so that the nail can breathe. Also paper from a tea bag which can be used, having previously shaken out the brew;
- Treat the scrapping site with a small adhesive strip and place a cut out piece of it in size. "rags". Position it flat on the surface using an orange stick;
- When the glue is completely dry, remove the excess. To do this, use a nail file to produce the resulting tubercle, making the plate smooth. This will hide the breakdown when applying varnish;
- After repair, cover all fingers with texture lacquer with shiny or sand particles of small size. This will help hide all the bumps and strengthen the adhesion of fabric and glue with a crack. You can disguise the place of the crash with a dirge or some other designer thing.

It is not necessary to repair the nail with the help of silk, if the skin is damaged during a breakdown or bleeding from the wound occurs. It can only hurt. Therefore, immediately contact a specialist.
Silk nail strengthening scheme
Using a similar technology, silk nails are strengthened if the plate is particularly subtle. Artificial marigold hold out longer natural. This is due to the difference in thickness. If you are not a supporter of the extension process, then this procedure will be very helpful for you.

To do this, you must perform the following simple steps:
- Remove shine using a nail file;
- Align the silk piece with the nail bed and cut out the desired shape;
- Disinfect and degrease the plate;
- Apply glue stripe to the nail and attach the cut out cloth;
- Trim the edges with an orange stick;
- After the glue dries, polish the surface with a buff;
- Cover with a varnish coat.

The procedure must be performed several times a month. This will help to strengthen and grow the nails, which will not break and crumble.
Silk build
Silk is not suitable as the main material in this process because of its softness. But it will serve as an excellent substrate for the gel or tips and will help speed up the build-up.
- To begin, it is necessary to carry out the processing of the plate by sawing and degreasing it;
- Glue a strip of silk. After drying, stick the tips to the end of the free edge of the fabric;
- At the last stage, the surface is polished, and the joint is processed with gel or acrylic.

The process of strengthening or building can be easily carried out at home, without turning to studios or salons.
Where to buy and how much it costs
You can buy silk fabric for repair in any specialty store for manicure or on the Internet. The cost depends on the form of release - in strips or rolls, as well as on the length. On average, one set costs 100 rubles. At the same time, other tools can be sold both separately and together with silk fabric.

Nail repair with silk is a quick and easy way to eliminate the “breakage” of your favorite claws by yourself. The procedure can be carried out at home, without having any serious skills in the art of manicure.