Hand massage for manicure

Hand massage is a very important procedure with a powerful relaxing and healing effect on the entire body. At the moment there are many techniques: traditional hand massage, lymph drainage, hand reflexology, and so on. Very popular is the hand massage for manicure, which allows you to combine business with pleasure and get many other bonuses in addition to beautiful fingernails.
The impact of hand massage on the body
- Finger massage allows you to relieve tension in all large muscles of the hand;
- Improves blood circulation;
- Acupressure of the hands has a positive effect on the functioning of the internal organs;
- Allows you to relax and relieve stress;
- Increases the production of pleasure hormones;
- Positive effect on the condition of the skin of the hands, which is associated with the use of special nourishing creams and oils.
This list can be continued for a very long time, but even the above facts are a weighty reason to learn how to massage your hands yourself at home.
Performance technique
It is not at all difficult to learn how to massage hands during manicure if you follow the instructions below in steps. The most important thing to consider when performing the procedure yourself is that the massage of the fingers should begin with as gentle movements as possible, then the hands are subjected to intense pressure, and finally gently stroked again.
Table and tools
The preparatory stage is very important in the design of the manicure of the hands. It is necessary to ensure that the procedure is performed in absolute purity. This rule applies equally to the surface that will come into contact with the hands, and to all the bubbles from cosmetics, towels and other accessories involved in the massage.
Hand assessment
Hand massage for manicure has several contraindications, including fungus, deep cracks in the skin, rash, redness.
Hand disinfection
Regardless of whether the procedure is performed in the cabin or with your own hands, you should use an anti-bacterial spray or gel. This will protect the skin from infection if small cracks appear on the skin. If the skin of the hands is too dry and inelastic, such a reaction to the massage is not uncommon.
Cream skin treatment
Traditional hand massage involves the thick application of a special cream on the area from the tips of the fingers to the elbows. Manicure specialists are usually limited to the treatment of hands. The composition of the cream should be fatty and nutritious. The tool is applied from the bottom up in a circular motion. Touching the skin should be very light.

Massage of the fingers is carried out by circular strokes and short-term pressure. The pressure should be steady and uniform. It is very important to avoid pain and sudden movements.
Carpal joints are massaged in a circular motion - gently and gradually, first to the right, then to the left. The minimum number of rotations is six times. It is necessary to ensure that no clips are created in the area of attachment of the hand, the muscles should be stretched.
Breeding fingers to the side
The fingers of one hand are maximally divorced to the sides, and on the other hand, on the contrary, are clamped. Then all the fingers of the second hand are very gently and gently stroked with the splayed fingers. The movements are stroking and relaxing. It is performed alternately on each hand.
A high-quality massage is a very effective remedy for the stress of the skin and joints of the hands, as well as for mental disorders and nervous overstrain. However, it is worth remembering that a sustainable and most pronounced result can be achieved with an integrated approach. Hand massage is an excellent addition to a general body massage, physical exercise, a balanced diet and abundant use of clean drinking water.
Finger rotation
Put the wrist of one hand on the support, with the second hand alternately make rotational movements in the attachment points of each of the joints of the fingers. Pain should be avoided. Increasing the mobility of the joints, this exercise also has a beneficial effect on the skin tone of the hands.
Stifling fingers
At this stage, the work is done alternately with each finger. With light twisting movements, the fingers are pulled out from the hand. High-quality performance of this exercise ensures rapid improvement in the appearance of the hands.

Palm massage is carried out by strong pressing movements. Particular attention should be paid to the areas of the pads - under the fingers and the supracarpal joint. Their stimulation will speed up the metabolism and excrete the slag deposits.
Palm smoothing
The skin of the palm is smoothed by strong pressing movements in the direction from the center of the palm to the wrist. If desired, this massage can involve the entire area of the forearm. This exercise improves blood circulation.
Strong rubbing brushes
This exercise fully engages the entire hand and forearm area. Rubbing movements are made from the tips of the fingers to the elbow and in the opposite direction. The impact is intense enough that all the muscles involved are well warmed up. As a result of this exercise, toxins are eliminated.
Surface stroking
With quick and light movements, stroke both sides of the hand from the wrist to the fingertips.

Rubbing the palms
This exercise is performed by strong, sharp movements from the base of the fingers to the forearm.
Shake hands gently with vibrating movements to remove excess tension from them. Keep your fingers pointing down.
Cream rubbing
The final step in the massage of the hands is a complete rubbing of the cream into the skin. This action is performed with smooth movements. After completion of the massage, you can proceed to the processing of the cuticle and applying decorative or medical cosmetics to the nails.