Halloween manicure

Manicure and pedicure

vampire nail art

Halloween is one of the most interesting and unusual holidays. Its main feature is dressing up in frightening outfits, and any manifestation of communication with the other world. The format of today's celebration of this day is the well-known parties and festivities. Every girl on this holiday wants to look perfect, so the selection of hair, dress and makeup is not everything. Thematic manicure will help to complete the conceived image. How to make a manicure for Halloween - a question of fantasy and talent of the author.

bloody eye

There are many options for performing a manicure, but a Halloween manicure is, on the one hand, something very stylish and unusual, and on the other, even something eerie. In order for an image to be personalized and your nails perfect, it is not necessary to go to the salon to the master. Everything is much simpler: a manicure for Halloween can be done with your own hands, at home, you just need imagination and creativity, and, of course, some materials.

We do a manicure yourself

zombie design

Every year more and more unusual new ideas manicure for Halloween. So, how to make up your nails for Halloween - only you decide and decide. Thanks to the careful implementation of step-by-step instructions, you can achieve an excellent result, even without spending money on the salon. So, home Halloween manicure. Let's start with the tools:

  • Lucky different colors;
  • A needle or a simple toothpick;
  • Lacquer fastener;
  • Base layer;
  • Color markers.

Halloween manicure

Halloween nail art is performed in stages.

  1. First, remove the old varnish, wash hands with soap, to obtain a uniform application of varnish.
  2. The base layer which will provide manicure for Halloween will be indispensable. After complete drying of the base, you need to decide which Halloween nail design to choose. It all depends on the mood and overall desired image for the holiday.
  3. Basically, Halloween manicure is created with multicolored lacquers. Auxiliary elements: needle, felt-tip pens, glitter, rhinestones, etc.
  4. The finished creation must be covered with a fixer to extend the life of nail design. If suddenly something goes wrong in the process, as we would like, we don’t panic, it’s better to immediately clean the nail and repeat the drawing again. As an attempt to fix, as a rule, fails.
  5. We begin to paint the nails from their base, in this way the lacquer is distributed more evenly. When doing nail art, we place our hands on a flat and hard surface, trying not to be distracted.

Halloween Manicure Ideas

Nail art on Halloween presents a wide variety to us. We propose to consider the most spectacular.

Cat manicure

neyl design with cat for Halloween

At home, it is quite realistic to draw such a thing. Trust yourself and step by step carry out our proposed solution.

  1. First of all, you need to make an oval-shaped nail.
  2. Next, apply the base and wait until it dries well.
  3. After, you need to apply a basic lacquer, which can be absolutely any shade, as your soul desires, or one that will be best combined with your outfit. For example, orange lacquer. Apply, wait until it is completely dry, and then begin to work with a picture.
  4. Take the black lacquer and draw a semicircle on the tip of the nail, then the ears. To complete the drawing you need to finish the eyes of our cat, mustache and nose.
  5. Do not forget to fix your creation. That's all. Manicure cats ready!

cats on different shades of varnish


Such nail-design will surely attract attention, it will be relevant not only for a holiday, but for every day, for bright and courageous personalities. The scheme of execution is quite simple, it will help to easily cope with such a manicure for Halloween. Let's start:

spider with cobwebs in halloween nail art

  1. We take an orange varnish and all the nails, except for the nameless one, paint them;
  2. For unmarked nails you will need white lacquer;
  3. Next on the orange nails draw a spider web in black;
  4. Draw a black spider on a ringless nail;
  5. And the last but not the least important element will be the red eyes of the spider;
  6. Do not forget to cover everything with fastening means.

spiders on orange background

Manicure spider ready!

Manicure mask

Who used to surprise and conquer their individuality? Who is not afraid of something unusual? The following nail design is very original. Making it yourself is quite difficult, but possible.

creepy mask

  1. Apply a double coat of white lacquer to the already prepared nails covered with a base coat. After, from the middle of the nail to the opposite edge, gently and slowly draw a thin wavy line in black. We wait until it dries, and then paint over the lower part of the nail with black.
  2. We make the “face” of our mask: nose, mouth, eyes. Triangular shape is a required element.
  3. An ominous smile will give us red paint, it draws the eyes and mouth on the nails.
  4. Want unrivaled shine? A wet effect coating will give you this result.

This nail design can be called symbolic, it attracts and interests. Mask drawing is something secretive, unspeakable, alluring. This and the severity of black and white, and magical attraction.

Video: idea for a Halloween manicure