Foot and hand paraffin therapy - home spa skin care
Paraffin treatment for hands and feet. What is it? Panacea for the extension of youth? Or salvation from serious diseases of the whole body in old age? In order to understand all these subtleties and not get lost in the wilds, first we will find out what cosmetic paraffin and its properties are.
What is cosmetic paraffin?
What associations can the word paraffin cause in female citizens in the first place? Surely - this is an ordinary candle, which is placed in the church in front of the altar or lit at a romantic party. And no. This paraffin has nothing to do with paraffin therapy. You need cosmetic paraffin, which can be purchased only in a pharmacy, beauty salons or in specialized stores. Most often, women buy pure paraffin without additives, as it is believed that it is easier to work with it and at the same time take care of the skin of hands and feet at home.
Best of all, and it is proven in practice, to purchase paraffin for paraffin therapy with the addition of various oils and plant extracts. It can be cocoa butter, burdock oil, aloe vera extract or other plants. In other words - any plant that does not cause redness and itching of the hands, feet and other parts of the body subjected to paraffin therapy
Paraffin therapy procedure as a way to rejuvenate the body
After application, molten paraffin forms a film on the skin, under which the temperature of this part of the body rises by 1.5 - 2 degrees. Such a small increase contributes to the expansion and softening of the upper layer of the skin. This opens the pores and begins their active sweating. However, the ability of paraffin to not pass moisture, does not allow it to evaporate and it is absorbed back into the body. This process is called the restoration of water balance, which is the main advantage of paraffin therapy.
In addition to this, an increase in temperature, simultaneously with abundant moisturizing of the skin, increases many times the blood flow to the areas of the hands, feet or other parts of the body treated with this product, which can significantly reduce the risks of skin diseases, as well as the musculoskeletal system and joints . It is with the increased blood flow that the circulation of subcutaneous lymph increases, and this, as a result, is a powerful release of toxins from the body. Such a phenomenon in paraffin therapy, when the active substances are able to penetrate the sweat and sebaceous glands to and fro, is popularly called - skin breathes.
The main advantages of paraffin therapy
The main positive results after paraffin therapy include the following:
- Moisturizing and rejuvenating effect.
- Restoration of water balance.
- Release of harmful toxins.
- Wound healing and analgesic effect.
At the same time, paraffin therapy is one of the most effective and pleasant procedures. The result can be admired within 5 to 10 minutes after the end of treatment. You will be pleasantly surprised by the gentle, soft to the touch and healthy-looking skin color after treatment.
Another advantage, perhaps the most important in paraffin therapy, is its versatility. This procedure is easy to carry out not only in the beauty salon, but also at home on any part of the body: arms, legs, face, abdomen and thighs.
Paraffin baths for hands are considered among the most popular. Hands are the most vulnerable part of the human body, as it is most susceptible to the aggressive influence of the environment, especially in winter. Dryness, peeling, redness, cracking - such common phenomena paraffin therapy easily fix in 2 - 3 sessions. And after 5 - 6 sessions, the skin on the hands will become soft and smooth as if in a child. No wonder this procedure is also called - velvet handles. This effect can persist and delight you for a whole week or more.Indications and contraindications paraffin
To a greater extent, the sessions of paraffin are shown to people suffering from lethargy and dry skin, swelling, scaling, and even shriveling (flabby, aged skin). The most popular this procedure is spring.
Along with the indications of this procedure, there are also contraindications: varicose veins, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, as well as rashes and open wounds. Also, it is not recommended to apply paraffin therapy to women with enhanced body hair growth (hypertrichosis).
Necessary tools and materials to it
Recently, beauty salons have begun to offer a new type of service, like a paraffin bath for hands and feet. And she immediately became very popular. After flipping through several websites, I was surprised to find that a paraffin bath for home use was being sold at a professional medical drug store. Its full name is a full-featured paraffin bath with an electronic display. Price - 2800 rubles.
The instruction reads: paraffin bath, designed for hot processing of hands and feet at home. It is applied at any time of the year. It contributes to the intensive opening of pores, improves blood circulation, creates an additional relaxing and relaxing effect.
The verdict handed down by the customers to the device fully corresponds to the spirit of the time: - paraffin bath - a great helper for paraffin therapy at home. With the help of an electronic display, you can immediately put the desired melting point of cosmetic paraffin, and then maintain it in automatic mode.Paraffin therapy at home, is impossible without such related hygiene items as - disposable plastic bags, reusable terry gloves, woolen pedicure socks to keep warm and moisturize the skin intensively. All this paraffin bath has in its additional set.
However, if you do not wish to subject your body to a paraffin-therapy procedure and do not trust these expensive devices, then use our advice and try at home to perform such necessary and useful treatment as paraffin-therapy for hands and feet with the least expenses at home. Consider both of these options separately.
Paraffin therapy for hands at home
- The process begins with the fact that the paraffin is melted to a liquid state. To do this, you need a special paraffin bath or any other enamelled container that can be placed under a water bath. You can use the usual microwave.
- While the paraffin for the hands will melt, apply directly to the skin. For this purpose, suitable scrub to remove the dead and cornified part of the cells.
- Then cleansed and treated skin smeared with children's hand cream.
- Then we lower brushes in a container with heated paraffin (no more than 60 degrees), first one hand.
- Waiting for 5 seconds. and take out.
- We perform this manipulation three times, until the wax hardens and stops dripping.
- Similarly, we repeat this operation with the other hand.
- Make sure that the wax covers the entire brush, including the interdigital spaces.
- The next stage is putting cellophane bags on the hands and wrapping them with a terry towel.
- We are waiting for the wax to harden completely and only after all this remove the towels with cellophane, as well as paraffin.
Everything. Paraffin hand treatment is finished.
Paraffin foot therapy at home
For this treatment procedure, you will need: paraffin bath, pedicure socks, plastic bags, paraffin wax, foot cream and cleansing lotion.
- Melt the paraffin, to a liquid state in a microwave or steamed.
- While preparing a paraffin bath, you can clean your feet with lotion and scrub.
- Check the temperature of the heated paraffin. To do this, drop a few drops of the prepared ingredient on the back of your hand. Paraffin bath should not burn.
- After making sure that the paraffin therapy for the legs is ready for use, lower both feet for 6–8 seconds and immediately remove. On legs should remain a thin crust of paraffin wax. Repeat the procedure 5 times until a thick layer is formed on the feet and toes.
- We wrap our legs in polyethylene, and then we put pedicure socks on them.
- Hold until complete cooling, about half an hour. After this time, paraffin is removed along with insulation.
- Apply moisturizing nourishing cream.
Video: paraffin hand and foot procedure
Paraffin therapy for hands and feet is suitable for any skin type, even for such problematic as oily and sensitive, with excessive sweating. The ease with which paraffin therapy is carried out at home can not but rejoice. The simplicity of its implementation and the effect of it make this procedure very popular among women of any age who prefer to take care of their health in advance. A paraffin bath with the addition of a few drops of your favorite essential oil, such as lavender, eucalyptus, mint and others, will allow you to enjoy in addition and aromatherapy that will turn the procedure - paraffin therapy for hands and feet into a full-fledged SPA procedure.