3d manicure - a holiday on your hands

Manicure and pedicure

cool 3 de nail art

Variability is one of the main features of a female character. You can never guess what will happen to her mood in an hour. Now she is experiencing, and in an hour she can be filled with carefree laughter. But there is one secret that allows ladies to align their emotional background - this is beauty. Saturated colors, clean lines, brilliance - all this creates a festive mood. And when such luxury decorates female nails, which are constantly in sight and at their owner and all those around, there is no doubt that everything will be fine and joyful. This material will be considered a new trend in the field of nail decoration - 3d manicure, incredibly bright, original and elegant. Such beauty can not be charged with a positive! Having mastered the implementation of manicure with bouillons with your own hands, you can be sure that you will always and everywhere be the center of attention.

How to make a 3d manicure at home

In order to make a 3-manicure with bouillons yourself will need:

  • clear lacquer base
  • nail polishes of different colors
  • bouillons - small balls for decoration. Sets of such jewelry are sold in specialized stores.

Necessary set for nail art

Execution scheme

To create a neat and beautiful 3 de manicure bouillons, you must act step by step, in accordance with the scheme below.

Ready kit with instructions for creating 3d design from pupa

  1. Bring your nails in perfect order - cut, cut, polish, remove the cuticle. At this stage, 3d manicure is no different from any other.
  2. Apply a clear lacquer base to them and dry well.
  3. After the base has dried, cover the nails with decorative varnish of selected colors.
  4. Not letting the decorative varnish dry completely, sprinkle the nail with multi-colored balls-broths.
  5. Using your fingers or a napkin, gently press the beads into the lacquer.
  6. After 10-20 minutes, ready-made nail art can be fixed with a top coating.

As can be seen from the above instructions, 3D manicure is not difficult, the main trick is to perform all actions in stages.

Interesting ideas for a positive attitude.

green manicure

Any 3 manicure is performed according to the above scheme, which does not mean that the result will always be the same. Using bouillons allows you to create a variety of patterns and patterns on your nails, embodying even the most incredible fantasies. It should be understood that at first it will be rather difficult to make a complex design for yourself. With the improvement of technology, you can try to create more and more interesting compositions using balls of different colors.

  • For starters, bouillas of the same color will suffice. The easiest option is to completely cover one or more nails with them. Having learned to perform such a design, you can try to create a rainbow on the nails, covering each individual nail with new colors.

pink three d design

  • Complicating the technique, you can try to put the balls only on the tips of the nails, thereby imitating the technique of French manicure.
  • The next spectacular and fairly simple option is to decorate your nails with balls of several colors, pre-mixed in a separate container.
  • Having mastered the listed techniques, you can proceed to the execution of patterns. This stage allows you to implement any ideas. Draw stars, hearts, stripes, peas, Christmas trees, crosses, bows - yes, anything!

interesting solution in nail art

Volumetric manicure with bouillons can be used as an independent technique or combined with other types of manicure. An interesting design with balls is best suited for special occasions and romantic dates!

Video: the technique of creating 3 D manicure with bouillons