Makeup for the impending century
How to perform makeup for the eyes with hanging eyelids?
- Female face and makeup for the hanging age;
- Open eyes - make-up technique for the impending century;
- Learn to create make-up for heavy eye corners;
- We remove swelling by performing make-up for sagging eyelids;
- Video: how to make eye makeup with hanging eyelids.
Paragraph 1 of the content. Female face and makeup for the impending century
Not every woman or girl is given perfect features and correct proportions of the face, however, for the rest, not in this respect, prosperous female population, this is not a reason to consider themselves inferior and ugly. For this, a make-up was created that can in a short time transform your face and bring it to an ideal state. By applying the decor correctly, you will emphasize not only the beautiful features of the face, but also be able to correct the wrong ones: visually correct the disproportion of individual parts of the face, increase or decrease the lips, nose, eyes, cheekbones and even change the eye color. You will not be difficult to solve the most common problem, which is the lowered corners of the eyes, when the eyelids hang over the eyes. Moreover, depending on the age, this problem becomes more pronounced.
Makeup for eyes with overhanging eyelids literally works wonders, in terms of hiding all the flaws. But we should not forget that make-up will help only for a while. Get rid of this deficiency forever, a good plastic surgeon will help you.
Item 2 - nd content. Open look - makeup technique for the impending century
Consider a make-up for eyes with lowered eyelids. Hanging eyelids are flawed, of course age. However, among young people you can often meet the owner "hood"when the outer corners of the eyes are lowered, in consequence of which the face looks sad and sad. In order to eliminate this drawback and give expressiveness to the look, the eyes need to be opened visually, using all the modern technology necessary for this. Having learned how to do the right eye makeup with dangling eyelids, you can permanently get rid of the visible tiredness of your eyes and your eyes will again attract the attention of men.
The main tricks to make up for the impending eyelids
- Doing such "special make-up"You need to focus all your attention on the eyebrows. The most appropriate line of eyebrows will be an elongated-raised, visually opening eyes. However, the eyebrows themselves should not be too thick. You can achieve this yourself by resorting to correction.
- It is important to remember: make-up for lowered eyelids is done with open eyes. All lines, as well as combinations of colors with eyes closed, look completely different when finished, if you look at your face after cosmetics are closed with eyes closed.
When creating such "perfect visage" certain difficulties may arise. It is important to transfer the focus of the individual image from the chin, forehead and nose to the eyes. To do this, you need the following cosmetics and accessories: mascara, pencil, brush, special forceps and eye shadow. Shadows are desirable to choose different shades and types: light-base, dark-like the main one.
- Under eyebrows and along the line of growth of eyelashes we distribute light shadows - base.
- Starting from the middle of the moving eyelid - first to the inner and then to the outer corner of the eyes, we apply a dark tone. The transition is smoothly shaded with a soft V-shaped brush.
- Then in a darker tone, in the upper part of the layer we add another layer of shadows. Transitions are also carefully masked by feathering. We paint the same tone and lower eyelid.
- Thus, we get a color rainbow on the upper eyelid, with deep colors. To enhance the effect and maximize the view, draw arrows with tips directed to the top.
- Make up with mascara once and curl the eyelashes. After the mascara has dried, apply a second layer, thereby creating a volume.
So, the overall eye makeup for the looming eyelids is ready.
Paragraph 3. content. Learn to create makeup for heavy eyelids
How to apply the shadow, performing eye makeup with overhanging skin? We answer: creating a similar make-up, it is important to try to visually lift, and then disguise the hanging corners of the eyes. Ideally, a feeling of a clear and open look is created.
- It is necessary to start applying cosmetics from the base, thanks to which the shadows will ideally hold and will not begin to roll. In addition, the cream base will facilitate the process of applying subsequent shadows and feathering.
- As a base, choose white or light beige tones, since the shiny or pearl version can only enhance the effect of sagging. For this purpose, choose a soft brush of medium size.
- After applying the base, open your eyes and mark the lower edge of the impending century with a pencil. Then draw the outline and lightly blend the overhang with a thin brush. Movement to produce, directing the brush up from the eyelashes.
- We select opaque shadows and apply them on the upper edge so that the outer corner of the eye is covered with the darkest part. In the sub-brow, that is, in the uppermost part of the moving part, light shadows are traditionally applied.
- Thanks to such a game, chiaroscuro applied along the entire space under the eyebrows to the lower point of the overhang creates a feeling of deep space that will certainly distract attention from the impending "hood".
- When making the outer corner of the eye, we use darker shadows and a barrel-shaped brush. The feathering should be started with medium shadows from the edge of the eyelashes and finished with darker ones, including capturing the sagging part of the eyelid.
We remind: the whole process takes place with open eyes. A further cascade of makeup action for the eyelids "hoods" occurs according to the same scenario as in the first case. See above.
Paragraph 4 of the contents. We remove the swelling, creating a visage for sagging eyelids
Makeup for lowered eyes that does not age. In general, it is similar to the previous one. Here, the main thing to avoid mistakes:
- Anyone, even the most primitive visage does not forgive and does not allow excesses. A young, beautiful face can look sullen and aged in an instant, and interesting, wide-open natural eyes can go out and hide under excess paint.
- Casual or festive makeup for the eyelids is applied only with a pencil and dry shadows. It is better to exclude a liquid eyeliner, since in this case it is difficult to feather and sharply emphasizes the hard look that it does not accept the make-up of eyes with an eyelid hanging.
- Learning how to apply cosmetics can be done independently by watching video lessons or by reading the relevant articles on the Internet. But in order to fully believe in yourself before such a difficult process as make-up for eyelids, it is better to get a make-up artist training at school.