Lip augmentation with tattoo


girl with big lips

Some girls are very sorry that they decided to do this, others, on the contrary, become fans of the procedure for many years, and someone says that the pain of birth compared with the sensations during the procedure is nothing. Today we will talk about lip augmentation with a tattoo. How is the procedure performed, what subtleties does the lip augmentation with the help of tattoo and how not to get a sponge, like the heroines of a sitcom "One for all" Chris and Angie read the article.

Technique tattoo for lip augmentation

The peak of the popularity of permanent lip makeup was in the 2000s, but today it is still relevant, because fashionable lips are in fashion, which can be obtained by resorting to a special tattoo technique. In principle, even a simple contour with shading will make your mouth more lush and expressive, especially if their natural pattern is fuzzy. But today, beauticians can offer more to girls, and this is more a tattoo with the effect of lip augmentation, known as 3D tattoo.

making pigment under the skin

The technique involves the complete filling of the skin on the lips with the pigment of the selected shade, drawing a contour with a light color (Cayal), drawing a relief and lightening the skin in the center of the lips. The work of the master is really delicate and requires accuracy and certain skills. If you decide to increase your lips with a tattoo, remember that the key to success is to choose a professional who will make your lips not only visually plumper, but also looking natural and natural.

Advantages and disadvantages of tattoo for lip augmentation

Successfully executed permanent makeup that enhances the lips, has the following advantages:

  • Sponges become visually more lush and sexy.
  • Properly selected pigment shades create a natural effect.
  • Healing of the skin occurs quickly, after a maximum of a week there will be no trace of a micro-needle piercing on it.
  • If you cannot imagine your make-up without bright lipstick, having resorted to this service, you will save a lot of time on tinting sponges and money on buying cosmetics. A nice bonus, you will no longer see traces of lipstick on glasses and cutlery.

plump lips

However, lip augmentation with the help of a tattoo has several disadvantages:

  • Considering photos of girls who use this service, it can be noted that the result does not always look aesthetically pleasing. It is very important to fall into the hands of an experienced master, who is fluent in technology, otherwise, instead of having sexual lips like Jolie, you risk getting the notorious duck face.
  • The cost of the service is not affordable for everyone. If a regular contour with shading costs about 3 thousand rubles, 3D volume will cost you an average of 6-7 thousand, and in some salons the price reaches 10 thousand rubles.
  • The pigment can act under the skin. "capriciously". In some girls, after a week, the color noticeably tarnishes, and if the rules of preparation for the procedure and skin care after it are not followed, the shade may even be uneven.
  • The result also depends on the quality of the pigment, therefore, deciding to make a permanent makeup, do not be fooled by cheapness.

beautiful lips

How is the procedure of tattooing lips

A tattoo with the effect of lip augmentation should not be done spontaneously. An important step affecting the result is preliminary preparation. If you neglect this stage, all the works of the master and your "flour" will be in vain.

Preparation for tattoo with the effect of lip augmentation

The preparatory stage includes the following measures:

  • 3-4 days before the scheduled day of the procedure, you should start taking the drug for herpes. It may be "Acyclovir" or "Kagocel"Which drug to choose, it is better to consult with a specialist.
  • During the day before day X, you must refrain from the use of alcoholic beverages.
  • A few days before visiting the master, begin to moisturize the skin on the lips with cream.
  • On the eve of the procedure you should not visit the solarium.
  • It is better to schedule the manipulation about a week after "these days", because during and on the eve of menstruation, the sensitivity of the skin increases.

Try to set a day for the procedure so that after it you can be at home for 3 days while the recovery process is complete.

The procedure of tattooing, lip augmentation

Lip augmentation with the help of a tattoo is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The wizard will know about your preferences regarding hue and draw a pencil. "sketch" your future magnificent lips.
  2. Anesthesia can be of two types: anesthetic injection or a special gel.
  3. With the help of a machine with a thin needle, the master will begin to introduce the pigment along the contour.
  4. Then the entire surface of the mouth is filled with the selected shade.
  5. The next stage is drawing a relief with a darker shade of paint.
  6. Next, the middle of the lower sponge is painted in a lighter color.
  7. In the end, along the edge of the upper and lower lips, the master will make the contour with a light shade in order to give them even greater volume.

contour drawing process

During the procedure, many girls note strong painful sensations, and, as a rule, they do not depend on the chosen anesthesia option. If the master used high-quality pigments, your volumetric sponges will delight you to 8 years.

Lip care after tattoo

Having decided to increase lips with a tattoo, be prepared for the fact that everything has just begun in the office of a beautician. The next 3 days, most likely, will not be the easiest for you. Waiting for you sore lips and a feeling of tightness, the appearance of crusts and careful care of the skin of the mouth. In order to increase lips with a tattoo that meets your expectations, follow all the instructions that a cosmetologist will give you:

  • The master will recommend anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agents, as well as a moisturizing cream, which does not contain water, as a rule, it is a common Vaseline.
  • On the first day, try not to eat anything hot and avoid sunlight, it is better not to leave the house at all.
  • Try not to wet the sponge during the period of healing, and especially at the stage of appearance of crusts. If the crusts soak, the pigment will come down with them. It is better not to even brush your teeth during the recovery period.
  • Drink fluids only through a straw. If the sponges hurt, it will be easier for you, but the main thing is that the liquid will not get on the skin.

Lip augmentation with a tattoo, how not to look like a duck

Gradually, the swelling will disappear, and the lips will get a beautiful color. It will not be as rich as immediately after the manipulation, but will look more natural.

And how do you feel about this service? Leave your feedback and share your experience in the comments after the article.

Video: Lip augmentation with tattoo