Facial contouring - creating perfect features

If we imagine that our face is a canvas, and we are artists, then we can easily “draw” the desired ideal features. This is exactly what contouring of the face is necessary for. Slightly correct, smooth unevenness, add depth and expressiveness. At the same time, the highest skill is to make it imperceptibly so that the face looks completely natural and does not resemble a mask. How to achieve this at home will tell this article about the correct contouring of the face.
What is face contouring?
This technique was proposed and subsequently received wide acclaim thanks to Kim Kardashian. It consists in the fact that by applying dark and light tones, visually correct the shape of the face, emphasize or make some parts less noticeable, and harmonize the proportions. Make-up contouring can make a more elegant nose, expressive cheekbones and chin line, visually change the shape of the face.

Do not think that this way of makeup is needed only for evening editions and always looks unnatural. Skillfully made contouring will not be evident. The face will look good with natural daylight. It's just that the daytime option is better done by means of a crumbly texture, as they are lighter and less noticeable, and the evening one by fat cream concealers.
Contouring cosmetics
Given the popularity of contouring, it is natural that many global brands and lesser-known companies produce a large range of appropriate cosmetics. These are cream and powdery products, various bronzers, concealers, shimmers, blush. What means for contouring will be necessary:
- Base (primer) under the makeup. It is necessary in order to even the surface of the skin, smooth out minor irregularities, as well as make makeup more resistant.
- Tonal basis - to get a smooth tone, on top of which it is already possible to place accents of light and shadow.
- Corrector for a couple of tones are darker than skin.
- The corrector is lighter than your skin tone. Both dark and light correctors should be only matte, without pearlescent reflux.
- Powder to fix the makeup and the final alignment of the tone.
- Blush and bronzer.
- Highlighter to “highlight” the skin.
- In addition, it is nice to have brushes for contouring. It does not have to be a professional set, just one large brush for powder and blush, a small flat brush for correctors, a beveled brush and a brush for feathering. Also for blending the beauty blender is very convenient.

Cosmetics for contouring is very diverse, so its cost is also different - from expensive luxury, the price of which can be huge, to mass-market cosmetics, which are cheap, within 500 rubles. Buying contouring products is not a problem now, they are in all cosmetics stores, as well as in online stores.
The face contouring palette can include several shades of sculptors, as well as a bronzer, highlighter. Sometimes there may be brushes in the set. To choose the shade and tone of cosmetics is important exactly to the tone of your skin. There are warm and cold shades. The first are suitable for girls with dark, golden, tanned skin or a lighter, but warm pink shade. Cold is created for owners of pale skin. Although the choice of contouring means is great, but to pick up a cold shade is much more difficult than a warm one, therefore eye shadows of suitable texture and color are sometimes used.

How to contour the face in stages
So, when prepared a complete set for contouring, everything is at hand, you can get to work. Here are step-by-step instructions for contouring the face:
- The first thing you need to apply a cleaned moisturized face primer, as a basis for makeup.
- Then evenly apply a suitable tone foundation, it is better if it will be a light texture.
- Next, the most interesting begins - the application of dark and light colors. There are nuances in the contouring of a round face or rectangular, or any other shape, but the basic contouring pattern is common to all. The dark shade of the corrector is applied to the following parts of the face:
- Lateral parts of the forehead and along the hairline;
- On the temples from the outer corner of the eye to the hair;
- The contouring of the nose will help to achieve a more elegant form, for this you should darken the side surfaces from the base of the nose to the wings;
- On the grooves under the cheekbones from the ear to the corner of the mouth;
- On the line of the lower jaw and on the lower part of the chin.
- The middle of the forehead;
- The back of the nose from base to tip;
- The areas under the eyes and the inner corner of the eye;
- Along the cheekbones, over dark areas;
- On the chin under the lower lip.
- The most important part of the process is to very carefully shade the applied correctors. If means are used crumbly, then everything is much simpler, they are already shaded during the application process, it remains only to slightly modify. But if you used liquid sculptors, then you need to try and shade to a perfectly smooth tone without abrupt transitions. Perhaps this will not work out the first time, but when you master the skill, everything will succeed. To shade it is necessary to begin with light sites. It is important to shade dark shades very neatly, not “dragging” them onto the highlighted parts.
- Next, the powder is fixed and finally applied the applied makeup.
- Bronzer or blusher underlines the darkened areas on the cheeks, and the highlighter or shimmer cheekbones above them, as well as the inner corners of the eyes, the area under the bend of the eyebrows and above the middle of the upper lip. These small accents should be completely invisible, but they will give freshness and radiance to the face.
- The last thing you do is apply the rest of your usual make-up — mascara, eyebrow pencil, eye shadow, lipstick or gloss.
The light shade of the sculptor is superimposed on:
For clarity, areas of application of dark and light shades of the sculptor are marked on the photo.