Chinese make-up - instructions for applying


pretty chinese woman

Chinese women are famous for their ability to hold on to people and impeccable appearance, which has always caused a slight envy and desire of Western girls to learn beauty secrets. In particular, European ladies tried to find out how to create Chinese makeup. Today, when many of the secrets are revealed, any young lady can master the Chinese-style make-up, if she masters the technique and proceeds step by step according to the scheme below..

Features makeup Chinese women

Chinese women with red lips

The wonders of Chinese make-up make it possible to make a charming doll even of girls with the most mediocre appearance. In many respects, the merit of this effect belongs to the competent work with tonal means. With the help of a masking cream of light shades and light powder, Chinese women can achieve a flawless look of skin. That is why, answering the question of how to make Chinese makeup, first of all it is recommended to learn to gloss over wrinkles, rashes and redness on the skin in such a way that there are no noticeable traces of the use of cosmetics.

  • Chinese make-up does not allow moles and age spots on the face.
  • It is interesting that special eyes of the beautiful representatives of the east enjoy large eyes and they do their best to give them the appearance characteristic of Western women. Chinese eye makeup makes extensive use of eyeliner and false eyelashes to create the effect of wide-open eyes.
  • Makeup Chinese women exclude any emphasis on the lips. Ideally, they should have a natural look.

beautiful asian

Chinese make-up application scheme


This type of make-up needs to be done step by step, starting with work on skin leveling. Tonal resources should be chosen in such a way that they were one or two tones lighter than the natural color of the skin.

Eyes and eyebrows

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  • The second stage of the Chinese make-up application of the arrows on the upper and lower eyelids. The contour line can retreat one or two millimeters from the natural lash line.
  • The upper eyelid is fed by a thick line.
  • It is worth noting that for daily make-up, Chinese women do not use eyeliner of the lower eyelid, limiting themselves with an arrow on the top and applying mascara on the eyelashes. For solemn occasions and appearance, eyeliner and mascara for eyelashes of various colors, for example, blue or violet, can be used in make-up of Chinese women.
  • Chinese women do not like wide and thick eyebrows, preferring thin arcs. Owners of light eyebrows can draw a hairline with a dark pencil. The Chinese-style eyebrow shape has a wider base and a thread-like tip; in addition, the line must be very clear, and the outgoing hairs must be removed with tweezers.


Chinese women like lips of saturated tones, but often can be limited to the use of colorless shine. Traditional Chinese makeup involves cosmetic correction of the shape of the mouth, in order to give a more elegant form.

lip make-up


Shade or blush of cherry shades help to add life to the face. For their application it is worth using Chinese makeup brushes, leaving a thin light trace on the skin.

These are simple guidelines for how to easily create a Chinese make-up. Take our advice on service and be beautiful!

Video: Chinese make-up technique