Chicago makeup

Chicago make-up - this is what is most often called make-up of the era of the dashing 20s and restless 30s of the last century. This style, inspired by the images of the Broadway musical and film of the same name, has found its place in modern fashion. What makes it different?
Chicago Makeup Features
Chicago-style makeup creates an image of a mysterious stranger, refined, with a bit of tragedy in her gaze, as if descending from the movie screens of the 20s. The main focus is on the eyes and lips, which stand out clearly against the background of an aristocratic-pale face. The skin is dull matte, velvety. Blush is practically absent, because in those days they were not widely used, and if they were, they were only barely noticeable, muted shades.

Attention and eyebrows. Refined and neat, they are brightly underlined in pencil. Eyeliner - in hair color. Eye shadow - black, brown or dark gray. They give depth to the eyes, creating a special mysterious look with a certain amount of sadness. Distinguished by this time and the almost complete lack of luster on the eyelids, only matte shadows that are applied to the eyebrow line. Black mascara superimposed on the eyelashes, they lengthened as much as possible and became lush. And, of course, the characteristic for that time sponge "bow" contrasting bright scarlet color.
How to make makeup Chicago with your own hands?
In order to look irresistible and stylish at a retro party or to dive into the American era of the Great Depression, it is enough to practice a little and understand the main points. It is quite capable of doing it yourself at home, adhering to step-by-step instructions.
Step-by-step guide: how to do your own Chicago makeup

- First, apply the tone to the face. You need to pick up the foundation, which will make the face a lighter tone. However, be careful with the color so that the face does not become unnaturally pale, in the form of a mask, like that of Pierrot.
- Using powder, we fix the tone and make the skin velvety. For uniform application it will be more convenient to use a brush. Powder is not abused, especially under the eyes, because we need natural, vibrant skin.
- Let the eyebrows pencil in hair color. It is desirable that a thin curved thread is obtained. However, if the eyebrows are natural, wide enough, do not rush to pull them out. You can gently draw their inner part in a more contrasting color, making them visually a bit narrower.
- To keep the shadows from sprinkling, put a base on the eyelids. The lower eyelid should be lighter, so we use matte shades of light tones.
- We outline the eye contour at the inner corners and eyelash lines along the upper eyelid with black or brown pencil.
- Apply dark gray or brown shadows to the upper eyelid. Shadows gently blend, trying to make the outer corners of the eyelids a little darker than the inner ones.
- Above the upper eyelid, reaching the bridge of the nose, we create with shadows a smoky line of dark gray or brown. It is this detail that distinguishes makeup in the style of Chicago and creates the very drama in the eyes.
- The lower eyelid would be nice to draw around a brown or dark gray pencil.
- To make the look more mysterious and deep, some violet shadows are applied to the lightest parts of the century.
- Eyelashes are carefully stained with charcoal black ink. Create volume and lengthen it with mascara with a twist effect. However, the ideal option is still to use false eyelashes.
- Lips should look contrast and bright. We outline them along the contour with a pencil and apply bright scarlet lipstick, a little before reaching the corners, in order to make a semblance of a heart.
- In conclusion, add a "highlight" to our image. Put a small playful fly on the upper lip or on the cheek.

The given step-by-step scheme only outlines the main points of the style. Then you can show imagination, something to improve, simplify, add or remove. All in your hands. Now almost everything is ready to feel in the style of the 30s. However, in addition to makeup, you need to pay attention to the hair. At that time, short haircuts were relevant, and the hair was practically without volume, straight or fitted with neat waves. With such a hairstyle, Chicago makeup will look complete and harmonious.