Bright arrows are the fashion trend of summer makeup.

The sparkling look is the main weapon of any woman. There are not many girls who would not like to decorate their eyes with clear and even arrows. In the summer, you can allow yourself to be mysterious and sexy, adding to the gaze of brightness and depth. In this material you will learn how to make bright arrows to yourself, what cosmetics for this to choose and what style of application will suit you personally.
Bright arrows on the eyes - materials and tools for application
To learn how to create bright arrows on the eyes, you need to first get the following tools and materials for their application:
- Gel color eyeliner. With its help it is easy to achieve correct and smooth lines. It fits perfectly on the eyelid and does not spread, and makeup comes out neat.
- Liquid eyeliner. It is more difficult to work with it, because with every wrong movement, the arrow will become uneven. The color gamut of liquid liner can be different. This option is suitable to put thin bright lines on the upper or interesting arrows on the lower eyelids.
- Skew pussy + shadow. To create wider lines. Shadows can be different tones. Brushing the arrow, you can adjust the width and length of the line, which will avoid irregularities and minimize the error.
- Pencil. Universal tool for creating the most natural makeup. The lines will come out a little blurry. It is easiest to draw colored arrows on the eyes, using a pencil, if you have not found the color eyeliner of the desired tone.

Create bright arrows for different types of eyes
Brightness and saturation in makeup eye attracts the attention of others. It is important to choose the right way to create the contour of the arrow, just under your eyes. Step by step, consider the methods of visual correction of the eye contour.
- Omitted corners. To correct this nuance, you need an arrow, slightly thickening, lift sharply upwards, starting from the place where the corner of the eye was lowered. Make the lower contour less bright and put it just below the lash line. So you will achieve a beautiful eye shape.
- Narrow eyes. In this case, select a thin bright arrow that does not go beyond the outer borders of the eye. Its greatest thickening should fall on the center of the century, and the contour is better to shade. This way " open wide" eyes and visually increase their size.
- Raised outer corners. Experts believe this eye shape is perfect. But if you want to give the look of hardness, you can do this with the help of bright arrows. Make the bottom line thicker at the outer corner, and expand the top one closer to the inside. Arrow tips down.
- Round eyes. A harmonious make-up for a round shape consists in the fact that you do not need to trace the entire eye, draw a line from the beginning of the growth of the cilia, and bring the tip out of the outer corner, slightly lifting.
- Little eyes. If you decide to do a make-up with bright arrows for small eyes, choose the eyeliner method with parallel application. Lines on the upper and lower eyelids begin in the inner corner, extend beyond the outer one and do not intersect. You can choose two different colors. One for each of them.

Bright arrows under eye color
Add bright colors to the makeup can and should be. After trying, you will understand that this does not diminish the natural beauty. And the correct shade of the eyeliner, matched to the eye color, will only emphasize their natural shine.
- Blue and gray eyes. All shades of copper and bronze are perfect for make-up gray and blue eyes. Beautiful bright make-up with arrows will turn out and if you use purple, pinkish and light blue tones.
- Brown. Fit the whole palette of green shades, as well as bluish and lilac.
- Green. Plum, purple and bronze linings are combined with this eye color. You can wear them, combining with black classic color. Apply a classic along the lash line on the upper eyelid, and make the arrows on the lower eyelid bright.
- Black. For the iris of a dark shade, use the blue bright arrows on the eyes. You can take any other contrasting eyeliner, but remember that blue is the most fashionable tone for a bright make-up.

Bright arrows on the eyes: fashionable styles of creation
New interesting ways of visage sometimes need instructions. You will learn how to independently apply fashionable styles to create bright arrows.
- Biocolor It is created by combining classic black and parallel bright lines. The ends of the arrows can be connected.
- Color block. The most spectacular style. You can combine colors in it as you like. For example, pink, blue, purple, yellow, etc. One rule - start the line with a lighter shade and move gradually to a darker one. The tail of the arrow should extend beyond the eye.
- Ombre. Favorite by many fashionistas style is suitable not only for lips and nails, but also for peepholes. Created by using different tones of the same color palette. Start make-up with the lightest shade and move to darker.
- Double arrows. Combine your favorite colors by choosing different ones for the top and bottom of the eye.

Secrets of applying bright arrows
- Before you draw a line, apply beige shadows to the eyelid. They will help the color eyeliner not to spread throughout the day.
- Mark yourself with dotted lines where the arrow ends, draw a line at the base of the eyelashes.
- To shade the outline, use a beveled brush.
- Apply any shadows over the arrow. Here you can once again play with flowers.
- Any errors or irregularities in the make-up will help smooth concealer.

These are just generally accepted standards for creating makeup with arrows. At home, each girl can experiment independently, step by step mastering new versions of makeup. Any lady will be able to pick up a make-up with bright arrows, based on the type of her appearance, the shape of her eyes and the style that suits her. The bright arrows on the eyes are a fashionable trend of this year; with their help, you can breathe new life into your daily look.