Black makeup


three model images

The image of the fatal beauty will not be completed if your view is not filled with exquisite refinement, passionate mystery and unbridled passion. That is how it can make black eye makeup. The color performance of a spectacular make-up allows you to bring into the look of an elegant seductress a note of languor and mystery.

Oddly enough, this type of make-up is referred to as universal. It is equally well suited to various color types of skin, to any eye color, looks great on both blondes and brunettes. Therefore, many women of fashion successfully use this technique for a spectacular appearance. Moreover, the pret-a-porte collection of famous designers is no longer the first season, invariably complemented by various variations on the theme "black makeup".

How to make black makeup yourself

Recently, world beauty trends offer a modern fashion girl a few ways to apply black make-up with your own hands: classic, oriental, avant-garde, makeup with black shadows, makeup with black pencil and others.

girl with dark cherry lipstick

Consider the stages of the classical method of execution of the technique of "black eye makeup." This option offers to perform makeup in black. The scheme of application includes several stages:

  1. To apply black makeup, you need to prepare the skin. Eyelids should be treated with a primer - the base under the shadow, which will make it easy to shade the borders of shades and keep your make-up intact for longer.
  2. We draw a clear line in black pencil along the lash line, carefully coloring the distance between the cilia. This allows you to give depth and expressiveness of the look, and your eyelashes will seem more thick and voluminous.
  3. Carefully blend the drawn line to prepare the base for applying shadows. Ideally, if a feathery border takes about half the rolling century.
  4. Apply black shadows on the mobile eyelid. Makeup with black shadows implies smooth transitions, with heavily feathered borders, so we advise you to apply shadows with a beating movement with your fingertips, rather than the standard sponge.
  5. To soften eye makeup with black shadows, we advise you to shade their border with a lighter tone. It can be gray, smoky, purple or brown shades of the palette.
  6. Well paint the outer corner of the eye. Depending on your preferences, you can both lengthen the shape of the eye and make it more rounded. Therefore, working through this make-up in a black tone, it is better to do it with an open eyelid.
  7. We finish the make up with a black pencil, which draws the lower eyelid, and carefully shade the resulting boundaries.
  8. To give a more dramatic look, apply several layers of mascara on the eyelashes to get the effect of bulk and thick eyelashes.

instructions for creating black eye makeup

In order not to overdo it with the image of a fatal beauty, lip makeup should be performed in a neutral color scheme and not deviate from the step by step instructions, so as not to shift the emphasis from the expressiveness of the eyes.

It is believed that the black makeup is intended only for the evening out and it is not suitable for everyday use. But it costs you a little away from the option "make-up in black", shifting the accent to a gray or brown palette, and this option would be quite appropriate in the daytime.

dark smoky eyes

Black evening makeup can be performed in a non-trivial, oriental design. In order to create a black evening make-up in oriental style, you will need to paint your eyelids copiously, giving them the almond shape characteristic of women in the East. It is useful to have a clear graphical arrows, and both along the growth line of the upper and lower eyelashes. Having added an image with bright accessories and eclectic knick-knacks - believe, your image will become unforgettable!

Among informal youth, recently, make-up in black color in avant-garde style enjoys particular popularity. A distinctive feature in the performance of such a make-up is the porcelain whiteness of the skin, which, playing on a contrasting combination, emphasizes the makeup in black tones.

makeup application

We select make-up under the color of the eyes

Eye makeup with black shadows is a universal technique for creating an expressive image at home. But it is worth emphasizing that saturated color attracts increased attention to your face. Therefore, if you have minor flaws on the skin (rashes, acne, etc.), you should first bother to disguise or eliminate them. It is best to use a foundation for make-up or concealer without shiny particles. Black makeup looks perfect on a matte, immaculate face.

Yves-Saint-Laurent model

Black make-up for blue eyes

When choosing a palette of shadows, give preference to saturated gray, purple and brown colors. This will highlight the color of your blue eyes. Nobody canceled the standard performance in black colors either, but it would be more suitable for an evening out and for a more effective image.

Black make-up for green eyes

For green eyes, dark makeup in graphite, plum or dark brown, dark green shades will be most relevant. Do not forget to carefully shade the borders of colors, so as not to visually separate the eyes.

green-eyed brunette

Black make-up for gray eyes

Dark gray, smoky shades are perfect for gray eyes. They will perfectly emphasize the depth of the color of your eyes, make the look more open and radiant.

Black make- up for brown eyes

For brown eyes, choose rich chocolate shades that highlight all the mystery and mysterious look. Such make-up, filled with liquid shadows, which give the century a glossy shine, looks especially advantageous. This will emphasize the special “moisture” of the look, filling it with bottomless charm.

brown-eyed beauty

Choosing black makeup for blue, gray, green or brown eyes, do not dwell on any one particular technique. Experiment, look for your version of the technique of application, color solution or non-trivial execution. Let your eye makeup become a work of art for you, not a daily duty. Perhaps it is your version of the makeup with black shadows will become the trend of the next season!

Video: master class on creating black eye makeup