Audrey hepburn makeup


Makeup Audrey Hepburn

The famous fragile beauty with deer eyes, Audrey Hepburn (Audrey Hepburn), for more than one decade has been a symbol of a fairy tale, realized. Growing up in difficult conditions, suffering from anorexia and severe depression, she became one of the most popular Hollywood stars and a trendsetter. Even today, there are many women who want to imitate the actress and look as refined as she is. That is why Audrey Hepburn style makeup is particularly successful. Modest but sexy at the same time, make up Audrey Hepburn is appropriate both in a festive atmosphere and in everyday life. According to the representatives of the stronger sex, Audrey Hepburn is one of the most stylish and feminine public figures of the last century.

Audrey style

Petite skinny Audrey looked attractive and luxurious in the clothes of absolutely any style and cut. However, Audrey Hepburn's style was considered very bright. One of its main components was an ideal posture, worked out by long efforts. The main colors in the palette of her wardrobe were relatively neutral blue, pink, black, white and brown. Skillfully combining the listed colors in her clothes, accessories and make-up, the girl knew how to create a flawless look and highlight the merits of her appearance. 

Focusing on convenience, simplicity and elegance, the girl made distinctive details of her style in wearing comfortable ballet shoes, elegant gloves above the elbow made of silk, bell skirts, sarafans, strict sheath dresses and trapezoid jackets. Audrey Hepburn's style is full of nobility and is close to the French understanding of the ideal. However, the public loved the celebrity not only for impeccable style. 

audrey hepburn make up

Nature endowed Audrey with ideal data — a regular face shape, full sensual lips, mysterious eyes with an exciting cut. Her beauty still haunts neither women nor men. What can we say about the peak times of its popularity, when films with the star's participation were revised ten times, and cards with its image decorated each dressing table. Every fashionista tried to repeat the makeup of Audrey Hepburn and become like her idol.

How to make makeup Audrey Hepburn 

The star has always been distinguished by the ability to look young and radiant, in which cosmetics helped her. Makeup Audrey Hepburn has always been perfect and full of harmony. In order to recreate the image of a beautiful woman with deer eyes at home, you should familiarize yourself with several rules set forth in this manual.

Tonal basis

  • First of all, makeup in the style of Audrey Hepburn is distinguished by careful skin leveling. It is performed in stages, starting with the masking of defects and redness of the dermis.
  • Then the face is completely flattened with a thin layer of liquid cream powder. It is very important to apply only those shades of tonal resources that are most similar to the natural skin color.
  • Blush applied according to the classical scheme - on the cheekbones and cheeks. The color of this cosmetic should be chosen in such a way that it imitates the natural healthy state of the skin.

audrey hepburn with bright eye makeup


Despite the fact that nature endowed Audrey with thick beautiful eyebrows, make-up artists often tinted her eyebrows. To do this, they used the tonal means of dark shades. On closer examination of photos with a star, you can see that she practically did not use shadows. In fact, Audrey Hepburn's make-up was created using subtle, pale pink shades. They practically blend in with the skin, but allow you to make the image more delicate and fragile. 

Eye makeup

In order to do makeup like Audrey Hepburn with your own hands, you need to stock up on several shades of eyeliner pencils. The star used gray to highlight the outer corners and white or pale beige to tint the inner corners. To emphasize the almond shape of the eyes, a brown pencil was used. They drew a line that was very thin at the inner corner of the eyes and extended closer to the outside. 


Another secret to Audrey is false eyelashes. To repeat the makeup like Audrey Hepburn, you need to stick long and thick lining, and then paint them with regular or lengthening mascara. Performing this manipulation, it is very important not to hurry and act step by step. 

girls with makeup like Audrey Hepburn

Lip makeup

Audrey's lip make-up is notable for its simplicity and moderation. Instead of bright make-up in the style of the style, the beauty used matte lipstick of muted shades. To visually increase the length of the upper lip, the girl drew an arrow with a pencil.

Video: Audrey Hepburn master make-up class