Beautiful, stylish and modern hairstyles and not only
Banana make-up is a technique that should be mastered by all women who consider their eyes not wide enough or large enough. This reception received its name due to the external similarity of the arc along which the shadows are applied, with a tasty …
Read more →Ombre makeup is a fashion trend that will never lose its relevance. You can make such a make-up with any colors, which means that it is suitable for any event, be it a regular visit to the office or a night party at the club. What is an ombre The …
Read more →Red-haired girls are beautiful! They are at the same time a mass of various characteristics, they are confident and extravagant, seductive and innocent. By right, they can be called insidious temptresses, because it is the red-skinned “beasts” who …
Read more →Girls who have a triangular face, which looks like a heart, are often interested in the question - what shape of eyebrows for a triangular face suits them? Let's see what it is - the correct shape of the eyebrows for a triangular face? First, we will …
Read more →With the help of decorative cosmetics, you can transform the face –– adjust the features, make it more expressive, hide minor flaws and reveal merits. Artfully made at home decorative makeup completes the image and brings together all its details. …
Read more →Brow Henna - Henna is a new cosmetic product that has become a real discovery in the world of makeup. Research in the field of cosmetology has shown that this tool allows you to create on the eyebrows the unique effect of a real tattoo without harm …
Read more →Such a technique as a lifting make-up was invented by makeup artists and its main task was to give a face a fresh, healthy and cheerful look. She is a professional makeup artist service and is somewhat reminiscent of makeup techniques that are …
Read more →How to make contouring as natural and unobtrusive as possible in order to avoid the ambiguous glory of Kardashian and at the same time take advantage of her work, we'll talk in this article. In order for the contouring of the person to succeed and …
Read more →Blue eyes have long been considered a symbol of purity and innocence, these qualities are especially well in harmony with the image of the bride. Relatively recently, newfangled trends in wedding styles have appeared, which continue to gain …
Read more →Already for half a century, eastern women have won prizes in the famous beauty contest "Miss World" more than 20 times. This is due not only to their innate beauty, a special oriental makeup plays a crucial role in this. Beauties of the east prefer …
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