Zizi braid weave
What are pigtails zizi?
Zizi braids are a kind of ready-made afro braids that you just need to weave into your hair. Zizi have quite a lot of advantages. They give the opportunity to enjoy an unusual hairstyle everything, even to owners of rather short haircuts. After all, for interweaving zizy you need at least 5 cm of your own hair. Zizi braids are very light, they do not burden the head, like braids from their own hair.
Moreover, with the proper use and care of this material can be used several times, so they can also be considered economical. And it will take much less time to interweave the zizi than to weave an afro braid. In general, not braids, but a pleasure. That is why they are widely popular among those who decide on a similar hairstyle.
Types of braids zizi
Smooth braids zizi.
Zizi corrugation - braids, made of very small curlicues.
Zizi Sue - braids, decorated with large curls. Zizi Sue form a very voluminous curly hairstyle.
Zizi wavy - pigtails of a smooth wavy form.
Braid zizi
At first glance, it seems that weaving an afro braid is easy and simple, but this is absolutely not the case. After all, the process of creating this hairstyle is quite scrupulous and time consuming. Professionals, weaving them often work in pairs. More than half a thousand braids are woven to the hair, plus a neat pattern is created on the head, which is not something everyone can do either. Therefore, it is customary to trust such work to masters. Especially since this hairstyle for one day, and at least a month.
In a nutshell about weaving technology
There are two main methods of weaving zizi braids: point and dreyd. Point is usually used with a rather short length of one's own hair, but in order to weave through dreyd hair, at least medium length is necessary. In some cases, these two technologies are combined.
Weaving zizi step by step
- Immediately before weaving my hair, dry, carefully comb.
- We separate the neat strands of about half a cm in thickness, and each of them alternately weave two pigtails folded in half in zizy. It is quite simple to do this, the main thing is to make a loop at the base more tightly, so that in the future the braids would not slip.
- We weave braids to the end of our own hair, the ends are fastened with a loop.
- That's basically all, nothing essentially and complicated, but in fact is not so simple.
Zizi braids hairstyles
Zizi braids are still good because they are quite thin and you can make all sorts of different hairstyles with them, no less than haircuts have as many hair options. And the view is even more interesting due to their structure. Even with the usual smooth zizi braids, you can always twist it with a curling iron or make a corrugation.